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Andrea Janice Weatherly, also known as Aunt Andrea, Mrs. Oliver and Andrea Janice Oliver is a cold-blooded professional serial killer and is also an overarching villainess who made her first debut since Scooby-Doo! and Teen Titans: The Wicked Matriarch. She the eldest of the three infamous, sleazy, evil and immoral Weatherly sisters and also the immoral, cruel and infamous sister-in-law and eternal arch-nemesis of Johnny Oliver (Peter's eldest brother), Kevin Oliver, Michael Oswalt, and Bryce McInnis.


Being the eldest of the three infamous, evil, ruthless, vile, merciless, sinister and amoral Weatherly sisters, Andrea is the first-born daughter of Gary and Janice Weatherly, the infamous older sister of Ingrid and Irene Weatherly, the infamous granddaughter of Clyde and Nancy Weatherly, the niece of Warren, Kyle and Samantha Weatherly, the maternal cousin of Jane, Caroline, Jesse Dana Stern, the paternal cousin of, Jonah, Miranda, Andrew and Ashton Weatherly, the adoptive paternal cousin of Fauntleroy Donaldson, the infamous sister-in-law of Kevin Oliver, Johnny Oliver, Michael Oswalt and Bryce McInnis, the infamous daughter-in-law of Herbert and Penelope Oliver, the wife of Peter Oliver, the infamous granddaughter-in-law of Harold and Frieda Oliver, the cousin-in-law of Jacob Roswell, Augustus Raven, Stanley Meeks, Kenneth Howard, Darlene and Donna Weatherly, and the infamous maternal aunt of Nina Oswalt, Norman Oswalt, Kelly Oswalt and Sabrina McInnis.


Like her infamous mother and paternal uncles Janice, Warren and Kyle Weatherly, Andrea is notorious for her sadism, immorality, bigotry, pragmatism, viciousness, cruelty, greed and ruthlessness. Despite her bitterness towards her infamous cousin-in-law Donna Weatherly, she is willing to team up with them in order to defeat or kill their respective brothers-in-law or their common enemies, such as Soldier Boy, Storm Front and Home Lander.



  • "Going somewhere, stupid fool?"
  • "Time to perish, asshole."
  • "What's the matter? Had enough? You're finished already? Please."
  • "What a nuisance. Get out of my sight."
  • "A stupid fool like you can't hope to understand the ways of aunts and nephews." (Andrea to her brother-in-law Michael Oswalt, before fighting him)
  • "Maybe I could call you worse or something." (to her brother-in-law Michael Oswalt, after defeating him)
  • "Did I ask you for history? No." (to Starfire)
  • "Henry Wu murdered your policeman friend. My brother-in-law Michael Oswalt challenged him and he ended up suffered this cruel punishment. Swear your allegiance to me and I will see him... avenged." (Andrea Weatherly lying to the American secret polices about Henry Wu's deception and betrayal)
  • "Was she really important to you?" (Andrea making fun of her paternal aunt's mother-in-law and enemy Jennifer Stern)
  • My mom worked at this damn Chinese American restaurant when I was little, and she would bring home leftovers so my younger sisters and I had enough to eat. When her manager found out about this, he fired her for unknown reason. No warning, no notice at all. He said it was against company policy. She wasn't stealing at all; the food was going to end up in the trash! Which is why the world shows no mercy at all. So why should we? Some people have it good, but the rest of us, we have to fight for every inch of what's right and what's ours. Not just to score a point. For everything, that's all.
  • "Isaac Kenneth Howard, my paternal aunt's grandson." (Andrea to her paternal aunt's grandson and enemy Isaac Howard)
  • "But of course, you hateful bastard." (Andrea to her paternal uncle's elder grandson Dennis Raven)
  • "Imposed yourself on someone else, Dennis." (Andrea to her paternal great-grandparents' grandson and enemy Dennis Raven)
  • "You were a human being once, Poison Ivy." (Andrea to Poison Ivy)
  • "Have you considered why my paternal uncle, your brother-in-law Warren Weatherly choose to betray you in this particular fashion?" (Andrea to her mother Janice Weatherly, referring to Andrea's late paternal uncle and Janice's late brother-in-law Warren Weatherly)
  • "It looks like he has sacrificed himself to give the superpower nations a protection that the Young Justice could not. So the superpower nations could not suffer as had the paper tiger nations." (Andrea discussing her paternal uncle Kyle Weatherly with her mother Janice Weatherly)