Rachel Roth (mother), Oliver Queen (father), Arella Queen(Sister), Robert Queen (Brother), Amanda Hyde (Niece), Zander Hyde (Nephew), Trigon (maternal grandfather), Arella Roth (maternal grandmother)
[[New Earth, Beyond-Verse]]
Base Of Operations
Place of Birth
[[Star City]]
First appearance

Angela Queen joined her brother Robert Queen and sister Arella Queen at Team Arrow as the hero Speedy.
Powers and Abilities
- Unique Physiology: Human/Demon Hybrid
- Superhuman Strength
- Superhuman Durability
- Superhuman Speed
- Self-Sustenance
- Light Manipulation: She has the power and ability to freely control and manipulate light for a variety of purposes. By mentally repulsing photons, Light can create areas of complete darkness. The limits of her powers and abilities are unclear, but she seems to be able to wrest control and manipulation of anything that emits light. Such things have included Green Lantern bright green glowing energy constructs, Superboy's heat vision, and magic lightning from Wonder Girl's lasso. She was also able to take the "internal" light away.
- Invisibility: She can bend the light around her to become invisible.
- Light Arrows: She can generate blasts of yellow glowing energy which she creates into arrows.
- Force Field: She can create yellow glowing force fields.
- Flight
- Energy Absorption: She can also drain ambient light in any area.
- Electromagnetic Energy Conversion: She can morph herself into a pure light energy consciousness and have complete control over her own substance.
- Density Control: while in a 3-dimensional light form she can control her own tangibility structure in various ways. She can be translucent like a hologram or be as inconsistent as hard light.
- Illusion Casting
- Psychic Link: Twin link to her brother.
- Light Energy Healing: This process can also be used to heal damage that her physical form has already sustained.
- Photoportation
- Light Clones: She can created clones of herself.
Strength level
None known.
Equipment: None known.
Transportation: Speedy Cycle Is really a light construct created by Speedy's powers.
- Bow:
- No special notes.
- No trivia.
See Also
- Appearances of Angela Queen (Chronological)
- Appearances of Angela Queen (Unordered)
- Character Gallery: Angela Queen
- Fan-Art Gallery: Angela Queen
- Quotations by Angela Queen
Discover and Discuss
- Search News for: Speedy&searchx=Search Speedy · Angela Queen · Angela Queen
Links and References
- None.
[[Category:New Earth, Beyond-Verse]]
Team Arrow member![]() This character is or was a member of the Green Arrow family of vigilante super-heroes, who fight crime using archery and martial arts. They are a loose connection brought together through family bonds and shared experiences. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Team Arrow members." |