- Neo Gotham City; Formerly Platinum Flats and Metropolis
Huntress married Question and had two children: Daryl and Joanna. Joanna grew up married Ira Billings, a school psychologist at Hamilton Hill High School. They had the girl named Blade. Their relationship didn't work out because Ira Billing became the villain Spellbinder, Jonna left to Rome and took baby Blade with her and change her last name to Szasz, that was Jonna maiden name. Blade was formerly trained how to fight by her uncle Daryl Szasz. He is a member of Blackhawks, a clandestine military unit funded by the United Nations. When Blade was little she would get into a lot of fights had a reputation as a troublemaker. Blade Szasz became the hero Spellcaster a member of Young Justice Beyond in 2057.
Blade is pretty much a badass girl version of Damian with different skills and weapons. She wears a mask like Question but is secretive and psychologically smart like Batman. She will have a black crossbow with martial arts training. Dating Josh Kent.
Powers and Abilities
- Peak Human Condition: Spellcaster works hard to keep her body in peak physical condition.
- Psychology
- Archery: Spellcaster carries her trademark crossbows on her at all times. Whether they're dual mounted mini-crossbows or one large crossbow is up to her as she has proficiency to use both. She's once used a single bolt to split a bullet in two.
- Firearms: Over the years Spellcaster realized that firing and reloading bolts at armed individuals may not be the most effective even if they were the most non-lethal. She's adapted her arsenal over time to include various firearms.
- Stick Fighting: Although she prefers to use her martial arts and hand-to-hand combat when it comes to close quarters there has been many occasions where Spellcaster has used her Battle-Staff to taken on multiple enemies.
- Swordsmanship
- Throwing
- Criminology: She study criminology to understand better her father.
- Driving: Spellcaster is an effective driver, able to pilot a hovercar in high stress and combat situations as well as her own hovercycle at varying degrees of above-average driving situations (being shot at, accelerating to high speeds).
- Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced): Spellcaster is very much a street fighter, before honing her skills in martial arts and kung fu she spent many years getting into intentional fights just to prove and test her mettle. Easily capable of incapacitating large groups of criminals and has knocked out trained policemen and soldiers with minimal effort. She has enough skill to take down two vicious attack-dogs and their highly-trained owner spontaneously, one after the other.
- Investigation:
- Martial Arts: One of the first steps on her adventuring career was to learn and enhance her fighting style. She learned various disciplines of martial arts She prefers to use a specific kind of Kung Fu learned from Daryl Szasz.
- Dragon Style Kung Fu: One of the many disciplines she has learned is Dragon Style Kung Fu.
- Aikido
- Multilingualism: She can speak English, Kryptonian, Russian, French, Japanese, Chinese and Italian fluently.
- Stealth: Spellcaster can be very stealthy when she needs to. With her specially outfitted suit and various toys in her utility belt she can sneak into a facility and learn whatever information she desires although she sometimes prefers to fight her way in.
- Acrobatics: Although not quite on par with people like Nightwing, she has shown to be a proficient acrobat, and has used this skill to survive a fatal fall by rebounding off building sides and somersaulting to create more drag. She, like many other non-powered vigilantes, can get around by jumping from rooftop to rooftop.
- Disguise: Spellcaster has and can assume many aliases and has as she describes "many different faces".
- Genius Level Intellect: Spellcaster possesses genius intelligence and has an extremely unpredictable way of thinking. She can make a weapon out of common objects and often uses her mind to win fights.
- Tactical Analysis: She knows how to plan and how to enact said plans.
- Indomitable Will: Her training and lifestyle demanded much determination, and she was rarely known to give up or surrender especially in physical confrontations.
- Interrogation: Her opponents often fear her due to the (arguably true) rumors of her insanity and ruthless tactics.
- Intimidation: She has on many occasions frightened criminals into giving her information she wants, and sometimes resorts to methods that many heroes shy from, life threatening Illusion.
- Computer Hacking:
- Espionage: Trained by uncle.
- Demolitions: Trained by uncle.
Strength level
- Power Limitation: If Spellcaster is blindfolded or cannot see for any reason, her Hypnotic Contacts powers become useless.
- Leporiphobia She has a fear of rabbits.
- Black Crossbow: A small sized crossbow mounted on either or both of her forearms.
- Battle-Staff: A collapsible, combat metallic staff that she has used since the very beginning of her adventures.
- Twin Pistols:
- Throwing Knives: Specially weighted knives for throwing. Each has a Semtex charge in the hilt.
- Utility Belt
- Hypnotic Contacts: Spellcaster's contacts can generate illusions inside someone's mind with a look, as long as her eyes are unrestrained, she has a sphere of power that causes anyone in it to hallucinate about their surroundings. Spellcaster can control these hallucinations with her mind.
- Sonic arrows: She was able to create special sonic blasts, which mades targets more susceptible to her hypnotic suggestions.
- Pseudoderm Mask: A mask that makes her facial features appear blank except for glowing eyes, which can only be removed with a special aerosol spray.
She a mix of Spellbinder, Huntress and the Question.
- No trivia.
See Also
- Appearances of Blade Szasz (Chronological)
- Appearances of Blade Szasz (Unordered)
- Character Gallery: Blade Szasz
- Fan-Art Gallery: Blade Szasz
- Quotations by Blade Szasz
Discover and Discuss
- Search News for: Spellcaster · Blade Szasz · Blade Szasz
Links and References
- None.
Young Justice Beyond member ![]() This character is or was primarily a member of the younger superhero team known as the Young Justice Beyond, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Young Justice Beyond members" category. |