Bruce Wayne aka Batman secretly married Selina Kyle aka Catwoman but they couldn't tell any of the other heroes and villains or else they would be terminated. Later on, Sabrina, Brenda and Damien Wayne were born and they desperately try to keep their family's secret.
Powers and Abilities
None known.
Strength level
Have cat-like instincts and a taste for fish. Also an attraction to shiny things.
Equipment: Her utility belt and-secretly- her cat o' nine tales.
Transportation: None known.
Weapons: Utility Belt with many gadgets, Cat O' Nine Tales, Cat Claws, Batarangs
- No special notes.
-Brenda's clothing is a combination of both her father and mother.
-Brenda is an expert safecracker just like her mother.
-Her story is similar to Cerise Hood from "Ever After High".
-She has a cat as a pet similar to how Cerise has a wolf as a pet.
-She was a childhood friend of Jodi Quest, Jonny Quest's daughter.
-In the webisodes she is voiced by Cricket Leigh who also voiced Mei from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Brenda's Primary Clothing
See Also
- Appearances of Brenda Wayne (Earth 1-616) (Chronological)
- Appearances of Brenda Wayne (Earth 1-616) (Unordered)
- Character Gallery: Brenda Wayne (Earth 1-616)
- Fan-Art Gallery: Brenda Wayne (Earth 1-616)
- Quotations by Brenda Wayne (Earth 1-616)
Discover and Discuss
- Search News for: Brenda Wayne · Brenda Wayne (Earth 1-616)
Links and References
- None.