Courtney Whitmore (born April, 1994) was the first daughter and first child of Barbara Whitmore and her then husband Sam Kurtis. A man who walked out on the both of them when Courtney was only four years old. After that she was raised solely by her mother for most of her young life, until her mother remarried to a man named Patrick "Pat" Dugan, giving Courtney a stepfather, and a little brother in the form of Patricks' son Mike. Which didn't exactly thrill the young girl. Even more so when she and her family moved from the only home she had ever known Valley Village, California all the way to a place known as Blue Valley in Nebraska. This frustrated Courtney to no end and she began acting out. Until one day she happened to discover the Cosmic Staff, which took a liking to her, and allowed her to wield it. Discovering this Pat had no choice but to reveal to his family his association with the superheroes known as the Justice Society of America, which actually brought them all closer. It also inspired Courtney to take up super heroics herself, and thus she designed a costume and began her career, first going by the name Stargirl.
Shortly after which she found herself and her family in dangers from one of the JSA old enemies known as Baron Krieger who had created a new version of the Nazi Regime known as the Fourth Reich. So to combat them Courtney found herself teaming up with members of the JSA. Including new ones apart of her own generation such as legacy members along the likes of Jennifer-Lynn Haden, her twin brother Todd Rice, Rick Tyler, Yolanda Montez, and other new introductions to the group like Beth Chapel, who by working together with defeated Krieger and his Fourth Reich. Then she, along with the other members of her generation became the founders of the third incarnation of the JSA. A move which finally gave the age old superhero team the recognition it deserved.