Damien was born in Gotham City to Bruce Wayne/Batman and Selina Kyle/Catwoman. Just like his two sisters, he had to their family a secret or they would be "terminated". Unlike his dad, however, Damien was more cheerful and mischievous and caused a lot of mischief. He later on formed a relationship with Hailey Quinn despite their father's blood feud. He also once dated a girl named Tanya who turned out to be the daughter of his father's ex-girlfriend Talia al Ghul.
Powers and Abilities
- Genius Level Intellect
- Gymnastics
- Chemistry
- Martial Arts
- Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)
- escape artist
Strength level
None known.
Equipment: The multi function belt
Transportation: His car and plane
Weapons: Batarangs, grapple hooks, smoke grenade, etc
- No special notes.
His story is similar to Aladdin and Peter Pan especially since Damien is more cheerful and mischievous than his father and uses cleverness and trickery to defeat his foes rather than brute force.
-He is based off Damian Wayne from Batman: The Brave and the Bold, especially since they share the same voice actor, Patrick Cavanaugh.
-He feel a bit complexed to be the only one in New holy trinity to don't have powers
See Also
- Appearances of Damien Wayne (Earth 1-616) (Chronological)
- Appearances of Damien Wayne (Earth 1-616) (Unordered)
- Character Gallery: Damien Wayne (Earth 1-616)
- Fan-Art Gallery: Damien Wayne (Earth 1-616)
- Quotations by Damien Wayne (Earth 1-616)
Discover and Discuss
- Search News for: Damien Wayne · Damien Wayne (Earth 1-616)
Links and References
- None.