Dennis Augustus Raven is the main anti-hero of the Scooby-Doo! and Teen Titans series, serving as the titular main anti-hero in Scooby-Doo! and Teen Titans: The Grandson of Katrina Weatherly, the main anti-hero in Scooby-Doo! and Teen Titans: The Return of Augustus Raven and Scooby-Doo! and Teen Titans: The Resurrection of Nancy Weatherly, the titular main villain in Scooby-Doo! and Teen Titans: The Revenge of Dennis Raven, a supporting anti-hero in Scooby-Doo! and Teen Titans: Savage Retribution, and the main anti-hero in Scooby-Doo! and Teen Titans: The Return of Dennis Raven.
Dennis is the infamous, vile, unsympathetic, indifferent, cold-hearted, cruel, sadistic, amoral, ruthless, obnoxious, apathetic, and seemingly racist elder son of Augustus Raven and Miranda Weatherly, the infamous older brother of Dustin Raven, the infamous elder nephew of Jonah Weatherly, the infamous adoptive elder nephew of Fauntleroy Donaldson, the elder grandson of Terence Raven, Emily Raven, Warren and Katrina Weatherly, the infamous grand-nephew of Daryl Raven, Kyle, Samantha and Gary Weatherly, and the infamous and amoral great-grandson of Clyde and Nancy Weatherly.
Like his infamous mother and maternal grandmother Miranda and Katrina Weatherly, Dennis is notorious for his sadism, bigotry, viciousness, cruelty, immorality, amorality, ruthlessness, and greed.
- Augustus Raven (father and arch-nemesis; disowned)
- Miranda Weatherly (mother)
- Dustin Raven (younger brother)
- Terence Raven (paternal grandfather; deceased)
- Emily Raven (paternal grandmother)
- Warren Weatherly (maternal grandfather; deceased)
- Katrina Weatherly (maternal grandmother; deceased)
- Unnamed paternal great-grandparents (deceased)
- Clyde Weatherly (maternal great-grandfather; deceased)
- Nancy Weatherly (maternal great-grandmother and enemy; deceased)
- Daryl Raven (paternal grandaunt and enemy; disowned)
- Kyle Weatherly (maternal grand-uncle; deceased)
- Samantha Weatherly (maternal grandaunt)
- Gary Weatherly (maternal grand-uncle)
- Jane Stern (first cousin once removed; deceased)
- Caroline Stern (second cousin once removed)
- Naomi Roswell (distant maternal cousin)
- Alfred Roswell (distant maternal cousin)
- Felicia Roswell (distant maternal cousin)
- Isaac Howard (distant maternal cousin)
- Gina Howard (distant maternal cousin)
- Nina Oswalt (distant maternal cousin)
- Norman Oswalt (distant maternal cousin)
- Kelly Oswalt (distant maternal cousin)
- Sabrina McInnis (distant maternal cousin)
- Melvin Stern (maternal granduncle by marriage)
- Lena Weatherly (maternal grandaunt by marriage)
- Janice Weatherly (maternal grandaunt by marriage)
- Paula Weatherly (maternal aunt by marriage)
- Jacob Roswell (first cousin-in-law once removed)
- Stanley Meeks (second cousin-in-law once removed)
- Kenneth Howard (third cousin-in-law once removed)
- Peter Oliver (fourth cousin-in-law once removed)
- Michael Oswalt (fifth cousin-in-law once removed)
- Darlene Weatherly (sixth cousin-in-law once removed)
- Donna Weatherly (seventh cousin-in-law once removed)
- Bryce McInnis (eighth cousin-in-law once removed)
- Unnamed maternal cousins
- "But I'm afraid you've been chosen, Darlene. Much to my delight." (Dennis to his maternal grandfather's first niece-in-law and long-standing bitter enemy Darlene Weatherly)
- "So, why does my maternal grandmother, your sister-in-law Katrina Weatherly values you?" (Dennis to his maternal grand-uncle and enemy Kyle Weatherly, referring to Dennis's infamous maternal grandmother and Kyle's infamous sister-in-law Katrina Weatherly)
- "Because many others disliked you, that's all." (Dennis Raven making fun of his maternal grand-uncle Kyle Weatherly)
- "My maternal grand-uncle, your paternal uncle, Kyle Weatherly shows you a favor." (to his maternal grand-uncle's niece, Ingrid Weatherly)
- "What the hell do you want, Donna Weatherly?" (Dennis Raven vs. Donna Weatherly)
- My mom used to worked at this fucking Chinese restaurant when I was little, and she would bring home leftovers so my younger brother and I had enough to eat. When her manager found out about this, he fired her for unknown reason. No warning, no notice at all. He said it was against company policy. She wasn't stealing at all; the food was going to end up in the trash! Which why the world shows no mercy. So why should we? Some people have it good, but the rest of us, we have to fight for every inch of what's ours. Not just to score a point. For everything, that's all. (Dennis Raven reveals his true nature to his maternal grandfather's grandnephew, Isaac Howard)
- "Stop right there, Peter Herbert Oliver, before you doomed all of us!" (alerting his maternal grandfather's nephew-in-law and enemy Peter Oliver after escaping from the endless darkness)
- "What the hell do you want, Ingrid Allison Weatherly?" (Dennis Raven vs. Ingrid Weatherly)
- "A pity he still stinks of pig." (referring to Peter Griffin)
- "It looks like the hourglass awaits us." (to Kyle and Katrina Weatherly, about the hourglass)
- "Killing Sal Maroni is my destiny. Yours is to serve me."
- "So, you still resent me, Darlene?" (Dennis to his maternal grandfather's first niece-in-law Darlene Weatherly)
- "So, what brings you guys to Okinawa?" (Dennis to Lifty and Shifty)
- "Hate to bust Uncle Kyle's older brother." (Dennis to his maternal grandfather and enemy Warren Weatherly)
- "Imposed yourself on someone else, Darlene." (Dennis to his maternal grandfather's first niece-in-law Darlene Weatherly)
- "Hate to bust Uncle Kyle's niece." (Dennis to his maternal granduncle's niece and enemy Andrea Weatherly)
- "So, my maternal great-grandfather, your paternal grandfather Clyde Weatherly sends you against me?" (Dennis to his maternal great-grandfather's grandson Andrew Weatherly)
- "It looks like you've been seduced by deceptions, Andrew." (Dennis to his maternal grandfather's nephew and enemy Andrew Weatherly)
- "Serving Kyle Weatherly is foolish, don't you think?" (Dennis to his maternal grandfather's second niece-in-law and enemy Donna Weatherly)
- "Hate to bust my my maternal grandfather's niece." (Dennis to his maternal grandfather's niece and hateful enemy Andrea Weatherly)
- "I was imagined that she was about to betrayed me again." (Dennis to his maternal granduncle Kyle Weatherly, telling him that his maternal grandmother, Kyle's sister-in-law Katrina Weatherly doesn't want to see him)
- "That's enough, Dustin! Storytime is already over! You hear me?!" (Dennis to his younger brother Dustin Raven, telling him that story time is already over)
- "Is Garfield Logan a competent fighter?" (Dennis to Raven Roth)
- "Perhaps he'll served as my personal assassin." (Dennis to to Raven Roth, telling her that he will have Garfield Logan under his control)
- "You killed her friends, didn't you? And now she'll follow you into hell. Just to make sure that she's on that fishing boat. My maternal grandfather's niece Darlene Weatherly must be at the karate tournament. (Dennis to Captain Tiger, referring to Darlene Weatherly)
- "Alone again, Jennifer? As long as I'm around, you'll never be alone." (Dennis taunting his maternal grandaunt's mother-in-law Jennifer Stern)