Secret origins
Doc Savage full name is Clark Savage, Jr., and the son of scientist and adventurer Clark Savage, Sr. Clark Savage had no special powers, but was both physically and mentally trained from birth by his father and a team of scientists to become the perfect human specimen. He thus possesses peak human capabilities as well as a genius level intellect.
Under his father's guidance he gained a mastery of numerous fields. HIs original training was as a surgeon, but he was equally skilled in chemistry, electricity, engineering, archeology, and many others. It is frequently mentioned in the adventures that Doc Savage would spend two hours everyday working on his mind and body to further improve his capabilities. This went beyond just physical tests of strength, but also mental exercises in mathematics, identifying certain odors, and testing his hearing.
His father is murdered in the lead-up to the first adventure, The Man of Bronze.
During his various missions Doc has come to rely on a group of five people which are affectionately called the 'fabulous five'. They were experts in their given fields: Andrew Blodgett "Monk" Mayfair (chemistry), Theodore "Ham" Marley Brooks (law), John "Renny" Renwick (civil engineering), Thomas "Long Tom" Roberts (electrical engineering) and William Harper "Johnny" Littlejohn (archeology). Together they fought with Doc in World War I.
He set up a base on the 86th floor of a world famous New York skyscraper (implied but never outright stated as the Empire State Building). For security reasons he installed a private high-speed elevator which alone can reach his office. Doc owns a fleet of cars, trucks, aircraft, and boats which he stores at a secret hangar on the Hudson River, under the name The Hidalgo Trading Company, which is linked to his office by a pneumatic-tube system nicknamed the "flea run." He sometimes retreats to his Fortress of Solitude in the Arctic—which pre-dates Superman's similar Fortress of Solitude of the same name.
Early on in his career, the criminals captured by Doc received "a delicate brain operation" to remove their criminal tendencies. The criminals returned to society fully productive and unaware of their criminal past. He gave up this practice due to the morale implications it held.
Some of his inventions are the super soldier serum, which gave rise to captain america. He is also credited for founding the first superhero team, the Justice Society of America.
None known.
Genius Level Intellect: Doc Savage is a brilliant, virtually peerless, detective, inventor, surgeon, strategist, scientist, and tactician.
- Science
- Mechanical Aptitude
- Medical Science
- Tactical Analysis
- Investigation
- Eidetic Memory: Doc Savage has total recall and can remember anything in great detail.
Polymath: He is an expert in many fields such as Chemistry, Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Geology, Archeology, Astronomy, Law, and many more.
- Multilingualism: He is able to speak Spanish, French, Latin, German, Japanese, English, Russian, Cantonese, Mandarin, Greek, Portuguese, Arabic, Sanskrit, Hindi, Thai and possibly more.
- Marksmanship: Savage is an expert marksman and if need be, he will use a gun. Doc Savage will go to great lengths to avoid killing, but he has been known to kill when there were no alternatives.
- Driving: Savage is skilled at driving many vehicles like cars, motor bikes, trucks and he is also skillful at driving jets, helicopters, auto boats, and small ships.
Strength level
None known.
- Body Armor
- Iodine Vapor
- Clover seed
- Anaesthetic gas
- Transparent diving helmet
- Thermite
- Glass-walled anesthetic gas grenades the size of robin's eggs
- Lock-picking tool set
- Silk line & rubber-coated grappling hook
- Hypodermic kit including truth serum vials
- Smoke grenades
- a pencil-thin collapsible periscope which can be converted into either a telescope or a microscope by switching accessory lenses. With lenses removed it also can be used as an underwater snorkel
- Fog bombs that deposit a dust that emits a green glow when exposed to ultraviolet light
- Chalk that writes invisibly, but becomes visible when exposed to ultraviolet light
- A vial of red solution that resembles blood
Transportation: None known.
Weapons: Machine Pistols
- Light-spot Cartridges
- High power explosive grenades the size of ball bearings
- Mercy Bullets
- No special notes.
- No trivia.
See Also
- Appearances of Doc Savage (Chronological)
- Appearances of Doc Savage (Unordered)
- Character Gallery: Doc Savage
- Fan-Art Gallery: Doc Savage
- Quotations by Doc Savage
Discover and Discuss
- Search News for: Doctor Clark Savage · Clark Savage Jr. · Doc Savage
Links and References
- None.