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This article, Garth (Earth-41417), is property of MarvelousMarty.
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Garth (Earth-41417)
Real Name
Current Alias

Lord Garth, Aqualad, Garth Bernstein, Aquaman, Blue Sorcerer, Purple Serpent



Aquaman Family, Atlantis:
Royal Council of Atlantis; Titans (formerly Teen Titans) (founding member and mentor), Justice League (reserve); formerly The Others (co-founder, defunct), Sentinels of Magic, Silent School (alumnus and mutual benefactor)

Garn Daanuth (ancestor),
Thar (father, deceased),
Berra (mother),
Atlanna (legal guardian),
Orin (legal guardian),
Slizzath (paternal uncle, deceased),
Delphis (wife),
Cerdian (son);
Tula Marius (ex-girlfriend),
Donna Troy (ex-girlfriend)


Base Of Operations
Atlantean Royal Palace, Poseidonis, Atlantis; Shayeris, Hidden Valley; Justice League Watchtower; formerly Titans Tower





Unusual Features
Gills on his body

Atlantean Idylist

Marital Status

Adventurer, Sorcerer, Scholar; formerly Soldier, Vigilante, Royal Advisor, Warrior

Atlantean warrior and superhero hailed from the Idylist Tribe with Homo Magi lineage

Place of Birth
Shayeris, Hidden Valley, Atlantic Ocean

First appearance

Dynamic Comics: Aquaman Vol 1 3


Garth (born January 1989) was the son of Lord Thar and Lady Berra, then leaders of the pacifist Atlantean tribe called the Idylists, residing in a far-off Atlantean province known as the Hidden Valley. A decade prior to his birth, Garth's own paternal uncle Slizzath was envious and resentful of his older brother, Thar, due to his capability and position as the patriarch of their province. Slizzath was an adept sorcerer, eventually using his extensive mystical skills and knowledge in order to carry out his nefarious schemes against his own brother through spells and mere deception by slowly driving Thar paranoid and distrustful of his own royal followers in their council for making him suspect that he had his usurpers. To make matters worse, some of the council were also deceived by Slizzath's associates into doubting their lord for his behavior and questionable decisions as a response to protect his family and people from those who intended to overthrow him. When Thar and his council were at their most vulnerable, Slizzath began his attack by unleashing an army of undead into their province. Thar was able to defeat Slizzath and eradicate his army in time, but irreversible damage has already been done since his most of his followers chose to oust him nevertheless, believing that he was somehow involved with his own brother's invasion so he could keep his throne by fabricating a siege where he got to be the savior of the incident. Thar was fatally injured in his usurpation, although he was able to get his wife, Lady Berra, to safety and escape the Hidden Valley for Atlantis to his last breath.

In the capital of Poseidonis, Berra raised Garth with the rest of the mainline Atlanteans, although his notable differences as an Idylist, such as his purple eyes and additional gills, made him be perceived inferior by native purists and traditionalists. When his mother had disappeared after being exiled due to a crime she didn't commit, he was taken in by Queen Atlanna herself, enrolling him in the prestige Silent School after seeing his talent and high potential in magic as a Homo Magi. When Atlanna was angrily executed and presumed dead by her own husband, then King Orvax Marius, after finding out that she had a son from the surface world. In honor of his guardian, Garth grew up continuing to serve and train in the Royal Council in the well-intentioned but unlikely hopes that he could become strong and skilled enough to confront and overthrow Marius and free his people from his xenophobic traditions and authoritarian rule. After Orvax's sudden passing, his and Atlanna's son Orm succeeded his place on the throne when Garth had reached middle adolescence. There were times Garth was tempted to assassinate Orm during his service in the palace, but he couldn't due to his affection for the king's younger sister, Tula, who Garth had befriended during his time at the Silent School.

But over time, Garth's goal and perseverance were not for naught, as he would find a new trusted ally, mentor, and friend in the form of Atlanna's firstborn son, Arthur Curry, had made his way to Atlantis after choosing to embrace his Atlantean heritage during his upbringing as a superhero who would eventually be known to the surface world as the Aquaman. Despite King Orm's attempts to keep Curry away from the heart of Atlantis, Garth looked up to the selfless and courageous hero, joining him and his closest allies in their objectives to stop Orm from launching a cataclysmic war against surface civilization while also dealing with surface dwellers who intended to invade and exploit the oceans and their resources. Even Orm's sister Tula saw the errors of his brother's ways, secretly offering her assistance to Arthur when she found out his good intentions, while also becoming closer with Garth. In this new chapter of his life, Garth offered himself to be a protege of Arthur when he helped the latter and Mera fight Orm's guards and escape Atlantis. After Orm was finally bested and overthrown by Arthur in trial by combat, Garth began to accompany Arthur during his missions and adventures outside Atlantis. On the surface, he first encountered superheroes who knew Aquaman.

Powers and Abilities



Strength level

Class 400+




  • Royal Atlantean Armor

Transportation: None known.


  • No special notes.


  • No trivia.

See Also

  • Appearances of Garth (Earth-41417) (Chronological)
  • Appearances of Garth (Earth-41417) (Unordered)
  • Character Gallery: Garth (Earth-41417)
  • Fan-Art Gallery: Garth (Earth-41417)
  • Quotations by Garth (Earth-41417)

Discover and Discuss

Links and References

  • None.

Aquaman 005
Aquaman Family member

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Teen Titans member

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Justice League 0002
Justice League member

This character is or was a member of the Justice League of America, or the Justice League in any of its various incarnations, sworn by a duty to act as guardians of America and the world by using their skills and/or superpowers to protect Earth from both interstellar and domestic threats.
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