Green Arrow, otherwise known as Oliver Queen, is a Star City vigilante who rose up to fight gangsters, insane criminals, and even other worldly threats.

Moira Dearden Queen (Mother - Deceased) Walter Steele (Godfather) Liam Dearden (Uncle - Deceased) Isabel Dearden (Aunt - Deceased) Thea Queen (Sister) Emiko Queen (Biological Daughter) Roy Harper (Adopted Son) Dinah Lance (Wife)
Nyssa al Ghul (Ex-Wife)
Secret orgins
Oliver Queen was fortunate to be born into the powerful Queen family of Star City where he spent his youth in private schools and enjoying extracurricular activities like lacrosse, archery, rowing, and fencing. Oliver was a naturally gifted athlete and excelled at any physical activity, especially those requiring eye-to-hand coordination. Oliver would often join his father on exotic hunting trips around the world. It was during one such safari that tragedy struck the Queen family, when Robert and Moira Queen, Oliver’s parents, were mauled by a lion which Oliver had failed to kill due to his gun jamming. When the lion turned its attention to Oliver’s infant sister, Thea, Oliver managed to kill the lion using his father’s bow.
Back home, Thea was taken in by relatives while Oliver began preparing to inherit the reins of his father’s company, Queen Consolidated. After graduating high school, Oliver was given control of the family fortune and began to earn his reputation as a playboy and thrill-seeker, often throwing lavish parties aboard his yacht, “The Queen’s Gambit”. During his twenty-first birthday party aboard the yacht, Oliver became a victim of the League of Assassins. Ra's al Ghul had dispatched his assassins to infiltrate the ranks of Oliver’s crew and guests, and after poisoning Oliver, they murdered the uninitiated persons aboard the ship and scuttle the vessel to cover up the abduction of Oliver Queen.
The assassins brought Oliver to an uncharted island training camp. Ra’s al Ghul indented to train Oliver Queen to be a secondary heir in the same manner of Bruce Wayne, but Oliver had an allergic reaction to the poison used during his abduction, forcing the League to use a Lazarus Pit to prevent his death. Upon recovery, Oliver’s eyes turned green (a prophetic trait he shared with Ra’s al Ghul), earning him the nickname “Akhdir” or “The Green” which made him of interest to Ra’s al Ghul’s occult-minded daughter, Nyssa al Ghul, who chose Oliver over the more capable Bruce Wayne. Upon completion of his training, Oliver Queen became an assassin in service of the League of Assassins, taking on the name “Al Sah-him”, or “The Arrow”. Wedded to Nyssa al Ghul, Oliver Queen was in direct competition to Bruce Wayne to inherit Ra’s al Ghul title. Their rivalry pushed both of them and while Bruce excelled at most things, he could never best Oliver’s natural affinity with archery, hunting, and fencing. Eventually, the two became close friends and would often be on assignments together. When Oliver’s hedonism and carefree nature led Ra’s al Ghul to name Bruce Wayne as heir, Oliver held no grudge and was happy to enjoy the luxuries of his position among the Assassins’ elite. Though neither Bruce or Oliver discuss the reasons for their leaving the League, I have learned that Oliver fathered two children during his time in the League; one of which was not with Nyssa, so that may have led to Oliver’s choice to flee from the League, in fear of being given the “Matt Hagen” treatment by Ra’s al Ghul.
Returning to Star City, Oliver orchestrated a cover story for his five-year absence, claiming he had been shipwrecked aboard a deserted island. For a time, Oliver lived the life of a playboy back from the dead and reunited with his sister, Thea. Eventually, Oliver’s paranoia that the League would retaliate led him to hire a security team, led by an ex-special forces operative, John Diggle. Oliver and John became best friends and when news reports came in from Gotham City about a vigilante, Oliver recognized the work of his old friend Bruce. Oliver decided to follow Bruce’s example. With the help of Diggle, Oliver crafted the alter-ego as the Green Arrow. Taking cues from Batman, Oliver also crafted an Arrow-Cave, Arrowmobile, and even took in a ward to serve as a sidekick. Over time, Team Arrow grew to include a poor man’s Oracle (a hacker named Felicity Smoak) and a parade of other runaway sidekicks.
Eventually, Oliver met the love of his life, a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent known as Black canary helped found the Justice League, and even was elected mayor of Star City for a term. Following a sting in public office, Oliver decided to sell his family’s company to Wayne Enterprises and use the money to fund his war on crime full-time.
Powers and Abilities
None known.
None known.
Strength level
None known.
Equipment: None known.
Transportation: None known.
Weapons: None known.
- No special notes.
- No trivia.
See Also
- Appearances of Green Arrow (Chronological)
- Appearances of Green Arrow (Unordered)
- Character Gallery: Green Arrow
- Fan-Art Gallery: Green Arrow
- Quotations by Green Arrow
Discover and Discuss
- Search News for: Oliver Queen · Green Arrow
Links and References
- None.
Team Arrow member![]() This character is or was a member of the Green Arrow family of vigilante super-heroes, who fight crime using archery and martial arts. They are a loose connection brought together through family bonds and shared experiences. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Team Arrow members." |