Hailey was born to The Joker and Harley Quinn who got married. She had two sisters and one brother who were just as crazy as their parents unlike her. To make matters worse, when she went to school she developed a crush on a boy who happened to be the son of her father's worst enemy.
Powers and Abilities
Genius Level Intellect She is good at Chemistry.
Strength level
Dark Sense of Humor She shares her parents sense of humor, and is mostly playing pranks on everyone.
Equipment: Magic Pockets: pockets with no end. (unknown if she created them or stole them.)
Transportation: None known.
Weapons: Mallet without or with spring loaded boxing glove , liquid soap flower, ink or superglue guns, joybuzzer, baseball bat, etc.
- No special notes.
-Hailey's friendship with Rose Isley is similar to their mother's friendship.
-Her clothing is similar to one that Harley wears.
-She is voiced by Tara Strong who has voiced Harley Quinn in the Arkhamverse series, Injustice: Gods Among Us, and DC Superhero Girls.
-She is based off Madeline Hatter from "Ever After High" especially since they both break the fourth wall by talking to the narrators and is also similar to Evie from "Descendants."
-She shares her mother's dislike of fish, but is still friends with Ariel Curry.
-She has a pet hyena named jester
See Also
- Appearances of Hailey Quinn (Earth 1-616) (Chronological)
- Appearances of Hailey Quinn (Earth 1-616) (Unordered)
- Character Gallery: Hailey Quinn (Earth 1-616)
- Fan-Art Gallery: Hailey Quinn (Earth 1-616)
- Quotations by Hailey Quinn (Earth 1-616)
Discover and Discuss
- Search News for: Hailey Quinn · Hailey Hermione Quinzel · Hailey Quinn (Earth 1-616)
Links and References
- None.