Singular Rider: Arkham Origins
Singular Rider: Arkham
Singular Rider: Arkham 2
Singular Rider: Arkham 3
Singular Rider REBOOT Arkham
After Samuel Nakaoka the Second's death when Joker's legacy was ceased forever, Harley became fully main protagonist when she realizes that Samuel Nakaoka's Singular Rider equipment were stolen by her men. Angry at her men stoles the equipment, she secretly escapes her jail cell and attacked them. As Harley notices Samuel Nakaoka's death because of infection of Joker Virus and suicide in explosion, she talks the man about Samuel Nakaoka's death. Knowing about Batman supposedly dead and realize someone manipulates Batman, she decides to redeems her role and put on Samuel Nakaoka the Second's Rider equipment to transform into a new Singular Rider The RE-BIRTHS (also code-name Singular Rider REBOOT).
As Singular Rider REBOOT, she equips Breakride Singusword and Voice Synthesizer (also named Voice Synchronzer) in order to locate Samuel Nakaoka's untested portal before she accidentally sent to the alternate future Gotham City. However, she was shocked about Gotham City's terrible fate and people were killed by someone. Suddenly, the monster resembles to Titan called Dark Mutant only it unfinished version of the monster. She manages to knock the monster down into the ruined underground sewers. Harleen proceeds her explore to the alternate Gotham City only she finds the harmful Dark Mutant attacking the thugs and manages to defeat it. Harleen realize that the Dark Mutant's DNA was made from human and creature DNA with the unknown-type virus and she download the data of the Dark Mutant which is able to tame the Dark Mutant. She called the Dark Mutant's name DNA Mutant and continues to explore to find the source of the Dark Mutant virus.
As Anthelion taking her with him in explosion, Harleen saw the "spirit" of Samuel Nakaoka the Second that he encourages her to never give up. He and Harleen makes their way to escape from the explosion.
Powers and Abilities
- Psychology: Trained as in the field of psychoanalysis.
- Gymnastics: She is a spectacular gymnast.
- Swordsmanship: Inherited from Singular Rider's.
- Genius Level Intellect
- Leadership
Strength level
None known.
Equipment: Power suit, Voice Synthesizer
Transportation: None known.
Weapons: Breakride Singusword
- No special notes.
- Harley was the female villain who redeemed into as a Rider.
- Birthday:March 10, 1995
See Also
- Appearances of Harleen Quinzel (REBOOT) (Chronological)
- Appearances of Harleen Quinzel (REBOOT) (Unordered)
- Character Gallery: Harleen Quinzel (REBOOT)
- Fan-Art Gallery: Harleen Quinzel (REBOOT)
- Quotations by Harleen Quinzel (REBOOT)
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Singular Rider The RE-BIRTHS · Harleen Quinzel · Harleen Quinzel (REBOOT)
Links and References
- Harleen Quinzel (REBOOT) at Wikipedia.org
- Harley Quinn profile at DCU Guide
- Harley Quinn profile at Comic Book Database
- Harley Quinn from Batman the Animated Series
- Harley's Haven