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Irene Erica Weatherly, also known as Irene Erica McInnis, Aunt Irene or Mrs. McInnis is anti-villainess that only appears in Scooby-Doo! and Teen Titans: Savage Retribution. She is the youngest of the three infamous, vile, and amoral Weatherly sisters, desiring to prove her superiority over her older sisters Andrea and Ingrid Weatherly, including her three brothers-in-law Peter Oliver, Michael Oswalt and Bradley "Brad" McInnis.

About Irene Weatherly[]

Irene is the youngest of the three infamous, vile, indifferent, sinister and amoral daughters of Gary and Janice Weatherly. Due to her youthful appearance, she is revealed to be the youngest of the three infamous, heartless, unsympathetic, savage, wicked, sadistic, sinister, apathetic, amoral, indifferent, sleazy, cruel and immoral Weatherly sisters. Irene does not seem to have any large grating with one of her infamous older sisters, including one of her brothers-in-law instead of just seeing them as a rivals that must be overcome for her in order to reach her goals. Despite its relative obscurity, compared to her infamous older sisters, she resolutely believes she is the top out of all the sisters, which means that she sees them as inferior, despite the fact that they are probably older and therefore much more experienced than her.


Being the youngest of the three infamous and amoral Weatherly sisters, Irene is the third-born daughter of Gary and Janice Weatherly, the younger sister of Andrea and Ingrid Weatherly, the youngest granddaughter of Clyde and Nancy Weatherly, the niece of Janice's siblings-in-law Warren, Kyle and Samantha Weatherly, the infamous maternal cousin of Jane, Caroline, Jesse and, Dana Stern, the paternal cousin of Jonah, Miranda, Andrew and Ashton Weatherly, the adoptive paternal cousin of Fauntleroy Donaldson, the infamous cousin-in-law of Jacob Roswell, Augustus Raven, Stanley Meeks, Kenneth Howard, Darlene and Donna Weatherly, the sister-in-law of Peter Oliver, Michael Oswalt, Brad and Victoria "Tory" McInnis, the second maternal aunt of Nina, Norman and Kelly Oswalt after Andrea Weatherly, the daughter-in-law of Randy and Sharon McInnis, the wife of Bryce McInnis, and also the infamous and amoral mother of Sabrina McInnis.



  • "A battle to the death." (when fighting against Katrina Weatherly or Augustus Raven)
  • "Come now. My paternal uncle, your father-in-law Warren Weatherly awaits." (Irene to her cousin-in-law and arch-enemy Augustus Raven)
  • "I thought I never see you ever again, Uncle Warren." (Irene to her paternal uncle Warren Weatherly)
  • "So, what brings you guys here to Hokkaido?" (Irene to Lifty and Shifty)
  • "I'll grind your fucking bones to dust!" (when fighting against Katrina Weatherly, Augustus Raven, Peter Oliver, Michael Oswalt, or Brad McInnis)
  • "A history lesson, Tory?" (Irene to her first and only sister-in-law Tory McInnis)
  • "Not man enough for a fair fight, huh?" (Irene to her cousin-in-law and arch-nemesis Augustus Raven)
  • "Return and again be my paternal uncle." (Irene to her paternal uncle Warren Weatherly)
  • "How very brave of you to confront me." (Irene to her paternal aunt's grandson and enemy Isaac Howard)
  • "Did you secretly helps Slade Wilson in deceiving Sal Maroni?" (Irene to Melvin Stern)
  • "You've failed me too often, Augustus Terence Raven." (Irene to her cousin-in-law and arch-enemy Augustus Raven)
  • "Aunt Samantha's not here to save you, Isaac Kenneth Howard." (Irene to her paternal aunt's grandson Isaac Howard)
  • "But she can grieved the death of her grandson." (Irene taunting her paternal aunt's grandson and enemy Isaac Howard)
  • "When you die, Aunt Samantha will be left unprotected." (Irene taunting her paternal aunt's mother-in-law and enemy Jennifer Stern)
  • "A pity he still stinks of pig." (referring to Dudley Dursley)
  • "Stay the hell out of my room. I can't let you touch my damn belongings." (Irene to Lana Lockhart)
  • "Killing you will break Aunt Samantha's heart." (Irene taunting her paternal aunt's mother-in-law and enemy Jennifer Stern)
  • "Your weakness sickens me." (Irene to her cousin-in-law and arch-foe Augustus Raven)
  • "Does Aunt Samantha know that you guys are here?" (Irene to her paternal aunt's grandchildren Naomi Roswell, Alfred Roswell, Felicia Roswell, Isaac and Gina Howard)
  • "I will bring you guys to her."
  • "Imposed yourself on someone else, Dennis." (Irene to her paternal uncle's elder grandson and enemy Dennis Raven)
  • "You dare to challenge me to a fight, you stupid fool?! (when fighting against Augustus Raven, Peter Oliver, Michael Oswalt, or Brad McInnis)
  • "But of course, you hateful bitch." (Irene to Karen Griffin)
  • "Weaklings should perished." (spoken, after defeating Peter Oliver, Michael Oswalt, Bradley "Brad" McInnis, Katrina Weatherly, Augustus or Dennis Raven)
  • "Did you secretly help Slade Wilson in deceiving Talia Al Ghul?" (Irene to Poison Ivy)
  • "Did you secretly help Poison Ivy in deceiving Sal Maroni?" (Irene to her brother-in-law and arch-rival Brad McInnis)
  • "Imposed yourself on someone else, Isaac." (Irene to her paternal aunt's grandson Isaac Howard)
  • "Is Raven Roth a competent fighter?" (Irene to Garfield Logan)
  • "Imposed yourself on someone else, Michael." (Irene to her brother-in-law and arch-rival Michael Oswalt)
  • "Imposed yourself on someone else, Mindy." (Irene to Mindy)
  • "Imposed yourself on someone else, Gina." (Irene to her paternal aunt's granddaughter and enemy Gina Howard)
  • Aunt Samantha's first granddaughter, I presume?" (Irene to her paternal aunt's granddaughter Naomi Roswell)