DC Fanon Wiki


Early Life[]

Jefferson Pierce was born in Atlanta, Georgia to Alvin and Leona Pierce. One year later, Jefferson's father relocated their family into Southside Metropolis, which would be later known as the Suicide Slum. When he was three years old, Jefferson's father was gunned down by an at-the-time unknown assailant and killed while bringing home groceries to prevent him from exposing a developer named Swann, who partnered with a con-man named Tobias Whale, and wanted to scam the people in the neighborhood. Shortly after the death of his father, he and his mother met a tailor named Peter Gambi, who took care of them and made her a partner in his new tailor shop. As a child, he enjoyed listening to Run DMC, Public Enemy, and a Tribe Called Quest.


Jefferson attended Garfield High School and excelled in his academics and athletics, being on the swim team and track and field team, winning trophies and accolades for his school. He was close with his principal MacNair Chapin and made a friend in Bill Henderson.

For college, Jefferson attended Kent State University in Ohio and continued his swim and track and field careers, winning championships. During his time in Kent State, he met Lynn Stewart, who later became his girlfriend. He graduated with a teaching degree after four years. After graduating from college, he married Lynn, which sparked doubts from both his mother and from Gambi, who believed that he was too young to get married. He would also become a professional athlete. Within two years, Lynn would give birth to their first child Anissa.

Competing in the Olympics[]

Jefferson qualified for the U.S. Olympic Track and Field team and compete in the Olympics, winning gold medals for his team.

Becoming a Teacher[]

Jefferson would move around schools in the country as a teacher for several years, during which the Thomas Wayne Education Fund gave him a grant, until he reached the age of 34 and convinced Lynn to allow him to move their family to the Suicide Slum of Metropolis, so he could teach at his old high school Garfield High.

Jefferson and his family crossed the Reeves Bridge in their car to Metropolis, which he recalled that the city was building at the time he left for college. They passed by the former Metropolis Comets stadium and Jefferson commented that the team had relocated to Star City after becoming bankrupt. Later, they entered the Suicide Slums, where Jefferson told her about Tobias Whale and Swann had scammed its residents. They past by posters that campaigned for the re-election of Tobias Whale for city councilman and a billboard that had been defaced to say "Welcome To Suicide...Where ogres Live!!!" As they drove by, they heard the sound of "C.R.E.A.M." by Wu-Tang Clan playing outside. They finally reached Jeff's childhood home, where they would be moving in, next to his sister Connie and her two children Alvin and Joanna, who greeted them when they had arrived. Alvin, who was unsure of who they were, brought his shotgun, until knowing who they were. Jeff went to his house with his family and confronted Alvin and Joanna about the gun, telling them that his parents sang songs and read Bible verses rather than resort to violence. Later, Jeff went to bed with Lynn and talked about Connie, before going to sleep.

The next day, Jefferson and his family unloaded his belongings from a truck, when two young men, one of them who was named Trey, took boxes full of his belongings and attempted to run off with them. Jefferson chased Trey through a city block, caught up to him, and took back his box, before waiting to ambush the other young man. When the young man saw Jeff, he stopped and dropped the box. Jeff learned that the boy's name was Earl and that he was a student at Garfield High School. He promised to not press charges against Earl, if he promised to help him improve their community. Peter Gambi, who was watching from his tailor shop across the street, called out to Jeff, who entered his shop with the two boxes. The two shared a hug before going upstairs, where Gambi showed Jeff a plaque with the motto of the latter's late father.

Encounter with the 100[]

Crisis on Infinite Earths[]

Marvel Versus DC[]

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Electrokinesis
    • Electro-Blast
    • Electromagnetism
      • Force Field
      • Enhanced Senses
      • Super-Leaping
    • Electrical Healing


  • Athletics: Jefferson is a skilled acrobat, runner, sprinter, and swimmer.
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced):
  • Pedagogy:



Electric Powered Belt (formerly): Black Lightning originally needed a belt to generate electricity until he developed metahuman powers and was able to generate electricity on his own.


  • This version of Black Lightning is inspired by the Earth-One, New Earth, and Prime Earth versions, with little elements from the Arrowverse version, which I personally dislike, but picked the few parts that I liked.
    • Additionally, this version of Black Lightning takes inspiration from various films including Judas and the Black Messiah, Do The Right Thing, Bad Boys For Life, Jackie Brown, Pulp Fiction, and BlacKKKlansman. Other inspirations include the Wire and the Luke Cage series and comics.
  • Neither Black Lightning or Luke Cage took part in the DC Versus Marvel/Marvel Versus DC and Amalgam events, but I always thought it would be interesting to see them interact.


  • Black Lightning's archenemy is Tobias Whale.
  • Jefferson's best friend is Inspector Henderson.
    • He is also good friends with Barry Allen, Michael Holt, and Blue Devil.
  • Similar to his Prime Earth counterpart, he is a fan of Westworld.