Joe (or Joe the magic mouse) is an impish creature from the 5th dimension, like Mr Mxyzpltk. Joe is a small cute humanoid looking mouse (like Mickey Mouse) that dresses like an English Gentleman from 19th century England, he might look adorable but he is dangerous. He possesses mystical powers. He is an enemy of the blue beetle.
Meeting Blue Beetle
Blue Beetle was flying through a wasteland in Texas one day, when a giant monster the size of the empire state building emerged from the ground and attacked him. Blue Beetle fought the monster but then the monster squashed blue beetle, breaking most of his bones and destroying one of blue beetles wings (that he uses to fly). Blue beetle can not get up and he is helpless but then a small cute looking humanoid mouse appears, throws a blast of energy at the monster which seemingly kills him. The mouse introduces his self to be an imp from the 5th dimension named Joe. He uses his powers to create another wing for blue beetle and to heal blue beetle. Blue Beetle befriends Joe, but Joe reveals himself to be an assassin hired by Kanjar Ro to destroy blue beetle.
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Powers and Abilities
- Mouse Mimicry
- Omnipotence
- Magic: Joe is nigh-omnipotent and can do virtually anything imaginable; he can ash anything and everything under him.
- Teleportation: Joe can disappear and reappear anywhere instantly with a thought.
- Reality Alteration: Joe can manipulate logic and the fundamentals of laws with ease, and is often seen doing so by making simple gestures or other motions. He can also reshape earthly objects and make them into something else entirely, as well as create structured lifeforms with full complexions that don't exist just by thinking, and in that regard, he can also make any living organism vanish and become non-existent at a single thought.
- Metamorphosis
- Immortality
- Flight
None known.
Strength level
- Power Limitation: Joe actions are also governed by restrictions that he establishes for himself. If Joe decides that he will return to the 5th Dimension if someone convinces him to (for example) spell his name backwards, then he is obligated to comply with the regulation. Once banished, Joe must remain in the 5th Dimension for a minimum of ninety days before returning to Earth. When Joe is banished, all of the damage he caused would be reversed and any of his spells or magic used on Earth will fade.
Equipment: None known.
Transportation: None known.
Weapons: None known.
- No special notes.
- No trivia.
See Also
- Appearances of Joe (Chronological)
- Appearances of Joe (Unordered)
- Character Gallery: Joe
- Fan-Art Gallery: Joe
- Quotations by Joe
Discover and Discuss
- Search News for: Joe · Unpronounceable&searchx=Search Unpronounceable · Joe
Links and References
- None.