Clark Kent, Lois Lane-Kent
Base Of Operations
Vigilante - Adventurer - Student
Human/Kryptonian hybrid
First appearance
Trinity #1
Current history of Jon Kent is unknown.
Powers and Abilities
- Kryptonian-Human Hybrid Physiology: Because of his hybrid human/Kryptonian genetic structure under the effects of a "yellow" sun, Jon possesses the same potential powers as an average Kryptonian. However, according to Batman's research, Jon's abilities have the potential to exceed that of his father's due to his Human/Kryptonian hybrid cells. These powers include:
- Solar Radiation Absorption: Jon's able to absorb the light and radiation of stars & suns, mainly those of the yellow stellar spectrum. His Kryptonian body is constantly absorbing and storing energy from Earth's yellow sun, which in turn grants him incredible powers, such as superhuman strength, super-speed, enhanced senses, impenetrable skin, and even the ability to defy gravity.
- Invulnerability: Because he is half-Kryptonian, Jon's body is nigh-invulnerable due to his superhumanly dense cellular and anatomical structure as well as his radiating bio-electrical aura. However, in the beginning, his invulnerability was inconsistent, as he got a scraped knee and a concussion. Later on, he has shown certain degrees of durability, such as withstanding the impact of a tree branch, and even Robin's. His greatest feat of durability thus far was withstanding the impact of being slammed through a building. In addition, his invulnerability also extends protection against toxins, poisons, and diseases.
- Accelerated Healing: Jon possesses an accelerated "healing factor" enabling him to heal almost instantaneously from most wounds.
- Superhuman Strength: As a result of his half-Kryptonian lineage, Jon possesses incredible superhuman strength and is capable of handling tens of thousands of pounds. He was able to stun a large, flying dinosaur with a single punch. According to Jon's mother, Jon is capable of easily lifting up automobiles and large boulders. He has even stopped a train speeding out of control.
- Superhuman Stamina: Jon possesses a stamina phenomenally exceeding that of humans. Despite Jonathan can lengthily go without tiring, he eventually does need to rest or relax.
- Flight: Jon is able to manipulate graviton particles to defy the forces of gravity and achieve flight. Jon is capable of flying at speeds comparable to his fathers.
- Enhanced Visual Perception: Though stated by Robin that it would take him a week, Jon was able to thoroughly scan through 175 hours of surveillance videos in a few seconds
- X-Ray Vision: Jon possesses the ability to see through solid objects.
- Electro-Magnetic Spectrum Vision: Jon can see into all of the EM Spectrum. He can see and identify radio/television and any and all broadcast/transmitted frequencies, allowing him to avoid detection through radar or satellite monitoring methods.
- Telescopic Vision: Jon is able to see objects from great distances. He was able to focus on the Cosmos One Space Station in orbit.
- Microscopic Vision: Jon can also see extremely small objects and images down to the sub atomic level.
- Heat Vision: His heat vision is powerful enough to singe even his father's skin and cause considerable collateral damage to his surroundings. He has shown some degree of fine-control as he was able to use it to heat-weld a cape to his jacket.
- Super Smell: On various occasions, Jon has demonstrated that his sense of smell is significantly enhanced to the point he can smell odors across the entire city.
- Superhuman Speed: Jon has demonstrated the ability to move, react, run and fly at superhuman speeds. He can use this power to disarm opponents, catch bullets or shrapnel and cross vast distances in seconds. Jon has moved so fast that the Teen Titans have mistaken him for Kid Flash when he saved them all in a battle, while Kid flash himself was unable to see Jon when he saved him. Jon has also snatched a bullet fired from a sniper rifle out of the air while moving too fast for the shooter, Talia al Ghul, to perceive what had stopped it despite having her scope trained on her target the entire time. Jon's speed is so great, that he managed to break free from the Time Commander's Chronokinesis.
- Super-Breath: Jon is able to project his voice at a high decibel level, which is strong enough to shatter all the windows in his home. He later develops the ability to project freezing cold blasts to create considerable amounts of ice. While not having perfected it, Superboy is learning to project hurricane force winds by breathing.
- Superhuman Hearing: Jon first displayed this power to listen in on the conversation between his father, Batman and Wonder Woman.
- Empathic Solar Flare: Jon has demonstrated the ability to immediately expel solar energy in gigantic bursts of explosive force. Jon's blasts are capable of causing widespread destruction, similar to a nuclear explosion. Jon has very little to no control over it due to his human heritage.
Power Grid [1] | |||
Intelligence |
Strength |
Speed |
Durability |
Energy Projection |
Fighting Skills |
- Heavy Machinery Operation: Superman has taught Jon how to drive the family tractor at their home, and apparently Jon can also drive a semi-truck.
- Indomitable Will: Superboy's force of will is strong enough to overcome Time Commander's Time Freeze.
Strength level
None known.
Equipment: None known.
Transportation: None known.
Weapons: None known.
- No special notes.
- ↑ Trinity Handbook A-Z
- No trivia.
See Also
- Appearances of Jonathan Samuel Kent (Earth-45) (Chronological)
- Appearances of Jonathan Samuel Kent (Earth-45) (Unordered)
- Character Gallery: Jonathan Samuel Kent (Earth-45)
- Fan-Art Gallery: Jonathan Samuel Kent (Earth-45)
- Quotations by Jonathan Samuel Kent (Earth-45)
Discover and Discuss
- Search News for: Superboy · Jonathan Samuel Kent · Jonathan Samuel Kent (Earth-45)
Links and References
- None.