Born a twin Katherine "Kate" Kane (born January, 1981) was the first child of United States Army officers, Jacob Kane, and his wife, Gabrielle Kane. Her younger twin sister Beth being born only five minutes after her. Growing up, due to her parents being career and dedicated military officers, Kate moved and lived in a variety of towns and bases all across the world. Not leaving her much stability in regards to her social life. Leaving only her family as the strongest support system she could rely on. Namely her mother and sister, since during a lot of her early childhood years Kate's father Jacob was often away from home on business. Leading to an awkwardness in their relationship that would last for years. Kate was also particularly close with her cousin Bruce, even after the tragedy involving the death of his parents. Though Kate would eventually come to understand that tragedy all the better. Since while out exploring Brussels, Belgium, where her parents had been transferred for they had been assigned to work with NATO, due to her mother so she and Beth could celebrate their twelfth birthday, the young Kate, her mother, and her sister, were attacked and kidnapped by a group of men associated with a criminal and terrorist organization known as the Religion of Crime. Who executed both her mother and sister just before her father and his military allies arrived to rescue them, leaving Kate deeply traumatized. Which would only become worse years later when she came to learn her sister Beth was not in fact dead, but had survived and become something else entirely.
After the death of her mother, and the supposed death of her sister, Kate's father moved her and him back to Gotham City to give her stability. He also retired from the military and then used his connections to found his own private security company known as Crow Security. Which although kept her father busy, did not keep him from being supportive of Kate and helping her deal with her grief and trauma. A fact she appreciated. So much so she began adopting aspects of her dad's personality, mainly is cool-headedness. Though that faltered slightly after her dad remarried to a woman name Katherine Hamilton, the founder and CEO of Hamilton Dynamics. Giving Kate a step-mother, and a step-sister in the form of Catherine's daughter Mary. Both of whom Kate took a while to warm up to but eventually did. Leading her to enjoy a relatively stable life until her teenage years when she realized she was gay. But not one to back down Kate didn't shy away from her sexuality and soon came out shortly after she realized it. Getting nothing but support from her family in this regard as well. A fact she absolutely loved and cherished.
She also loved the fact her father supported her dream of joining the military like he and her mother had done. Which lead Kate to apply and be accepted to West Point. Where she excelled both physically and academically, reaching the top of her class in no time at all. Putting her on track to graduate and move onto bigger and better things. But this all came crashing down after it was discovered she was engaging in an intimate and sexual relationship with her fellow cadet and roommate, Sophie Moore. Once this happened Kate made the choice to come out fully to her military superiors, to stop any further investigation, thus protecting Sophie and her other fellow closeted cadets. But due to violating the military "Don't ask, Don't tell" policy Kate was expelled from West Point.
Once this happened Kate returned to Gotham and became a socialite known for her partying, drinking, and promiscuity. Until one night changed her self-inflicted downward spiral. While leaving a bar she was attacked by a mugger, and although she fought the man off easily she was going to inflict serious injuries upon him. That is until Batman showed up and stopped her. After this event occurred Kate came to the sudden realization she felt alive while fighting crime and decided vigilantism could be her new purpose in life. So with that Kate began her own personal crusade, and operated like this for six entire months before her father discovered her activities, and although initially furious decided to assist her in her new pursuit. Once this happened Kate then spent the next two years traveling across the entire world, training with various combat and survival specialists. Until eventually she was given one final test by her father, which was to rescue a kidnapped family held by Russian terrorists in the Ukraine. A mission Kate passed with flying colors. After which she returned to Gotham, and deciding to honor the person who had inspired her to come a vigilante in the first place, still having no idea it was her cousin Bruce at the time, Kate took on the identity of Batwoman. Leading to the birth of a another member of the Bat Clan.
