This article, Katherine Kane (Earth-41417), is property of MarvelousMarty. |

Batman Incorporated,
Birds of Prey (part-time member),
Justice League (reserve member);
formerly United States Military Academy: West Point, League of Assassins, Hamilton Dynamics, Crows Security (specialist)
Gabi Kane (mother, deceased),
Catherine Hamilton (stepmother),
Beth Kane (twin sister),
Mary Hamilton (stepsister),
Martha Wayne (paternal aunt, deceased),
Thomas Wayne (uncle-by-marriage, deceased),
Bruce Wayne (paternal cousin),
Bette Kane (maternal cousin);
Maggie Sawyer (wife);
Renee Montoya (ex-girlfriend);
Sophie Moore (ex-girlfriend),
Zatanna Zatara (ex-fling)
Batman Vol 2 7
It's not the first time the rest of world tried to chain me with its tiring expectations and negotiations. I'm gonna keep doing what I'm best at. Carving my own path. There's nothing with embracing who you truly are, so why should it stop you from doing good like everyone else? Let the world listen for once. Most of them might fire at you because of it, but the best ones listen and stay with you. Help you fight back.
- --Batwoman
Katherine "Kate" Kane (born March 1982) was one of the two daughters of Jacob Kane and Gabi Kane, being the twin sister of Beth Kane. Despite their busy parents, who were both devoted with their jobs as earnest officers of the United States Army, Kate and Beth managed to have a bright, loving, and blooming childhood with their mother, with both their parents being able to bond with them during the weekends and holidays as the Kane family often moved residences across countries due to their parents' service and missions, with Belgium being their last move outside the United States. However, tragedy struck them on their 11th birthday when an attack in Brussels instigated by the terrorist group Intergang. A young Kate survived, but her sister and mother perished during the height of the hostage crisis, moments before her father and his comrades with NATO arrived at the scene to intercept the terrorists and save the civilians, including a traumatized Kate.
In the following years having returned to the States, Jacob did his best to be a supportive father to Kate even after the loss of his beloved wife and one of his daughters, and while he was concerned and sometimes fearful for Kate when she wanted to enlist in the military not long after she turned eighteen, he helped prepare her for the larger and much harsher world that awaited her as an adult. Kate wanted to join so that little children and innocent civilians would no longer have to suffer at the hands of evil-doers such as criminals and terrorists, like her younger self. After a year of self-training and preparations thanks to some of her father's advice, Kate enlisted and was accepted at West Point all on her own due to excelling in both athletics and academics.
During her service, Kate also befriended Cadet Captain Sophie Moore, with whom she entered an intimate and caring relationship with, albeit a secret one due to the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy or DADT at the time. It was also during this point in Kate's life that she first embraced her true orientation when she reciprocated her feelings with Sophie alongside meeting other soldiers who were closeted queers, with the Kate even planning to come out to her father and introduce her lover to him once they've finally graduated from West Point. However, Kate's hope and optimism would suddenly shatter into pieces in her final year at the academy after being accused of "homosexual conduct" by an anonymous informant, whether it was a fellow cadet or a commanding officer. Before an investigation would take place, Kate chose to come out as a lesbian in order to protect Sophie and her other cadets from getting outed against their will and decision. Her commanding officer tried to talk Kate into denying the allegation or at least hiding her orientation in public, knowing well that Kate was one of their best, but she has had enough. Unfortunately, the DADT's policy resulted in her expulsion, her diminishing her chances of serving in the military or even staying with Sophie, who would go on to join the armed forces after graduation.
Following her forced resignation at West Point, Kate went back to Gotham to find out that her father was in a relationship with Hamilton Dynamics heiress Catherine Hamilton, and while Jacob was welcoming and accepting of his daughter's actions of staying true to herself, Catherine had given a more distasteful impression due to her bluntness by saying that Kate's actions were reckless and jeopardized her future in the military. Kate's discouragement and loss of passion toward her dreams has led her to descend into a wild but somewhat reckless lifestyle, spending the first half of her mid-twenties in alcoholism, seldom drug intake, debauchery, and partying at bars and nightclubs, much to her father's concern and dismay to himself that he couldn't do everything to know what she was going through.
But about several months had passed, Kate had an unforgettable wake-up call one night, when she fought an armed mugger in an alleyway outside a club and saved a couple of civilians in the process. She didn't realize that the mugger was only one of a small group and in retaliation, the rest subsequently attacked Kate. While she was able to fend herself for a few moments, Kate couldn't handle every assailant due to her drunken stupor. Kate took a few beatings while fairly holding off against the muggers right until she was saved by none other than Batman, who finished off the rest of the men for the cops to take into custody, most notably Detective Renee Montoya, who happened to be at the scene first. A conversation with Montoya, whom Kate had taken a liking to, eventually made Kate realize that while she couldn't serve in the forces like his father did, she could still do some good and fight crime with her abilities when she saw the Dark Knight face-to-face. After that night, Kate went through rigorous training and refresher courses to get herself back into her determined self. Debuting as a crimefighter, Kate donned a specialized suit that resembled Batman's and adopted the mantle of Batwoman.
Powers and Abilities
None known.
- Peak Human Condition
- Peak Human Durability
- Peak Human Endurance
- Peak Human Speed
- Peak Human Strength
- Peak Human Stamina
- Acrobatics
- Archery
- Aviation
- Business Management
- Dancing
- Demolitions
- Driving
- Music
- Equestrianism
- Espionage
- Genius Level Intellect
- Gadgetry
- Investigation
- Leadership
- Medicine
- Multilingualism
- Tactical Analysis
- Tracking
- Gymnastics
- Indomitable Will
- Interrogation
- Lock Picking
- Martial Arts
- Occultism
- Pedagogy
- Seamanship
- Seduction
- Stealth
- Surveillance
- Survival
- Swimming
- Weaponry
- Meditation
Strength level
Class 12+
None known.
- Utility Belt
- Batsuit
- Red Knight One
- Sequoia
- Kônos
- Batarangs
- Cryo-Baton
- Taser Gloves
- Flamethrower Gloves
- Python Coil
- Fear Toxin
- No special notes.
- No trivia.
See Also
- Appearances of Katherine Kane (Earth-41417) (Chronological)
- Appearances of Katherine Kane (Earth-41417) (Unordered)
- Character Gallery: Katherine Kane (Earth-41417)
- Fan-Art Gallery: Katherine Kane (Earth-41417)
- Quotations by Katherine Kane (Earth-41417)
Discover and Discuss
- Search News for: Batwoman · "Kate"%20Kane&searchx=Search Katherine Rebecca "Kate" Kane · Katherine Kane (Earth-41417)
Links and References
- None.
Batman Family member ![]() This character is or was an incarnation of or an ally of Batman, and a member of the Batman Family. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the "Batman Family members" category. |
Justice League member![]() This character is or was a member of the Justice League of America, or the Justice League in any of its various incarnations, sworn by a duty to act as guardians of America and the world by using their skills and/or superpowers to protect Earth from both interstellar and domestic threats. |