This article, Law Enforcement, Correctional Facilities, and Superhero Teams, is property of The Music Master. |
Correctional Facilities:[]
- Arkham Asylum: - Prison, psychiatric hospital located in Gotham City.
- Belle Reve: - A high security metahuman prison located in St. Roch, Louisiana and the headquarters of the Suicide Squad.
- Blackgate Penitentiary: - Located near Gotham City and also called Blackgate Prison, it is a prison known to house mostly non-metahuman criminals in Gotham City.
- Iron Heights Penitentiary: - A high security prison devised for many of the foes of either version of the Flash. Located near Keystone City.
- Slabside Island: - A high security metahuman prison.
- Stryker's Island: - A prominent penitentiary in Metropolis specifically New Troy's West River.
Project Tartarus:[]
- The Basement: - One of the five supervillain prisons of Project Tartarus, designed & built to hold technology based villains and as a storage facility for the villains' gear and weapons.
- The Dome: - One of the five supervillain prisons of Project Tartarus, designed & built to hold supervillains that were created via radiation from any source.
- The Island: - One of the five supervillain prisons of Project Tartarus, designed & built to hold the most dangerous supervillains ever captured regardless of being tech, extra-terrestrial, radiation-based or genetically altered.
- The Pipeline: - One of the five supervillain prisons of Project Tartarus, designed & built to hold supervillains with altered genetics.
- The Pit: - One of the five supervillain prisons of Project Tartarus, designed & built to hold extra-terrestrial supervillains.
Law Enforcement, Taskforces and Other Agencies:[]
Government Agencies:[]
Russian Government:[]
- Rocket Red Brigade: - A team of government-sponsored super-heroes in Russia, originally developed by the Soviet Union.
U.S Government:[]
- A.R.G.U.S. (Advanced.Research.Group.United.Support): - The Advanced Research Group Uniting Support, a U.S. Government agency led by Steve Trevor "formerly". They act as government support and liaison to the world's foremost heroes in the Justice League.
- The Oddfellows: - A specialist A.R.G.U.S. task force.
- S.H.A.D.E. (Supernatural Handlers of Arcane Defense Executive)/Creature Commandos: - Paramilitary organization which deals with occult matters. They are nicknamed as the Creature Commandos.
- Task Force X/Suicide Squad: - Undercover mercenary commando created and led by Amanda Waller using exclusively criminal assets. They are nicknamed as the Suicide Squad.
- C.I.A. (Central Intelligence Agency): - One of many agencies of the United States Government. Its primary function is collecting and analyzing information about foreign governments, corporations, and people.
- D.A.A. (Department of Alien Affairs): - A U.S. government agency which investigates Alien activities and deals with public alien altercations that might endanger the public.
- D.M.A. (Department of Metahuman Affairs): - A U.S. government agency which investigates metahuman activities and deals with public metahuman altercations that might endanger the public.
- D.E.O. (Department of Extranormal Operations): - A U.S. government agency which investigates and processes metahuman & alien activities and persons and is charged with facilitating methods of counteracting metahuman & alien threats. They report to the US Secretary of Metahuman Affairs, Captain Atom, who heads the Department of Metahuman Affairs & to the Secretary of Alien Affairs, J'onn J'onzz, who heads the Department of Alien Affairs.
- C.B.I. (Covert Bureau of Investigations)/Shadowpact: - Part of DEO, investigates paranormal activity. Officially known as CBI (Covert Bureau of Investigations).
- 7 Soldiers of Victory: - A DEO team led by Desperado tasked with combating extra-dimensional threats.
- D.E.O. (Department of Extranormal Operations): - A U.S. government agency which investigates and processes metahuman & alien activities and persons and is charged with facilitating methods of counteracting metahuman & alien threats. They report to the US Secretary of Metahuman Affairs, Captain Atom, who heads the Department of Metahuman Affairs & to the Secretary of Alien Affairs, J'onn J'onzz, who heads the Department of Alien Affairs.
- F.B.I. (Federal Bureau of Investigation): - The primary investigative arm of the United States Department of Justice, serving as both a federal criminal investigative body and a domestic intelligence agency.
- N.S.A. (National Security Agency): - A US government intelligence agency responsible for (oftentimes clandestine) information gathering to protect the United States from foreign and domestic threats.
- Project Cadmus: - A government project designed to take precautions against the Justice League should they go rogue.
- J.L.A. (Justice League of America): - An Cadmus-sponsored counterpart to the Justice League.
- Ultimen: - A group of super-powered test-tube teenage heroes created by Cadmus.
- U.S.M.S. (United States Marshal Service): - A federal law enforcement agency in the United States.
Intergalactic Organizations:[]
- Darkstars: - An intergalactic police organization created by the Controllers to protect the universe.
- Lantern Corps: - Galactic law enforcement agency.
- Guardians of the Universe: - A group of immortal Oans who organized and run the Lantern Corps.
- Blue Lantern Corps: - They're meant to aid other benevolent wielders of the emotional spectrum rather than replace them.
- Green Lantern Corps: - An intergalactic peacekeeping force created by the Guardians of the Universe. Every Green Lantern is selected by the strength of their willpower and given a power ring that creates energy constructs controlled by will.
- Alpha Lantern Corps: - An elite division within the Green Lantern Corps. Merged with their power batteries, these Alpha Lanterns act as the Internal Affairs division, investigating breaches in Corps law.
- GLC of Earth: - A number of human members of the Green Lantern Corps who banded together in Sector 2814 shortly after the massive Corps reformation.
- Honor Guard: - An elite group of Green Lanterns not restricted to one Sector.
- The Corpse: - An elite, top-secret black ops division of the Green Lantern Corps.
- Indigo Lantern Corps: - The wielders of the indigo light of compassion.
- Violet Lantern Corps: - The wielders of the violet light of love.
- White Lantern Corps: - An inpromptu corps created to battle its opposite, the Black Lantern Corps.
- Guardians of the Universe: - A group of immortal Oans who organized and run the Lantern Corps.
- Legion of Super-Heroes: - An inter-galactic team of super-powered teenagers and young adults active in the 30th Century and 31st Century. Inspired by the legends of Superboy & Supergirl, they were founded by Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad, and Saturn Girl under the funding of an eccentric millionaire they had saved named R.J. Brande.
- L.E.G.I.O.N.: - An inter-galactic police force that is hired by different planets.
- The Manhunters: - A brotherhood of bounty hunters.
International Organizations:[]
- Checkmate: - An international organization that works alongside other world's governments with their needs while maintaining independence.
- Global Peace Agency: - An international organization dedicated to the preservation of mankind.
- United Nations: - An international organization that aims to maintain international peace, cooperation and security.
- J.L.I. (Justice League International): - A United Nations-backed group of crimefighters was formed & created by Andre Briggs, some time after the Justice League's public debut.
Local Police Departments:[]
- A.B.P.D. (Amnesty Bay Police Department)
- Bludhaven P.D.
- B.V.P.D. (Blue Valley Police Department)
- Boston P.D.
- C.C.P.D. (Central City Police Department)
- Chicago P.D.
- C.C.P.D. (Coast City Police Department)
- F.C.P.D. (Fawcett City Police Department)
- G.C.P.D. (Gateway City Police Department)
- Gotham P.D
- H.C.P.D. (Hub City Police Department)
- I.T.P.D. (Ivy Town Police Department)
- K.C.P.D. (Keystone City Police Department)
- L.A.P.D. (Los Angeles Police Department)
- L.V.P.D. (Las Vegas Police Department)
- Metropolis P.D.
- M.C.P.D. (Midway City Police Department)
- N.C.P.D. (National City Police Department)
- N.Y.P.D. (New York Police Department)
- O.C.P.D. (Opal City Police Department)
- S.C.P.D. (Star City Police Department)
- Seattle P.D.
- S.F.P.D. (San Francisco Police Department)
- Tulsa P.D.
Superhero Teams:[]
- All-Star Squadron: - A superhero team made up of various costumed and superpowered American heroes assembled by the United States Government during World War II. This team included the full rosters of the Justice Society of America, Blackhawk Squadron and Freedom Fighters as well as many otherwise unaffiliated heroes.
- Atlantean Royal Family: - The Royal Family has been ruling the kingdom of Atlantis for many millennia.
- Aqua Knights: - The name given to Aquaman and his various assorted allies, both from Atlantis and abroad, that aid him in fighting his villains.
- Big Monster Action: - Japan's primary superhero team.
- Champions of Angor: - An extra-terrestrial superhero team from the planet Angor.
- Doom Patrol: - A metahuman team of heroes consisting of freaks, outcasts, and social misfits whose powers cause them alienation and trauma.
- Freedom Fighters: - A team of American super-heroes led by Uncle Sam. Originally they were the last heroes of Earth-X, where the Nazis had won World War II and taken over.
- Great Ten: - A team of Chinese super-functionaries, government-sponsored superheroes.
- Hawk & Dove: - A duo of crimefighters powered by the Lord of Chaos T'Charr and the Lord of Order Terataya. Together, they offer both aggression and calmness to their fight.
- House of El: - One of the noble ruling families of the planet, Krypton. The name El translates in Kryptonian to "of the star". The family line extends back thousands of years, to a time when tribes of Kryptonians still waged war against one another across the continents.
- Super-Twins: - The Super-Twins consist of Phaelosian twin siblings named Otho and Osul-Ra, who went to Earth and became members of the House of El.
- Team Super: - Superhero team, friends, and family affiliated with Superman & Superwoman.
- Illuminati: - A covert think-tank originally consisting of Earth's most influential heroes, each representing a different political or superhuman community.
- Justicia: - A branch of the Justice League dedicated to dealing with threats in Mexico.
- Justice League: - A strike force comprised of the world's mightiest heroes, they act as stalwart protectors of all sentient life; Earth's first line of defense against terrestrial, extra-terrestrial, inter-dimensional, paranormal, and supernatural threats.
- J.L.S.C. (Justice League Support Crew): - Staff and associates of Earth's Greatest Heroes! (Currently associated with Justice League, J.L.D., J.L.T.F. & Young Justice)
- J.L.D. (Justice League Dark): - A branch of the Justice League dedicated to dealing with mystical and supernatural threats.
- J.L.T.F. (Justice League Task Force)/Outsiders II: - An off-the-books Joint-strike force made up of super-heroes affiliated with Batman Incorporated, the Birds of Prey & the disbanded Outsiders. they're designated the Justice League Task Force, or better known by their nickname, the New Outsiders
- Young Justice: - A team of young super-heroes and side-kicks who fight crime separately from their adult counterparts.
- J.L.C. (Justice League of China): - A branch of the Justice League dedicated to dealing with threats in China.
- J.L.E. (Justice League of Europe): - A splinter group of the Justice League.
- J.S.A. (Justice Society of America): - A war-time group of super-heroes. Decades after the war, they reformed, happily taking the back seat to teams like the Justice League and Teen Titans, and focusing instead of maintaining and nurturing superhero legacy.
- J.S.D. (Justice Society Dark): - A branch of the Justice Society dedicated to handling mystical and supernatural threats.
- Legends: - A group of "outcasts and misfits" who operate to protect the timeline.
- Metal Men: - A team of robot super-heroes created by the brilliant scientist and inventor Doc Magnus.
- Outlaws: - A team of vigilantes lead by Batman's ex-protege Jason Todd, also known as the Red Hood.
- People's Heroes: - Russia's superhuman team.
- Team Arrow: - An informal group of associates of the hero Green Arrow.
- Team Atom: - An informal group of associates of the hero Atom.
- Team Bat: - Superhero team and friends affiliated with Batman.
- Batman Incorporated: - An international organization started by Batman. They are publicly funded by Bruce Wayne and Wayne Enterprises, claiming that Batman is part of Wayne security personnel.
- Birds of Prey: - A team of female super-heroes that go on special missions across the world.
- Outsiders: - A black-ops team of super-heroes not concerned with the public appearance. that didn't require public and political approval for their actions, allowing them more freedom.
- Team Flash: - An informal group centered around the legacy of The Flash, a famous speedster and hero who protects Central City and Keystone City.
- Team Thunder: - A group of the mightiest mortals led by Shazam (Billy Batson). Its members, each receiving one aspect of Shazam's power, are his foster siblings.
- Team Wonder: - A team of Amazons who operate within "Man's World".
- Titans: - A team of young heroes consisting of ex-members of the Teen Titans who have matured past being teenaged sidekicks.
- Teen Titans: - An organization of young vigilantes banded together to fight crime. Beginning as a group of sidekicks looking to distinguish themselves from their mentors, they would go on to expand into a world-wide establishment.
- Wonder Twins: - A team of aliens from the planet Exxor.