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Real Name
Olivia Katherine Wayne
Numerous As Batwoman the Purple Knight or the Knight the greatest detective protector of the people the BatWoman bats the contingency or the bat chameleon protector of Gotham Saviour of Gotham she shares with her regular identity Olivia Kathrine Wayne . As Olivia Kathrine Wayne the queen or empress of charity or queen or empress of Gotham the Matriarch of Gotham Savior of Gotham with BatWoman The queen bee miss Gotham the lovely one by her husband Sam Kyle Catman The White Knight because of her wearing white ball dresses when doing charitable things and helping the people of Gotham and the world as Olivia Katharine Wayne , Selene Sara Jenkins head of the Wayne coordination of charitable works and ambassador to charities on behalf of Wayne industries.


The Batfamily

Martha Wayne and Thomas Wayne(deceased)Sam Kyle Wayne (Husband) Damian Wayne (Son) Oliver Thomas Wayne (Son) Olive Martha Wayne (Daughter)Dick Grayson (Adoptive Son) Jason Todd (Adoptive Son) Dick Grayson (Adopted Son)


Base Of Operations


5'8" /1.72.72 m



Marital Status

Morning kindergarten teacher Philanthropist, Inventor,businesswoman managing Ceo Of Wayne Enterprises after training for and hour usually after triang than inventing Vigilante and Mother and professional athlete

College Princeton


Place of Birth

First appearance




Olivia Katherine Wayne is the worlds first and only multi trillionare Because of mining terrestrial and space energy production terraforming space travel and colonization Defense infrastructure work and other things . Olivia Katherine Wayne the mother of Damian and twins Oliver Thomas Wayne and Sara Martha Wayne and the wife of super hero catman Sam Kyle and the adopt mother of Tom and Rick Grayson and Cassandra Cain ..Being in the pinnacle of human shape and also having and beyond genius iq and a master martial artist in in a lot of martial arts and a master at deductive reasoning this is all made more extreme by her power suit which gives her the ability to fly and utility belt fulled with various gadgets and weapons. The power suits that she wears allows her to left a few tons and do other super human feats these abilities can be controlled via her mind or voice it is also extremely bullet and energy resistant being able to block them very easily . It also has and automatic mask that closes which is mind activated and is also sensor activated it also has a voice modulator to disguise her voice if she wants to and she has sensors in her mask. She also is CEO of Wayne industries a kindergarten teacher and a professional athlete just to have and cover her tracks.

‘’’Appearance ’’’

Olivia Kathrine Wayne is a very athletic and extremely woman who has short strawberry blond hair she primarily suit is has a purple suit and a bat symbol that easy modified on the field and easily can the symbol included can be turned off and on if need be which sometimes needs to happen.

Early Life Oliva Katherine Wayne was born the only child of Dr Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne during which time she was loved and extremely happy but she also showed signs of of excelling at anything she put her mind to in all fields.

Training And Becoming Batwoman After her parents where shoot to death. At thee age of 6 .she eventually decide to train in alot of skills like various martial arts sciences and reasonings along with others. So no one would suffer the way she the way she did. But during this time her guardian Albert told her to develop hobbies as result she became a national champion cheerleader And state champion woman’s hockey during her years of high school she trained for 12 years before becoming Batwoman both in mind and body she learnt very quickly both in mind and body. After that she quickly graduated with honors in the fields of study she did and graduated in a year she spent three years to the extreme trading abroad while going to college online.. All this while doing training it was extremely quick and she excelled it. During this time the league of assassins took her dna and made a son Damian Wayne eventually useing ras son as a father and use and artificial womb this was at a time they pretended to be her friend and she quickly snapped out of it and Olivia Katherine Wayne cut ties with them.

During which she accidentally fell into the lazeruz pits giving her and her descendants long term youth and limited immortality . During this time she kept up a romantic relationship with her long time friend and fellow future hero Sam Kyle. During this time Olivia Katherine Wayne also developed all the things that she would use as batwoman. Olivia Katherine Wayne also became ceo of Wayne industries and expanded it by leaps and bounds by the time before her 18th birthday she became a multi trillionare

Early Years As Batwoman At the age of 15/and shortly before turning 16 Olivia Kathrine Wayne decided to become Batwoman. And Sam Kyle cayman On the day of her parents deaths she only told Alfred what she was going to do.On the First eight days on the job she dismantled 8 street gang organizations. But with first few two months she crippled and broke up two long time criminal organizations. It only took two years two Beth the bat signal and commissars gardens complete trust. The first was with The gcpd them going after her which lasted for a year. And during the time she became aquanted with violent like the joker mr freeze posin ivy scar crow bane, mr freeze and others. During this time she took a ward name Dick Grayson after his parents where killed at the circus by rouge part of a criminal organization who became robin. During her time a Princeton she met some her BFF Ladies of the night club and won a woman’s hockey national championship at Princeton while captaining and a national cheerleading national championship while captaining it also. The same thing Olivia Kathrine Wayne did in she did in high school other she won more.

She also became Barbra gordens batgirls mentor at the same time . She also took on another ward tim drake after Tim drakes parents who where close friends of hers where killed by captain boomerang he quickly became Red Robin. She also met Jason Todd who was resurrected in and unethical way and also had a thing for unlethal bullets he became red hood She also became a mentor to Stephanie brown. She also made Cassandra Cain he ward who is the younger sister of a lady some a person from her past. With Barbara gordens permission they became bargirls. She also welcome a friend relative into a group the scarlet bat into a group. Kate Kane who final came to terms with her self about being a lesbian and everybody who was suspicious about encouraging her to come out. This welcoming and her becoming scarlet bat manage to put her past demons behind her. Lucious fox son was welcome into Lucius son Luke fox the other person who help rises her after loseing her parents join ther group as batwing the guy who did the technical and international jobs for them .She also met ghost maker who had mental issues but always made the right decision despite being diagnose as psychotic and duke Thomas a meta human working through issues and blue bird a tech expert and the huntress and hunters and intelligence broker. this they formed the bat family with its goal to stop crime and bast stuff this happened with four years at this just before turning 22 she met the future members of the justice league starting with best friends Superman and Wonder Woman.

Making Waves As Olivia Kathrine Wayne and also doing it as Batwoman Olivia Kathrine who was not just making waves not just as a multi Trillionaire Business Mogul but as also as a charitable and engineering juggernaut.

During this time she also began making charitable appearances as Batwoman for people self defense class but also most importantly as appearing as Batwoman for children’s charity events beacuse kids wanted to meet her. She was more than eager to appear at charity events as Batwoman. She also decided because of her friends to become a kindergarten teacher

Helping Form The Justice League Oliva Kathrine Wayne as Batwoman was one of the founders of the justice league after joining force with other hero’s to prevent the alien invasion and take over of earth. She help build and gather resource to help build the justice league organization like helping build a groups space stations called watch towers and earth bases. Olivia Kathrine Wayne was honored with a statue in a form of her superhero identity Batwoman in the statue she is wearing her primary Batsuit .

Married Life And Parenthood Olivia Katherine Wayne at 24 met her son Damien Owen Wayne who quickly love to death and was made robin this was two years dick Grayson with her approval founded the titans and became nightwing who had special permission to become a get wards during her teenage years. During this time Olivia Katherine Wayne and Sam Kyle agreed to get married and were married with in a month. And later that year she became pregnant and with in nine months She gave birth to Oliver Thomas Wayne and Olive Martha Wayne. She also place chips in them after there birth so the would not hurt anyone or use there abilities that would cause other people to question this had done to rest of the family shortly before the pregnancy.She was quick to return as batwoman with in a week after they where born. This was giving Olivia Katherine Wayne gave twins the attention they needed during the day while at night she was batwoman. When she met diamian even as Batwoman she reverted according to Alfred to that of her natural states a maternal one even through she was not natural means she could Damian was her son . And reverted to her kindergarten teacher mode with insane curiosity. His father could tell along with his grandfather and Guhl family they where nothing getting Damian Wayne back. They quickly bounded becoming inseparable.

Other Stuff her schedule She is involved in

Olivia Kathrine Wayne hardly needs to sleep due to her self enhance abilities. She basically runs her business basically sleeps after and before work than she talks and spends time with her family than on to her inventing hobbies than it’s usually her spending time the morning starts with training than eating than preparing for what she views as her real job being a morning kindergarten teacher and business. After it and afternoon workout .As Batwoman and fighting crime with her family than spending more time with her family or fighting crime and than her,other hobbies and eating and inventing and other business stuff and than sleep. She does a workout after work before spending time with her family

When she is on duty with justice league or doing other stuff the other members bat family thwart crime for her she is publicly known as the queen of knowledge and richest person in the world in secretly being batwoman and doing charity events as Batwoman . But people know Olivia Kathrine Wayne world wide as the queen or empress of charity because of her extreme love of charity in fact she made it a culture into her own as she hosts at least one charity fund raiser event per week. She alway dresses so regal even if she does not have to. Leading to her nick name she has won numerous awards for it and everyone along with her engineering awards make her happy. The only things that makes her happier is her family.


Olivia Katharine Wayne is a Woman with a deep thrust to help people, tinker and invent who loves to invent. To also make friends and to protect people and for justice after the tragic death of her parents and she became Batwoman as a result. She also feels the want and duty to grow her family’s business empire. She is also a fun loving individual and is also extremely intelligent individual . She rarely wears casual clothes unless it’s outside her friends and family or when she having fun in a traditional sense or on a common outing like simple trips or when she is inviting or tinkering.

Olivia Kathrine Wayne other side is elegant and refined woman who is extremely Kind and loving and just likes to dress and act extremely refined turns out this is a natural habit and personality trait she can’t change. As result she dresses up a lot of the time like she is a major aristocratic and has natural approachable a regal barring to her. Half then time at work she wear’s business suits or dresses and for casual day women business suits which is half with long women business boots which and part of the time she wears aristocratic dresses.she hots a charity event once a week and sometimes wears it for the hell of it . All of Olivia Kathrine Wayne’s personality traits contribute to one of her greatest loves charity and she can’t get enough of fun raising for her foundation despite her growing wealth she always starts and ends and event with at least a million there and there on average she will donate 200 million a year and has already donated more than billion dollars in her lifetime at the event she hosts and 200 million there and 800 million because she felt like it and she still earns more than two trillion after taxes because of it she doing it every year donated more than two billion every year and has raised billions of more in short but distinguished charity career she even designed a space to host it all or people can do the same thing. Her fortune is over 15 trillion dollars

She like to keep her hair short always but for her suit she sometimes adds fake or artificial hair to hide her real identity but it also looks nice and adds verity she is also extremely sexual active and always turns on protection if they don’t want to have children at the current time. She is extremely loving mother and family member. She has become known as the White Knight because of her wearing white ball dresses at important meetings and charity events which are weekly for her while helping the people of Gotham and the world.

According to Alfred and by her own admission is that of a very giving mother with curiosity and inventiveness with a that of a natural wife and housewife. She is a very loving giving maternal tomboy wife by nature this her deepest nature. She expresses this through her inventing family charity work and kindergarten teaching.

Powers and Abilities


Powers via the suit multiple versions of suit integrated into her body can be upgraded disguises super strength flights wardrobe super strength via it a lot visions medical healing instant

Olivia Katherine Wayne has acquired over her lifetime limited immortality and controlled regeneration like youth muscle and appearance and also her augmentation along with her spouse and to her decedents even adopted ones and people she chooses to it to she also have to place chips in them in order form the not to cause harm . This happened after being accidentally contaminated into a mythical lazeruz pit which was way better than the head of the league of assians has Ra’s Al Guhl .This also had the effect self given Argumentations Via this also where also passed to give her enhancements which are already considerable strength reflexes speed eyesight and toughness and hearing that she can control to super human levels making he near immune to most small arms her metabolism if need be it also make her body extremely efficient this allows her to left a 2.2 tons if need be without her suit and run faster than most cars four hours if need be. This increase hugely by her Batsuit a full power she can also turn these abilities off and on in and instant.

Also has mental argumentations to enhance her considerable iq learning speed making it AI level and only needs to close her eyes to get a decent amount of sleep she also made Olivia Wayne has also made her self immune to all poison including exotic ones like joker venom ,muitigens ,cancer , disease and any type of biological weapon and also most forms of radiation and even extremely harmful forms of magic along with her spouse and descendants s via and argumentation she injected herself in and has kept things like in a data base which could be made a dispurse automatically via orders that could cure things of people got them from from her Batsuit.She can also use most of her brain if need be.

Skilled in the use of Magic

Skilled I’m spirit usage

Skilled at life energy

Skilled at using mental energy

Arguably the most skilled human martial artist ever

Excellent Administrator

Master Business person

One of the greatest detectives ever call the world greatest detective

outstanding at engineering and science

Skilled cook who helps Alfried or cooks for Alfried if she can while he cooks snacks or emergency cooks for,guests but cooks for her kindagarden students a lot

Skilled in the arts

Skilled Usage of elements

brilliant planner

Brilliant organizer

brilliant strategist

brilliant tactician

skilled in the arts

like fellow lady’s in the night members speaks all know languages fluently with out accent if need be

great at teaching won national kindergarten teach of the year award and has a doctorate in education and engineering when she at charity events or doing ceo duties she prefers to be called doctor Olivia Kathrine Wayne.


Natural Genius and athleticism and aptitude for disguises Olivia Kathrine Wayne is a very athletic and extremely woman who has short strawberry blond hair he primarily suit is has a purple suit and a bat symbol that easy modified on the field and easily can the symbol included can be turned off and on if need be which sometimes needs to happen. There is Utility belt holding all her weapons and gadgets which can give her unlimited amounts of them due technology it is made out of . This gives Olivia Kathrine Wayne as Batwoman more than she needs to fight crime and stuff. When Olivia Kathrine Wayne wants to change things up and appears in extreme ceremonial occasions as batwoman she will wear an open face and wear a wig along with her suit and the wig she wears is usually black or reddish brown or blonde wigs can’t be taken off unless it safe and she wants to. She also able to style her her natural hair to some effect beacuse of the enjection she too like highlighting and styling She also wears untraceable female civilian disguises that could be worn along with he batsuit she also wears wigs and she has egos and fake identity’s with paperwork and fake personality and even live and routines she does with to go along with it like Olive Elizabeth Benson who is a Trendsetter and fun loving social butterfly along with her real identity Olivia Kathrine Wayne. One of Her Other favorite Disguises is Maria Olive Trenton A.K.A Grandma Bats Under This identity she cares for the disadvantage of Gotham appearing as a elderly Matron working for the Wayne foundation this has another advantage of rooting out corruption within her company Also when she wearing her batwoman suit with hair at party due to a specific shield her dna can taken unless she permits it

Arguably the Best human martial artist ever

Strength level



None known.


Equipment: Her Batsuit Olivia Katherine Wayne is one with her Batsuit that Batsuit is part of her via advance and exotic mechanical and organic nano technology which reacts near she can control what goes in and what goes out the bat suit can also control and alter peoples memories to a degree like making people forget that she is batwoman of need be via advance mental sensors the Batsuit can be near instantly improved upon via her mind.The suit make her to easily allow her to survive heavy weapons Both energy and kinetic but it hard for it to take repeated hits. It also immune to emp and electronic disruption weaponry because she wear's it and she can also survive extreme pressure and atmospheric reentry with the suit. Her suit can wirelessly and wisely at speeds faster than the speed of like cand connect to the bat cave and her computers and store things for her. her Batsuit also handles her appearance like how her hair is and cleans her. Get rid of any unwanted features.

It also is her wardrobe the suit can dissipate and store things via the exotic matter it works with. It can disappear and remove it self out of fin air if thinks and orders it. It can rearrange it self and disappear deep Beneth Katherine Olivia Wayne skin of necessity. It can make clothes and maintain a lipstick and polish and also eyeliner for her when ever she demands it and in a verity of styles when ever she demands it.The suit also keeps her in the pinochle of pher peak conditioning even while pregnant and make Childbirth for her quick and painless

But that’s not all the Batsuit also allows her to fly and swim via hydrojets at Mach 5.5 and it also enhances her already natural enhances her natural and physical and augmented abilities by 25 full react by thought and enhance he speed to about Mach 5.5 via nano machines she also has access to unlimited equipment weapons gadgets and also like giving things like oxygen and other things she needs to survive like nutrients and water can also rapidly learned and master complcated stuff at a half and hour to and hour while doing other stuff . but it’s is by far and away way behind god like levels through. The suit can heal her injuries and provide medical care it has thing like sensors allow Olivia Katherine Wayne as batwoman to detect threats hear things no normal human can and see 360 degrees that even includes underground and above threats. It also prevents her from using lethal force unless she’s overrides it which never happens.

Olivia Katherine Wayne’s Bat suit has modular allowing her to disguise her voice perfectly . It allowed he to rapidly learn and speak in the language of the natives speak and of there not time it it translate what she was about to speak and makes her speak the language she has to speak perfectly.This also can be done if Olivia Katherine Wayne need to speak quickly and can not use the native language in the circumstances if it needs to be done the suit also make her dna untraceable and unusable unless Olivia Katherine Wayne or batwoman chooses to .her suit also very heavy energy shielding which also changes at and extremely fast rate.It also has and invisibility and camouflage cloak on it.She can turn the red bat logo on and off usually it’s off in unless she wants to say I’m watching mor seriously or if she feels like it the later is the usual case.

Olivia Katherine Wayne batmobile Carry’s all the things she needs like and ftl drove and other for me of drive that allows her to travel to all different ways she also can travel under water with it. The bat mobile via exotic matter . It can fly travel on the road and under water and transform into a bat cycle which she enjoys ridding it’s made can repair itself and make anything and and multiple Olivia Katherine Wayne or batwoman like high quality syphaze food which is cooked or prepared how ever she likes and very quickly to . Even through she has no need of that if chooses to via nutrients her suit can make . This gadget can be stored via and stick on her suit. Which has to remove when Olivia Katherine Wayne is not batwoman but it always on her via a the exotic that matter she injected herself with . It power source is to multi matter and exotic power makers it had been modified to stick to her. Olivia Kathrine Wayne also made her suit and herself immune to the further effects of magic unless she wishes for it after the lazeruz mystical pit incident he abilities also gave her abilities to make wigs and differs suits of her liking .
Transportation: The bat cycle the batship the Batmobile
Weapons: Bat baton batniddles batarang batrope


Olivia Katherine Wayne Gallery 3


Kathrine Wayne is a multi Trillionaire her net worth is over 15 trillion dollars

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