This article, Pamela Isley (Earth-41417), is property of MarvelouMarty. |

Serene Rose (mother),
Sheldon Rose (maternal uncle),
Alicia Rose (maternal aunt),
Harleen Quinzel (wife),
Lucy Quinzel (stepdaughter),
Sporelings (creation, children);
Harvey Dent (ex-fiancé),
Bella Garten (ex-girlfriend),
Jason Woodrue (ex-lover)
Pamela Isley was born on June 1976 to her lower middle class parents, Mario and Selene Isley, the latter of who began to suffer from a chronic respiratory disease when Pamela was still in high school, an illness that was attributed to her years of exposure working at a chemical plant before quitting when her condition had worsened. Meanwhile, Pamela's father was an ex-convict and former mob enforcer who tried to stay clean as a mechanic, although him being a frequent smoker irritated his daughter and made her think and feel that he cared too little about her mother, not to mention the fact that he was often abusive of her. Even in her youth, Pamela had become curious, intrigued, and too an extent, obsessed with plants whenever she took strolls to nearby gardens, preferring to play and interact with them over fellow kids who were hanging out at parks. Because of Pamela's growing love for plants and nature as a whole, her mother gifted her a flowerpot of rose on her tenth birthday, which Pamela had always cherished and took care of growing up.
Unfortunately, her mother would pass away after she graduated high school and although her cause of death was originally assumed as a fatal complication of her mother's illness, Pamela knew that her father did it, since they were having a heated argument the last time she saw them. Through her dedication and the clues she found at home, she was able to help and convince the authorities find all the evidences that pointed to Mario committing the murder of his wife through asphyxiation. When her father was sentenced in prison, Pam lived with her maternal aunt and uncle, who did their best to raise her alongside their children, but she often felt like a "black sheep" and never belonged to her adopted home, pushing Pamela to dedicate her following years by studying botany in college, mostly visiting gardens, where she interacted with different folks who she either hated or respected, and residing in her dorm more than anywhere else.
Thanks to her above average intellect and hard work, she grew up as a promising and passionate botanist as early as college who had a few ambitions that she pledged to herself as a part of her promise to clean up her city from its polluted filth, had been endangering all the people's health and more importantly, the environment, for millennia. In her early twenties, Pamela worked for Professor Jason Woodrue as his new research assistant, who had swayed her with his idealistic environmental and ecological goals and principles, which strongly resonated with hers. When her finished her doctorate, she continued to work with Woodrue as her works and theories were recognized. Pamela and Dr. Woodrue were recruited to an interstate government-funded program, subsequently befriending and working alongside fellow like-minded scientists, such as Alec Holland, Linda Olsen Ridge, Marc Legrand, and Bella Garten, who shared or respected each other's ecological views and objectives through this program despite coming from different backgrounds and upbringings.
However, most of their experiments became more extreme over time when it yielded insufficient and unsatisfactory results, discouraging the members of the program from continue on working together. What would be their final experiment took a turn. The process turned Pamela's blood into chlorophyll and permanently altered her biology into a metahuman and allowed her to directly interact, enhance, and manipulate plant life of all forms. Although Woodrue left her out of fear of being held responsible for his subordinate's supposed demise and most likely ruining his reputation if he was caught, Pamela was reborn as the bewitching, cunning, and spiteful Poison Ivy. In this new beginning of her life, Ivy's vendetta against those who were actively destroying and poisoning Gotham's environment had begun, which led to her being placed on the police's radar as a dangerous and powerful eco-terrorist.
Although she had little to no problem in dealing with the authorities as much as she handled her targets, Ivy's criminal activities led to her inadvertently clashing against the costumed crimefighting vigilante, Batman, who—despite understanding her ultimate goal to safeguard and protect nature from humanity's actions—strongly opposed her extreme methods. Although she was able to overpower the Dark Knight during their first encounters, he was able to prove his formidability through his intellect, determination, and perseverance to save the lives of those she was endangering, even if they were also wrongdoers, and prevent her from causing harmful and destructive schemes that would threaten innocent lives. On the bright side, being brought to Arkham Asylum instead of any other prison allowed Ivy to meet allies of her own throughout the years of imprisonment and escape, befriending and teaming up with fellow peculiar criminals, such as Catwoman and Harley Quinn.
Powers and Abilities
- Genius Level Intellect
- Seduction
- Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic)
- Lock Picking
- Swimming
- Thievery
- Meditation
Strength level
Class 50+
Equipment: None known.
Transportation: None known.
Weapons: None known.
- No special notes.
- No trivia.
See Also
- Appearances of Pamela Isley (Earth-41417) (Chronological)
- Appearances of Pamela Isley (Earth-41417) (Unordered)
- Character Gallery: Pamela Isley (Earth-41417)
- Fan-Art Gallery: Pamela Isley (Earth-41417)
- Quotations by Pamela Isley (Earth-41417)
Discover and Discuss
- Search News for: Poison Ivy · Pamela Lillian Isley · Pamela Isley (Earth-41417)
Links and References
- None.
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