This article, Raven (Earth-41417), is property of MarvelousMarty. |

Justice League Dark,
Sentinels of Magic;
Formerly Sons of Trigon,
Church of Blood,
Night Forces
Angela "Arella" Roth (mother),
Alice Roth (maternal aunt),
Jack Williams (uncle),
Belial (half-brother, deceased),
Suge (half-brother, deceased),
Ruskoff (half-brother, deceased),
Trilogy (half-brother),
Bertok-Raaf (cousin),
Mary-Beth Williams (cousin),
Billy Williams (cousin),
Jessica Williams (cousin),
Etrigan (nephew),
Merlin (nephew);
Gar Logan (boyfriend);
Mace West (ex-boyfriend)
Teen Titans Vol 1 5
No thanks to my terrible dad, hell runs in my blood in all contexts. But unlike him, I don't want to help him bring his burning kingdom on Earth. Thanks to you guys, I realized that I don't have to be like him. I might be half-demon, but I can be my own person. I wanna be more of my mother's daughter. A hero, who saves the helpless from the likes of my father... I'm a Titan.
- --Raven
Raven (born October 1995) is the daughter of the powerful archdemon conqueror Trigon and the adventurous human sorcerer Angela Roth, who was known by her title of Arella residing in Azarath, a planetary dimension mostly accessible to monks and priests who followed the teachings of the elder sorcerer, Azar. Raven was conceived when Angela, who used to be a blind and desperate follower of a satanic cult, was raped by Trigon as a part of a marriage ritual that was meant to be a union between the said cult and Trigon's society. While bearing their daughter, Angela was eventually saved by Azar and her disciples when the former secretly summoned a distress astral signal and was taken into the refuge and safety of Azarath, where she had the chance to start a new life and better environment to raise her gifted daughter millions of light years away from the malicious and diabolical clutches of Trigon and his countless legions of darkness.
However, not even the most powerful Azarathians could fend off Trigon's presence as the celestial behemoth had tracked down Azarath through a demented follower and decimated their peaceful paradise and drove most of its residents on the brink of extinction. Moments before Arella's demise, she was able to conjure a portal that sent her daughter to Earth, with little to no memories of her past. After her mother's passing, Raven would reside with her relatives under the adopted name of Rachel Roth until her adolescence, although having learned the dark nature of her powers, she would renounce her destiny as her father's herald after learning of her mystical origins and his prophesized arrival through a ritual by the Church of Blood, the very organization who preyed on her mother in her youth and the ones who initiated the dreadful conception ritual with Trigon.
In the circumstance of finding alliance and family within other young heroes such as the first Robin, Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Starfire, she went on to become a member of the Teen Titans, more specifically a founding member of its second incarnation. With the help, mentorship, and teamwork she had learned alongside them, Raven began to train and use her magical powers for good as a hero, fighting against her own father when he planned to reunite with her so he could amass more power. Thankfully, Raven and her newfound team were able to join forces and utilize their powers to prevent Trigon from literally bringing hell on earth, and it would not be the only time they would have to do it in order to protect Earth and its life.
Powers and Abilities
- Human-Demon Hybrid
Strength level
Class 800+
- Sensory Overload
- Strong Emotions
- Depression
- Chakra
Transportation: None known.
- No special notes.
- No trivia.
See Also
- Appearances of Raven (Earth-41417) (Chronological)
- Appearances of Raven (Earth-41417) (Unordered)
- Character Gallery: Raven (Earth-41417)
- Fan-Art Gallery: Raven (Earth-41417)
- Quotations by Raven (Earth-41417)
Discover and Discuss
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Rachel Roth (legal name) · Raven (Earth-41417)
Links and References
- None.