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Real Name
Richard Grayson
Current Alias





Base Of Operations
Gotham City






Marital Status

former circus acrobat, vigilante


Place of Birth
Haly's Circus


First appearance



Richard, or Dick, Grayson was raised by his parents John and Mary. A group of acrobats known as the Flying Graysons who performed at Haly's Circus. Over the years the circus would become a dying institution, and when Dick was 15 years old its owner C.C. Haly set it's final performance to be in Gotham City as part of a charity drive sponsored by Wayne Enterprises at an auditorium. It was to be attended by the city's most elite. Including the likes of Commissioner James Gordon, the Drake family, and Bruce Wayne himself.

After the Graysons' trapeze act the notorious criminal known as the Penguin would reveal himself and his Red Triangle Circus Gang as having infiltrated the circus and set up a bomb that he hung up from the ceiling that could take out everyone in attendance. They take the crowd as their hostages and loot them of their valuables. Not too long after Batman would arrive on the scene, distracting the Penguin and his men. Seeing an opportunity John and Mary decided to try and take action to get rid of the bomb during the chaos. The Penguin would eventually spot them doing this and fire upon them with his machinegun umbrella. They'd manage to pass it off to Dick to complete the journey out, but the Penguin's spray of bullets would damage the rigging to the point of breaking, sending his parents plummeting to their deaths. Dick would successfully manage to get the bomb out and send it rolling into the nearby river right before it explodes. However, he returned to find his parents dead. Collapsing next to their bodies in tears at the sight.

Dick spoke to the police outside and would eventually be approached by Bruce Wayne. He offered Dick his condolences and said that he understood what he was going through but that many others wouldn't. Telling him about his own parallel experience of seeing his parents murdered when he was a kid. He also said that he had talked to Jack and Janet Drake, and said that the two had agreed to take him in for at least awhile. Before leaving Bruce told him that if he ever needed to talk that he'd be available.

The Drakes did all they could to help Dick become comfortable with his new life, and their 12 year old some Tim looked up to him. But his waking mind was consumed with the desire for revenge. He'd come to regularly run-off and skip school in order to search for information on the Penguin. Batman would catch him spying once and returned him home. He warned him that this was too dangerous but that didn't stop him. One night he'd get in over his head when he tried to follow some of his men from a robbery but got caught and cornered in an alley. Batman would then arrive and the two together, Dick doing what he could with his skills learned as an acrobat, manage to fight them off. Dick got a slash in the arm from one of the henchmen, so Batman took him to the Batcave in order to treat the wound.

After patching him up he told Dick to let it go. That he'd track down the Penguin and bring him to justice. That what Dick was doing was too dangerous. Dick pleaded to Batman to train him. To allow him to be his partner. Batman argued against this, but he wouldn't back down. When he became convinced that Dick was serious about he was saying, and taking note of his admittedly impressive martial prowess already, Batman relented and told him that they'd start his training soon. Before taking him back to Drake Manor, Batman unmasked himself. Revealing his identity as Bruce Wayne.

The two began an extensive training regiment in the areas of combat, investigation, and the use of his gadgets. During this time he also would try to convince him that revenge had to be put aside in order to seek true justice. Dick challenged him by asking if he had to cope with his feelings the same way. And whether or not he even ever found the killer of his parents. Bruce simply stated that he didn't learn to cope fast enough before ending their training session that night.

Eventually the Penguin would put forth his most nefarious to get his revenge on Gotham yet.

Powers and Abilities


None known.


None known.

Strength level



None known.


Equipment: None known.
Transportation: None known.
Weapons: None known.


  • No special notes.


  • No trivia.

See Also

  • Appearances of Richard Grayson (Earth-515) (Chronological)
  • Appearances of Richard Grayson (Earth-515) (Unordered)
  • Character Gallery: Richard Grayson (Earth-515)
  • Fan-Art Gallery: Richard Grayson (Earth-515)
  • Quotations by Richard Grayson (Earth-515)

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Links and References

  • None.
