Early Life[]
Meeting Bruce Wayne[]
Becoming Robin[]
Forming the Teen Titans[]
Break Up of the Teen Titans[]
The Killing Joke[]
New Teen Titans[]
An Old Enemy[]
Crisis on Infinite Earths[]
Death in the Family[]
Death of Ryan Wilder[]
Becoming Batman[]
Marvel vs DC[]
Two entities known as the Brothers, one representing the DC Universe and the other representing the Marvel Universe, remembered each other's existences, causing the two universes to merge.
The Brothers held a contest in which they took fighters from both of their respective universes and pitted them against each other, with the losing universe being destroyed. In order to stop this, the Spectre and Marvel's Living Tribunal joined forces to create the Amalgam Universe, combining characters, events, and aspects from both universes. During the events of Amalgam, Nightwing was combined with Marvel's Moon Knight to create Moonwing, a protégé of Bruce Wayne, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Dick Grayson became Moonwing after he was forced to leave the circus after developing a split personality named Marc Spector. Before Dick went to college, he trained his own protégé, whose name was Jason Todd. Dick became Moonwing again after Jason was killed by a terrorist organization known as HYDRA. Jason was brought back to life as Deathlok (a combination of himself, Marvel's Luther Manning, and Marvel's Midnight) and fought against his former mentor on behalf of HYDRA.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Acrobatics:
- Computer Hacking:
- Driving
- Escapology
- Firearms:
- Genius Level Intellect:
- Forensic Science
- Criminology
- Indomitable Will:
- Intimidation:
- Investigation:
- Leadership:
- Martial Arts:
- Aikido
- Boxing
- Capoeira
- Eskrima
- Hapkido
- Jeet Kune Do
- Judo
- Jujitsu
- Karate
- Ninjitsu
- Sambo
- Savate
- Stick Fighting
- Taekwondo
- Kung Fu
- Mechanical Aptitude
- Multilingualism:
- Peak Human Condition:
- Peak Human Strength:
- Peak Human Agility:
- Peak Human Speed:
- Peak Human Reflexes:
- Peak Human Stamina:
- Peak Human Endurance:
- Peak Human Senses:
- Stealth:
- Swordsmanship:
- Weaponry:
- Nightwing Suit:
- Batsuit: (formerly)
- Utility Belt:
- Nightwing's Car:
- Wingcycle:
- Batmobile: (formerly)
- Wing Dings/Batarangs
- Eskrima Sticks
- This version of Dick Grayson is inspired by the Earth-Two, Earth-One, New Earth, Prime Earth, DCAU, Teen Titans animated series, and Titans live-action series versions of the character.
- Dick's love interests include Barbara Gordon, Starfire, Harley Quinn, Zatanna, Helena Bertinelli, Sonia Zucco, Bridget Clancy. Mary Willis, and Emily Washburn.
- Dick's archenemy is Deathstroke. Another major enemy is Blockbuster.
- His original archenemy was Two-Face.
- During his time as Batman, he had Red Hood as an archenemy.
- His original archenemy was Two-Face.