DC Fanon Wiki

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Current Alias

Renegade, Dicky-Boy, Agent 37, Ric Grayson, Earth-008 Nightwing, Great Earth's Nightwing, Birdwatcher



Bat Family, Batman Inc, Teen Titans (formerly, Field Leader), Haly's Circus (formerly)

Bruce Wayne (adopted father)

Burton Crowne (great-grandfather, deceased), John Grayson (father, deceased),

Mary Grayson (mother, deceased)


Base Of Operations



185 Ibs




Marital Status

Adventurer, student, part-time server, circus performer (formerly)

college student

Gifted acrobat who tragically lost his parents due to gang related crimes. Grayson would be taken in and trained by Bruce Wayne.

Place of Birth

First appearance

All New Batman vol 2


Quote1 At one point, it really did seem like it was on the cards for me to take up the mantle permanently as cheesy as this sounds I let my heart help me decide and I ended up choosing the latter Quote2
-- Nightwing

Richard Grayson is the son of John and Mary Grayson and the family performed as the Flying Graysons, a wildly popular act best known for death defying aerial stunts primarily and usually always associated with Haly Circus, which was considered the home of the Flying Graysons from a performance standpoint, had many shady things going on behind the scenes such as the management seemingly getting into a dispute with a local crime boss over money. The manager would anger the crime boss and this would lead to many chain of events. During one of the Grayson's performances, an associate of the crime boss rigged the set up to the Graysons act an hour earlier and by the time John Grayson knew what was wrong it was too late and he would quickly tell his son not to jump with them. The Grayson parents fell to their sudden death at the horror of the audience. Richard soon became the ward of billionaire Bruce Wayne and eventually became the latter's first crimefighting partner as Robin.

After a falling out with Bruce, Grayson pursued a solo career as "Nightwing".

20201005 015743

Dick as Robin


After the argument with Batman, Dick moved on to Blüdhaven in order to step out of the Batman's shadow and become his own hero. Dick also got his own apartment in Blüdhaven. Nightwing was recently tracking down the Joan family and notable gang family in Blüdhaven. Ross Joan, the leader of the Joan family, became aware of Nightwing and wanted him dead. nightwing continues to track down Joan. After running into a dead lead, Nightwing put the case on hold temporarily. One night, as Dick as getting ready for bed, he was attacked by a masked man. Dick flipped his mattress over on the man to block him and regain his composure. The assassin was relentless and was trying to impale Dick with his razor sharp gauntlets.

As the assassin went for a finishing blow, Dick saw an opening and kicked him out of his apartment window. As Dick rushed to confront the masked man, he was already gone. "That lead isn't looking so dead after all", Dick said to himself with relief.

A few weeks later, after doing some thorough research, Dick realizes taking down the Joan Family will obviously not be an easy feat and is aware of the stranglehold the family has on Blüdhaven. They even have their own restaurants and hotels ran by their affiliates which is another way for them to bring in even more money to their already wealthy empire. Dick had an idea, he decided he was going undercover as an ambitious young hustler looking to "get in" the Joan Family and meets up with 2 of their lower level goons. At first the goons were obviously suspicious of Dick, who has went under the name "Walter Matthews". After earning their trust and proving to them that he's simply a "small time hustler", they recruit "Walter" and already have him answering to one of their bosses and already being given assignments. Dick is able to dig deeper after being given these assignments and learning of the other methods Joan obtains money and get weapons sold but Dick isn't gonna break his cover yet. He's gonna investigate even more and get EVERYTHING he needs to take them down

Ghost from the past

After catching up with the new Titans, Grayson is paid an unwelcome visit by a figure of his past, Red X. Red X is trying to bait Nightwing into an altercation to which Nightwing refuses however, Red X wasn't accepting no as an answer. Red X knew his true identity and knew the location of his beloved ones and threatened Nightwing to help him on a task to retrieve an item he wants or he will target everyone he cares about. Forced by Red X's hand, Nightwing accepted to assist Red X on what seems to be a heist.

Powers and Abilities


None known.


  • Acrobatics: Even prior to his training, Dick has been a gifted athlete since his early youth. Dick's athleticism is equal to, if not, better than an Olympic-level athlete.

Strength level



None known.


Equipment: None known.
Transportation: None known.
Weapons: None known.


  • No special notes.


  • No trivia.

See Also

  • Appearances of Richard Grayson (Great Earth) (Chronological)
  • Appearances of Richard Grayson (Great Earth) (Unordered)
  • Character Gallery: Richard Grayson (Great Earth)
  • Fan-Art Gallery: Richard Grayson (Great Earth)
  • Quotations by Richard Grayson (Great Earth)

Discover and Discuss

Links and References

  • None.

Character Template HelpHelp
Real Name
Richard "Dick" John Grayson
Current Alias

Dick Grayson, Walter Matthews, Robin, The Boy Wonder, Richard Wayne, Renegade #2, John Smith



Batman Incorporated, Teen Titans (founding member)

Bruce Wayne (Adopted father)

Jason Todd (Adopted brother)

Tim Drake (Adopted brother)

Damian Wayne (Adopted brother)

Bruce Wayne Jr (Adopted brother)

Solomon Wayne (Adopted brother)

Koriand'r (complicated relationship)

Barbara Gordon (Best-friend)

Rachel Roth (best-friend)

|Lucas Grayson (Cousin)

Mar'i Grayson (Daughter in possible future)


Base Of Operations
Blüdhaven, Gotham City , New York City, Chicago






Marital Status

Adventurer, Vigilante, Student, part time server, Circus Performer (formerly)


Place of Birth

First appearance

All New Batman vol 2 issue 12


Quote1 At one point, it really did seem like it was on the cards for me to take up the mantle permanently as cheesy as this sounds I let my heart help me decide and I ended up choosing the latter Quote2
-- Nightwing

Richard Grayson is the son of John and Mary Grayson and the family performed as the Flying Graysons. Haly Circus, which was considered the home of the Flying Graysons from a performance standpoint, had many shady things going on behind the scenes such as the management seemingly getting into a dispute with a local crime boss over money. The manager would anger the crime boss and this would lead to many chain of events. During one of the Grayson's performances, an associate of the crime boss rigged the set up to the Graysons act an hour earlier and by the time John Grayson knew what was wrong it was too late and he would quickly tell his son not to jump with them. The Grayson parents fell to their sudden death at the horror of the audience. Richard soon became the ward of billionaire Bruce Wayne and eventually became the latter's first crimefighting partner as Robin.

After a falling out with Bruce, Grayson pursued a solo career as "Nightwing".

20201005 015743

Dick as Robin


After the argument with Batman, Dick moved on to Blüdhaven in order to step out of the Batman's shadow and become his own hero. Dick also got his own apartment in Blüdhaven. Nightwing was recently tracking down the Joan family and notable gang family in Blüdhaven. Ross Joan, the leader of the Joan family, became aware of Nightwing and wanted him dead. nightwing continues to track down Joan. After running into a dead lead, Nightwing put the case on hold temporarily. One night, as Dick as getting ready for bed, he was attacked by a masked man. Dick flipped his mattress over on the man to block him and regain his composure. The assassin was relentless and was trying to impale Dick with his razor sharp gauntlets.

As the assassin went for a finishing blow, Dick saw an opening and kicked him out of his apartment window. As Dick rushed to confront the masked man, he was already gone. "That lead isn't looking so dead after all", Dick said to himself with relief.

A few weeks later, after doing some thorough research, Dick realizes taking down the Joan Family will obviously not be an easy feat and is aware of the stranglehold the family has on Blüdhaven. They even have their own restaurants and hotels ran by their affiliates which is another way for them to bring in even more money to their already wealthy empire. Dick had an idea, he decided he was going undercover as an ambitious young hustler looking to "get in" the Joan Family and meets up with 2 of their lower level goons. At first the goons were obviously suspicious of Dick, who has went under the name "Walter Matthews". After earning their trust and proving to them that he's simply a "small time hustler", they recruit "Walter" and already have him answering to one of their bosses and already being given assignments. Dick is able to dig deeper after being given these assignments and learning of the other methods Joan obtains money and get weapons sold but Dick isn't gonna break his cover yet. He's gonna investigate even more and get EVERYTHING he needs to take them down

Ghost from the past

After catching up with the new Titans, Grayson is paid an unwelcome visit by a figure of his past, Red X. Red X is trying to bait Nightwing into an altercation to which Nightwing refuses however, Red X wasn't accepting no as an answer. Red X knew his true identity and knew the location of his beloved ones and threatened Nightwing to help him on a task to retrieve an item he wants or he will target everyone he cares about. Forced by Red X's hand, Nightwing accepted to assist Red X on what seems to be a heist.

Powers and Abilities


None known.


Peak Human Condition

Strength level



None known.


Equipment: Utility Belt, Intense weather-resistant Nightwing suit, Jika-tabi, Grappling hooks
Transportation: Wingcycle
Weapons: Eskrima, Wing Dings


  • No special notes.


  • No trivia.

See Also

  • Appearances of Richard Grayson (Great Earth) (Chronological)
  • Appearances of Richard Grayson (Great Earth) (Unordered)
  • Character Gallery: Richard Grayson (Great Earth)
  • Fan-Art Gallery: Richard Grayson (Great Earth)
  • Quotations by Richard Grayson (Great Earth)

Discover and Discuss

Links and References

  • None.

Batman Family member

This character is or was an incarnation of or an ally of Batman, and a member of the Batman Family. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the "Batman Family members" category.

Teen Titans member

This character is or was primarily a member of the younger superhero team known as the Teen Titans, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Teen Titans members" category.
