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This article, Roy Harper (Earth-41417), is property of MarvelousMarty.
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Roy Harper (Earth-41417)
Real Name
Roy William Harper, Jr.
Current Alias

Red Arrow, Speedy, Lost Arrow, Deathstroke, Red X, Autumn


Team Arrow (founding member),
Titans (formerly Teen Titans) (founding member, mentor)
Justice League (part-time);
formerly Outlaws, Outsiders

Mary Harper (paternal grand-aunt, deceased),
Jim Harper (paternal great-uncle, deceased),
Jimbo Harper (clone of paternal great-uncle),
Simon Harper (paternal grandfather, deceased),
Roy Harper, Sr. (father, deceased),
Eliza Weaver (mother, estranged),
Keekuk Bigbow (adoptive father, deceased),
Oliver Queen (legal guardian),
Kele Bigbow (adoptive brother),
Connor Hawke (brother figure),
Linda Park (sister-in-law);
Jade Nguyen (wife),
Lian Harper (daughter);
Past Romance:
Koriand'r (ex-girlfriend),
Donna Troy (ex-girlfriend),
Kendra Saunders (ex-girlfriend)


Base Of Operations
Mobile; Star City (Seattle); Navajo Reservation; Justice League Watchtower; New York City; Titans Tower, Jump City, San Francisco





Marital Status

Adventurer, Teacher, Vigilante, Mentor; Former Mercenary, Government Agent

Human vigilante of peak-human levels with mastery in archery, weaponry, and combat; former sidekick of Green Arrow

Place of Birth
Phoenix, Arizona

First appearance

Dynamic Comics:
Green Arrow Vol 1 3


Quote1 I've messed up a lot more times than I can remember. But the ones who found me, they just kept on giving me second, third—maybe seventh chances... I didn't always believe that I deserve 'em, but after realizing that I'm not the only one going through it, I knew that I gotta help myself too so I can keep helping out others in need. Quote2
-- Arsenal

Roy Harper (born November 1988) was born to an outgoing father, who worked as a forest ranger until he died saving civilians in a major forest fire that took place in Navajoland. After his father's passing, Roy was adopted by Keekuk Bigbow, a respected resident of a Navajo Reservation near the fire. Keekuk raised Roy as his own alongside his son, Kele, training him in the arts of archery since he had shown talent and passion for using a bow and arrow. Even as Roy's attentive older adoptive brother, Kele was envious of his talent, although he did his best caring and looking out for him. Roy, on the other hand, sought adventure outside the Navajo Reservation on his own, despite his adoptive father's encouragement that he'd wait until he's old enough to travel. Even when Roy would become rebellious by secretly traveling to the next city with his close friends and neighbors, Big Bow remained understanding of him and made him feel loved, something that Roy was always grateful for.

However, when he was a teenager, Big Bow suddenly perished at the hands of a bad-tempered police officer who had him framed as the culprit and several residents vouching against him doing a crime he never committed, forcing a devastated Roy to flee home and travel as far as Seattle, the city that would eventually be known in the next decade as Star City. In his new life, Roy struggled to fit in and make a living for himself as a wandering young nomad who often pickpocketed in public places as he sometimes lived in homeless shelters. One day, Roy ended up crossing paths with Oliver Queen after stealing some of his equipment as the vigilante Green Arrow, a figure that Roy had seen as a Robin Hood-like figure due to his selfless actions as a crimefighter across the city. Seeing the potential and heart in Roy, Oliver gave the kid a chance to put his skills to good use, taking him under his wing as his companion or sidekick. Young Roy's swift movements and remarkable acrobatics, which he first demonstrated after helping the Green Arrow with non-fatally shooting down armed robbers with his own bow and arrows, earned him the moniker Speedy.

Powers and Abilities


None known.


Strength level

Class 13




  • Trick Arrows
  • Arsenal Suit
    • Electronic Pulse
  • Red Arrow Suit

Transportation: None known.

  • Compound Bow
  • Recurve Bow
  • Crossbow
  • Dual Sai
  • Throwing Knives
  • Flechettes
  • Stolen Composite Bow


  • No special notes.


  • No trivia.

See Also

  • Appearances of Roy Harper (Earth-41417) (Chronological)
  • Appearances of Roy Harper (Earth-41417) (Unordered)
  • Character Gallery: Roy Harper (Earth-41417)
  • Fan-Art Gallery: Roy Harper (Earth-41417)
  • Quotations by Roy Harper (Earth-41417)

Discover and Discuss

Links and References

  • None.

Green Arrow Vol 3 21 Textless
Team Arrow member

This character is or was a member of the Green Arrow family of vigilante super-heroes, who fight crime using archery and martial arts. They are a loose connection brought together through family bonds and shared experiences. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Team Arrow members."

Justice League 0002
Justice League member

This character is or was a member of the Justice League of America, or the Justice League in any of its various incarnations, sworn by a duty to act as guardians of America and the world by using their skills and/or superpowers to protect Earth from both interstellar and domestic threats.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Justice League of America members" category.
