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The Hunter

Real Name
Siad Al Ghul (Changed to Hugh Retnuh)
Current Alias

The Hunter



Suicide Squad

Damian Wayne (Nephew)

Ra's Al Ghul (Father) (Disowned)
Sensei (Grandfather)

Talia Al Ghul (Sister) (Deceased)






Arabian, [[:Category:|American]]

Marital Status

Psychologist, Adventurer, Vigilante


Place of Birth
Cairo, Egypt


First appearance

Redlodge: Year One


The Hunter was the son of Ra's Al Ghul and twin brother of Talia Al Ghul. He left Ra's to become an enigmatic vigilante.


Siad was born to Ra's and Melisande. He was a strange child in that he seemed almost bereft of joy. He claimed that this was because he needed only one thing to be content, freedom. When he was trained to be an assassin, he made plans to leave his father forever when he went on his first mission, he did this and set out into the world on his own.

Teenaged Years

Siad had been born with an innate understanding of right and wrong. He decided his father's world view was wrong, and thus choose to change his to Hunter (The Hunter to his enemies). He then went and single handedly freed the country of Alaldhfjhdkjia. A wealthy man named Tymaret then welcomed him into his family. There Hunter trained to administer his own brand of justice on criminals.

At war with Tymaret

Hunter discovered that Tymaret was not only a murderer more insane than the joker, but that he had manipulated about the death of Hunter and Talia's mother. And that he was planning on using Hunter in his eons long war with the Al Ghuls. He then declared war on Tymaret, by killing every one of his minions.

Protective Uncle

This war continued for years. During one encounter, Tymaret stated that Talia had secretly given birth and that he would steal that child. Hunter kidnapped Damian from Talia and took him to a priest who casted a spell that prevented Tymaret from harming Damian. However, on the night of a full moon the spell would lose its effect. After Damian was blessed, Talia attacked Hunter thinking he was a kidnapper. Hunter unmasked himself and told her about Tymaret and the spell. He then inquired who the father was and learned about the tragic tale of Talia's love for Batman. After this he developed a close relationship with Talia, serving her as her psychiatrist and guarding Damian on nights of a full moon. As the years progressed, Hunter fostered a hate for Batman because he would not return his sister's affections.

Death and the Maidens

Everything changed when Nyssa Al Ghul came to kill Ra's. She went to Hunter and proposed that he let her kill Ra's. Hunter respectfully refused saying she would not leave the castle alive. She then said that she would blow the place up first. He then agreed but on the condition she didn't harm Talia.

Two weeks later Tymaret casually walked in Hunter's castle and paralyzed everyone inside. He apprehended Hunter and forced him to watch every one of his men painfully murdered. Tymaret said that Nyssa had approached him two months ago with a plan to kill Ra's. The plan was to torture Hunter into killing Ra's by killing and resurrecting him multiple times in short succession.

They did this 903 times before almost giving up. Tymaret suggested that they use Talia instead, and force Hunter to watch. So Nyssa tortured Talia in this way as Tymaret forced Hunter to watch singing mocking tunes in his ears. Hunter begged Tymaret to stop and to let it be him that killed Ra's instead, but Tymaret laughed saying "I had this planned all along, I just wanted you to feel like you could have stopped it."

After Talia had broken, Tymaret shot Hunter in the head and tossed him into the pit, sealing it. It took Hunter three weeks to escape. By then Ra's was dead. He then went to Nyssa and threatened to horribly murder her if she didn't release Talia in his care. Nyssa claimed that an agent of Tymaret would never have Talia. Hunter pointed out that Nyssa was the real agent, but then he realized that Talia now thought that Nyssa was the loving sibling and that Hunter was the agent of Tymaret.


Not long after, Hunter confronted Nyssa as she was about to make an information exchange with Tymaret and forced her at gunpoint to attend a "psychoanalysis session". In other words, he tortured her in the way she had tortured him and Talia while he talked to her about feelings. She begged for mercy after a while, but he said she didn't grant his pleas for mercy earlier. She says that she is his sister. He responded that Talia was his sister (keyword: was) and that besides, Nyssa was appealing to the wrong genes (Hunter had disowned Ra's after all). Eventually he killed her by tearing her heart out saying, "What is it the Babylonian's said? An eye for an eye. A heart for a broken (Engh) heart." He then mailed it to Tymaret with a letter saying "you're next".

The Resurrection of Ra's Al Ghul


When Talia started to build Leviathan, Hunter begged her to remember who she had once been and to stop the madness. Talia shot him in the head.

Night of the Hunter

He survived with a major concussion and went to a bar to lose himself. He then was told by a man fired by Leo Redlodge, that Redlodge was an evil person. Hunter then went to kill him since he was drunk. This failed and Hunter was labelled a criminal. He decided to call a bunch of Bounty Hunters together and asked them to help him kill Redlodge. This was a ploy to clear his name and get them arrested.

Redlodge appreciated Hunter's guts and gave him the job of taking out criminals. Hunter then declared war on Batman's enemies. He then went and killed several dangerous killers, attracting Batman's attention, Batman tried to apprehend Hunter, but Hunter said that if he did he would lose valuable information on Leviathan.

Powers and Abilities


  • Empathy: It has been hinted that Hunter's psychological talents are somewhat more metahuman than stated.
  • Gadgetry: Hunter wears a powerful suit of cybernetic armor that gives him the following abilities.
    • Camouflage: Hunter's suit allows him to blend in with natural environments.


  • Aviation: Hunter has flown many planes across the entire world.
  • Charisma: Hunter is very charismatic, this helped him form the Hunters.
    • Acting: Hunter is a skilled actor and has impersonated many people.
    • Interrogation: Some people do good cop, bad cop. Hunter just does bad cop.
  • Combat: Hunter has been trained by some of the most dangerous people in the world and is an incredibly formidable opponent.
    • Archery: Hunter is as skilled with a bow as he is with a gun.
    • Eidetic Kinesthesia
    • Enhanced Assassination: "The only reason your not hemorrhaging from every major artery right now, Redlodge, Is that your offer sounds pretty F-in good.
    • Fencing
    • Firearms: Hunter can shoot a target 50 meters away while drunk and with a concussion.
    • Martial Arts
    • One-Man Army: Hunter can take down one hundred vecnists in a matter of minutes, and is in fact only beatable by his sister, Talia.
  • Demolitions
  • Escapology: Hunter is gifted at escaping death traps.
  • Espionage
  • Genius Level Intellect: Hunter is considered a genius with an i.q. of at least 250.
    • Computer Operation: Although he would sooner beat "those ungrateful pieces of junk up, Hunter is quite skilled with computers.

Strength level



  • Philophobia: Hunter has a fear of love, he developed this after seeing his sister be driven to insanity due to her forbidden love for Batman.


Equipment: None known.
Transportation: None known.
Weapons: None known.


  • No special notes.


  • No trivia.

See Also

  • Appearances of Siad Al Ghul (Prime Earth) (Chronological)
  • Appearances of Siad Al Ghul (Prime Earth) (Unordered)
  • Character Gallery: Siad Al Ghul (Prime Earth)
  • Fan-Art Gallery: Siad Al Ghul (Prime Earth)
  • Quotations by Siad Al Ghul (Prime Earth)

Discover and Discuss

Links and References

  • None.

    • Criminology: Hunter is quite familiar with the minds of criminals, having been raised by one.
    • Cryptanalysis: Hunter is incredibly good at breaking codes.
    • Disguise: Hunter is able to completely disguise himself.
    • Hypnosis: Hunter is skilled at hypnotising people, one of his most common victims, I mean clients is his sister Talia, whom he has helped overcome mental illness.
  • Gambling: Hunter is good at playing poker, well sort of good at poker, OK not good at all, but he loves playing it.
  • Hunting: There's a reason he got his name.
  • Indomitable Will: Hunter has laughed in the face of insurmountable odds, tragic loss of loved ones, and CRAZY poker debts.
  • Meditation

  • Template:Millionaire: Hunter has stolen millions of dollars from Tymaret and Ra's Al Ghul. He rarely spends it, saving it for a rainy day.
  • Peak Human Condition: Hunter has been trained by some of the most dangerous people in the world and is a prime example of good health.
  • Template:Psychiatry
  • Psychology
  • Stealth
  • Survival|Strength = Hunter is in good physical condition and can lift as much as a professional weight lifter. It is also enhanced by his suit of armor.|Links = Hunter's Kill List}}

League of Assassins member
This character is or was a member of the League of Assassins, a international organization of the world's greatest killers, operating both for hire and their own agenda, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "League of Assassins members" category.

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Batman Villain(s)
This character, team or organization, is or was primarily an enemy of the Batman, or the Batman Family as a whole. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Batman Villains."