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Sorcerers is an American urban fantasy superhero comic book series published by DC Comics. Created by writer artist Mike Grell, the comic tells about a secret society of sorcerers and magical beings who live in secret from the mortal world, particularly of a Fellowship and their fight against the evil and powerful sorcerer, Arawn the Wraith King, as well as several magical and non magical threats, including a magic hunting organization known as Salem's Chosen.


The story begins thousands of years ago in a forgotten part of Earth's past, in a time when magic was real and humans coexisted with magical beings like elves, dwarves, orcs, goblins, trolls, faeries, dark elves, satyrs, leprechauns, halflings, centaurs, drakes and glutts in peace and harmony. A time when the mighty dragons dotted the skies, the graceful unicorns pranced the forests and grasslands and the fearsome sea serpents stalked the oceans of the world. But mostly, it was the time of the sorcerer. It

However the peace was shattered in the 10th, the powerful and evil sorcerer, Arawn the Wraith King gathered a vast army of orcs, goblins, trolls, dark elves, glutts and witches in an attempt to conquer the world. But just when it seemed like Arawn was on the grasp of victory, a powerful and good sorcerer named Fionn O'Clery gathered together the army of humans, elves, dwarves, faeries, leprechauns, halflings, centaurs and drakes to stop Arawn. The war that followed lasted for 10 long and bloody years but at last, Fionn confronted Arawn at his fortress of Castle Black and after a lengthily duel, managed to banish the evil sorcerer and several of his followers to the Void for all of eternity.

But the winners weren't able to enjoy their victory. For Arawn's actions had resulted in the mortals turning on the magical world, believing them to be evil. The mortal King Erik, lead a cruel genocidal purge against the magical world, in which many sorcerers and magical beings were slaughtered. However, a group of sympathetic mortals lead by Erik's sister, Princess Katherine remained friends to the magical world and helped them escape into hiding. Princess Katherine and her followers then became the Order of Druids, a secret society of mortals who have kept the magical world secret until they fill are ready to return to the world.

1'000 years later in 1986, Arawn and his followers manage to escape from the Void with the full intention of continuing his conquest of the world. Particularly, Arawn seeks to completely exterminate Fionn's bloodline as to ensure they don't stop him from fulfilling his goals.

After the Council of Sorcerers and Magical Beings learn of his escape


The Fellowship[]

  • James O'Clery - A 17 year old Irish-American sorcerers apprentice of the O'Clery who is the brave and kind leader of the Fellowship and the main protagonist. When he first becomes leader of the Fellowship, he is uncertain of his ability to lead it, however after some comforting words from his grandparents, he accepts the task with full confidence.
  • Julia Greenleaf - The beautiful princess of the elves who is James' childhood sweetheart and his second in command of the Fellowship. Both she and James have loved each other since they were both 8 years old, finally on her 14th birthday, both she and James finally confessed their feelings and have been together ever since.
  • Aldrin Greenleaf - The warrior prince of the elves who is Julia's twin brother and James' best friend and the researcher of the Fellowship. He is the heir to Alrich's throne, which can sometimes leave him frustrated due to him having to bear a lot of responsibility on his shoulders. However he is always able to overcome his frustrations with the help of both his best friend James and his beloved Ciarda.
  • Ciarda - A beautiful and benevolent dark elf who is the love interest of Ciarda and the healer of the Fellowship. She was found and adopted by the leprechaun healer Padraig, who found her as a newly orphaned infant on a battlefield during the War between the Elves and Dark Elves. Growing up, she enjoyed watching Padraig helping people that she decided that she wanted to become a healer like him.
  • Durin and Dain - A pair of dwarf warrior brothers from the dwarven kingdom of Dwelfheim. Durin sports a black beard with a mowhawk and wields a pair of throwing axes, whilst Dain has a brown beard and hair tied into a ponytail. Durin is the more foul mouthed of the brothers, whilst Dain is both the more polite and soft spoken of the two.
  • Hoofer - A satyr minstrel who serves the Fellowship as their bard. He is a source of comedy for the series, mainly due to annoying the Fellowship with his terrible singing.
  • Flutter - A fairy who is the Fellowship's aerial scout.
  • Trevor- A large and powerful cave troll is both the Fellowships muscle and the guardian of the O'Clery. He became the guardian to the O'Clery's back in the 10th century, whilst foraging for food one day, he was attacked by an evil dragon and was almost killed. However, he was rescued by Fionn O'Clery and as as troll custom demands, swore a life debt to his family and has served the O'Clery's ever since.
  • Robert Barclay/The Wizard - A reformed cat burglar who is the only mortal member of the Fellowship. He was imprisoned after he broke into his former bosses house to refund money that his boss had illegally overcharged. After his release, he was unable to find work due to his criminal record and wasn't able to see his daughter due to not being able to provide child support. However his luck changed when he met Simon and Margaret, who both pitied him and took him to the Council of Sorcerers and Magical Beings.

The Council of Sorcerers and Magical Beings[]

  • Simon and Margaret O'Clery - A pair of powerful sorcerers who are the paternal grandparents of James and Matt and important members of the Council of Sorcerers and Magical Beings. They are also both loving and supportive grandparents to the their two grandsons, having raised them since their father Ronan, Simon and Margaret's son, disappeared and their mother ran off with a rich man.
  • King Alrich Greenleaf - The King of the Elves who is the widowed father of Julia and Aldrin and the head of the Council of Sorcerers and Magical Beings. He became king over 1'000 years ago during the war against Arawn after his father was cut down by some of Arawn's orcs. He then successfully lead the magical community to safety during the Great Purge,
  • Henry MacCallum - A Scottish sorcerer from the line of MacCallum who is a member of the Council of Sorcerers and Magical Beings and the father of Miles. He was once married to Mary, with whom he had a happy marriage to. However when Mary learned that both that Henry and Miles were sorcerers, Mary turned on them and tried to kill them, fortunately they were able to escape.
  • Mongo Ironhand - An eccentric dwarf sorcerer who has a particular love for cigars and martinis who is a member of the Council of Sorcerers and Magical Beings.
  • King Illrede - The King of the Trolls who is a member of the Council of Sorcerers and Magical Beings.
  • Lord Stonebeard - A powerful Dwarf Lord who is the ruler of the dwarf kingdom of Dwelfheim and a member of the Council of Sorcerers and Magical Beings.
  • Chiron - A centaur who is the chieftain of a tribe of centaurs from the Wyoming plains and is a member of the Council of Sorcerers and Magical Beings.

Other Sorcerers[]

  • Matt O'Clery - James' younger brother who is 11 years old and a sorcerers apprentice under the tutelage of their grandparents. He idolizes his older brother and the Fellowship, he often tries to join them on their adventures but isn't allowed to due to his age. He a huge Star Wars fan, having several action figures and posters in his bedroom. He also uses a lot of Star Wars related phrases like "may the magic be with you" and "the dark side of the magic".
  • Conor O'Clery - The long lost father of James and Matt and the son of Simon and Margaret.
  • Miles MacCallum - A 16 year old Scottish sorcerers apprentice who is the son of Henry and Mary. When he was only a toddler, Mary witnessed him exhibiting magical powers and as a result, Mary tried to drown him, but fortunately he was saved by his father who then fled with him.

The Order of Druids[]

  • Dr. Henry Lewis - A mortal scientist who is a member of the Order of Druids and a close friend to the Fellowship. A recurring gag is that he often tries to explain magic using science, however it would always backfire on him in hilarious ways.
  • Chief Ryan Carter - The chief of the Hollows Grove Police Department who is a strong ally to the Fellowship. He often calls upon them whenever a magical threat comes up, due to the police not being qualified to deal with orcs, goblins, trolls and dragons.
  • Gary and Dave Martian - A pair of mortal brothers who are members of the Order of Druids and creators of the award winning roleplaying game, Sorcerers and Dragons.
  • Thomas Barclay - The 7 year old son of Robert and Charlotte. He is a bright and bubbly child who adores his father, but is saddened that they aren't able to spend as much time together as they would like. He is also a huge fan of the Fellowship and is ecstatic when his father allows him to become a wizard.
  • Rick Barclay - The older brother of Robert and the widowed father of Josh who is an officer in the Hollows Grove Police Department. Despite the fact that Robert is a former cat burglar, Rick understands his reasons for doing so and still maintains a strong brotherly bond and strongly disapproves of Carl and their fathers treatment of the former.
  • Josh Barclay - The teenaged son of Rick and the late Loraine. Despite his mother's recent death, he is quite a kind and polite kid who cares for his father, younger cousin and uncle. He and Thomas were both later given permission by their fathers to become wizards.
  • Skywalker - A golem who was originally built by Salem's Chosen to hunt sorcerers until he rebelled. He was built along with the other golems by Salem's Chosen to hunt or kill any sorcerer or magical being they came across. However unbeknownst to Mary, Skywalker was given an experiment chip that gave him both a consciousness and emotions which made him see that Salem's Chosen for it truly was an that many of their victims were innocent, he realized that what they were doing was wrong and rebelled.
  • Ronald Reagan - The 40th President of the United States of America and a secret member of the Order of Druids.
  • Princess Katherine - A mortal princess from 10th century Scotland and the older sister of Erik. Like her father King Harold, Katherine was a good friend to the magical world. When Harold saw that Erik would never accept the magical world, he decided that Katherine would inherit his throne after his death, however following his death in the Great War, Erik took the throne from Katherine and began the Great Purge. However Katherine and a group of likeminded mortals managed to help the surviving sorcerers and magical beings escape into hiding and founded the Order of Druids.

Other Magical Heroes[]

  • The Great Dragon - An ancient, wise and powerful dragon who acts as the spiritual guide for the Fellowship and gives them aid whenever the situation demands it. He is given a lot of respect by the magical community, due to him being the oldest magical creature on Earth and for his mighty power.
  • Captain Eladren Brownleaf - A tall and muscular elf who serves as the Captain of the Royal Elf Guard. Eladren has been captain for over 1'000 years, having served in both the Great War and the Great Purge. Sadly during the Great Purge, Eladren's beloved wife and their two sons were killed by King Erik's soldiers, leaving a devastated Eladren and Leriel the only survivors of their family.
  • Beran and Leriel - A married elf couple who serve King Alrich. Beran is a lieutenant in the Royal Elf Guard whilst Leriel is the Captain of the Unicorn Calvary and is the daughter of Captain Eladren.
  • Padraig - A leprechaun who serves as the physician to the Royal Elf Family and the adoptive father of Ciarda. Whilst serving as a medic during the War between the Elves and Dark Elves, he found Ciarda as a newly orphaned infant with her parents nowhere to be seen. Feeling pity for her, Padraig took her in and raised her as his daughter.
  • Durlin - A dwarf who works for the Council of Sorcerers and Magical Beings. He is known for being a huge sticker for the rules and regulations, for example, he refuses to allow the Fellowship into the council chambers unless they hand over their weapons first.
  • Proudfoot - A kind and friendly halfling who owns and operates a tavern in Hollows Grove called "The Happy Dragon" which the Fellowship frequent after their adventures. Like all halflings, Proudfoot prefers a peaceful lifestyle than going on adventures and even frequently jokes with the Fellowship about going on too many adventures, saying that "it will make you very late for dinner".
  • Cloven - A satyr who is druid for Earthlyanity, the religion of the magical community which is a combination of both Christianity and Celtic Paganism. He is a source of comfort and support to the Fellowship whenever they need it and is the uncle of Hoofer.
  • Fireheart - A legendary drake warrior who fought alongside Fionn O’Clery during the Great War. Following the Great Purge, Fireheart was left jaded by the slaughter and hid himself away from the world as a result. 1’000 years later he was sought out by the Fellowship to aid them, at first Fireheart bitterly refused, however he relented after learning that Arawn had returned.
  • Fionn O'Clery - A legendary sorcerer of the O'Clery line and the ancestor of Simon, Conor, James and Matt. 1'000 years ago in the 10th century, he lead the armies of the elves, dwarves, faeries, satyrs, leprechauns, halflings, centaurs, drakes and mortals against Arawn and his forces. Eventually during the Battle of Castle Black. he, Trevor and King Alrich snuck into Castle Black where he confronted Arawn. The two sorcerers then began a fearsome duel using both sword and sorcery, although Arawn mostly had the upper hand, Fionn ultimately triumphed and banished Arawn to the Void of all eternity.

Neutral Characters[]

  • The Witches of Moor - A trio of divine witches who are known for supposedly being able to determine ones fate. They consist of the grandmother, the mother and the daughter, despite their sinister appearances, the Witches of Moor aren't truly evil. They are also similar to both the Fates from Greek Mythology and to the Norns from Norse Mythology.
  • John Strange - A mysterious individual who lives in the woods around Hollows Grove and speaks in riddles. He claims that he has been around since the days of the Pilgrims, although there is evidence that he was also around during the Great War.
  • The Loch Ness Monster - A magical creature that lives in Loch Ness in the highlands of Scotland.
  • Emily Brown - The ex-wife and childhood love of Henry. Once she and Henry were happily married until he was drafted into Vietnam, where he was accused of participating in a particularly brutal massacre of civilians but in truth had tried to prevent it. A distraught Emily however believed that he did and both divorced him and reluctantly aborted their child and then married his stepbrother, when Henry returned home, she coldly and cruelly rejected him. Unbeknownst to Emily, this only resulted in Henry joining with Arawn and seeking revenge on her and his family for their unjust rejection.
  • Harvey Brown - The father of Henry Brown. When Henry was young, his wife Sandra became ill with a terminal illness, this lead Harvey to having an affair with Sheila and divorcing Sandra, stating that he “couldn't cope with her illness”.
  • Sheila Brown - The stepmother of Henry Brown and the mother of David and Cindy. When Henry was young, she was very strict with him and would often punish him unfairly. Years later after Henry was accused of his war crimes in Vietnam, Sheila was the one who suggested shunning him. This however backfired when Henry joined Arwan, imprisoning Harvey, Sheila, David, Cindy and Emily in the
  • David Brown - The son of Sheila and stepbrother of Henry Brown.
  • Cindy Brown - The daughter of Sheila and the stepsister of Henry Brown.
  • Charlotte Barclay - The ex-wife of Robert and the mother of their son Thomas. She and Robert were once married, however after he went to prison for breaking into his bosses mansion to refund money that the security company he was working at was illegally overcharging her customers, she divorced him and began dating Carl Swaddle. When Robert was released, she refused to let him see Thomas unless he got a job and began paying child support.
  • Jim Barclay - The father of Robert and Rick and the paternal grandfather of Thomas and Josh. He is shown to be quite stern and harsh with Robert ever since he got out of prison and often calls him a disappointment, despite the fact that Robert's crime was actually legit.
  • Barbara Barclay - Jim's wife who is the mother of Robert and Rick and the paternal grandmother of Thomas and Josh. Unlike her husband, she is more warmer to Robert despite the fact she is a bit disappointed in him.

The Dark Forces[]

  • Arawn the Wraith King - A powerful and cruel who is the archenemy of the Fellowship and one of the series two main antagonists along with Mary Hopkins. He is a very powerful and cruel sorcerer who seeks to conquer the world and enslave both the magical and mortal worlds to his will. Back in the 10th century, he first attempted to carry out his plans, however he was defeated by Fionn O'Clery and banished to the Void for all eternity with several of his followers. 1'000 years later in 1986, he and his followers managed to escape the Void, Arawn then set out to continue his plans, particularly to exterminate the O'Clery line in revenge for his imprisonment.
  • Morgana - A powerful witch who is Arawn's second in command of his forces and the leader of his witches. She is a sinister and intelligent witch who is extremely loyal to Arawn, having served him during the Great War and was banished to the Void with him.
  • Warchief Grimskull - A powerful and imposing orc chieftain who is Arawn's right-hand man and his most favorite general. He is an intelligent and ruthless warrior who isn't to lead Arawn's troops into battle himself, he is also a highly skilled swordsman. Despite his ruthless nature, he does truly love his three children, has a strong sense of honor and his reasons for serving Arawn was to help support his tribe after they fell on hard times.
  • Bloodnose, Gorbag and Sigrid - Grimskull's two sons and daughter who are warriors in Arawn's army. Bloodnose is albino with a blood red nose, hence his name, and is a highly skilled swordsman like his father. Gorbag is a highly skilled archer, despite having a deformed left hand. Sigrid is a shield maiden and wields a pair of throwing axes, which she can throw at her enemies with deadly accuracy.
  • Bolverk Blackheart - A dark elf warlord who is one of Arawn's top generals and a rival to Grimskull. He was one of Arawn's most loyal generals during the Great War and went into hiding following Arawn's defeat by Fionn O'Clery, some centuries later he fathered Freya and her deceased twin with an unknown dark elf woman. When Arawn escaped from the Void, Bolverk eagerly returned to his side. Both he and Grimskull have a huge dislike of each other.
  • Freya Blackheart - A beautiful dark elf who is the daughter of Bolverk and a member of Arawn's forces. She is a highly archer, whose skill can rival that of Gorbag. It is also revealed that both she and Bloodnose are lovers, however they keep their relationship secret due to their fathers hating each other.
  • Ratso and Skullface - A pair of twin goblins who serve Arawn as both his spies and assassin's. Although they mostly serve Arawn, they sometimes hire themselves out to other magical enemies like the Erlking.
  • Henry Brown - An embittered mortal Vietnam War veteran who serves Arawn as one of his generals. After being accused of participating in a brutal massacre of civilians in the Vietnam War, which he actually tried to prevent, he was unfairly shunned by his family and friends, particularly his beloved wife Emily, who had divorced him, aborted their child and married his stepbrother. A distraught Henry was then recruited by Arawn who offered him revenge on his family and friends if he joined him as his general, an offer Henry was only too glad to accept.
  • The Knights of Fenrir - A group of 6 knights who are Arawn's most loyal and deadliest minions. Once a band of brave and noble knights, they swayed by Arawn who offered them great power and wealth if they joined him. One by one, the knights fell into darkness until they had become the Knights of Fenrir, Arawn's most loyal servants who are neither living or dead.
  • Arawn's Army - A vast army of orcs, goblins, trolls, dark elves and witches who serve the evil sorcerer Arawn.

Salem's Chosen[]

  • Mary Hopkins - The ruthless magic hating leader of Salem's Chosen and one of the two main antagonists of the series alongside Arawn. She is a cruel and ruthless woman whose goal is to completely eradicate magic, sorcerers and all magical creatures from the face of the Earth and will any means necessary to do so. She is revealed to be a direct descendant of infamous 17th century English witch-hunter Matthew Hopkins, a fact that she takes great pride in. She is also revealed to be the ex-wife of Henry and the mother of Miles, a fact that she is deeply disgusted by.
  • Sergi Obruchev - A former Spetsnaz who is Mary's second in command of Salem's Chosen and her lover. He was former a member of the Spetsnaz until he was discharged after his brutal interrogation methods resulted in the death of a suspected terrorist. Shortly after his dismissal, he was recruited by Mary into Salem's Chosen where he eventually became her second in command and her lover.
  • Captain Thomas Smith - A former Navy Seals and a commander of Salem's Chosen's forces. He joined the organization after his wife and children were supposedly killed by a sorcerer, however it was later revealed that it was actually Mary who had them killed. Unlike many members of Salem's Chosen, Smith is a good and honorable man who doesn't hold any ill will towards the magical world, rather he only seeks the sorcerer who killed his family.
  • Dr. John Simmons - A scientist working for Salem's Chosen and a former colleague of Dr. Henry Lewis. Unlike Henry, John is a coldhearted and amoral man who seeks to pursue his experiments no matter the cost, he also despites ethics and compassion, believing them to be the weakness of every great scientist.
  • Golems - A group of powerful magic hunting robots created by Dr. John Simmons for Salem's Chosen. They were created for the sole purpose of either capturing or killing any sorcerer or magical creature they come across, even having the strength of 10 trolls.

The Night Goblins[]

  • Duke Galadrin Stranglevine - A powerful and arrogant Elf Duke who is the secret leader of a group of goblins known as the Night Goblins. He is an arrogant and snobbish duke who views all none elf races, particularly humans, dwarves and trolls as being beneath him.
  • Beoudrien Stranglevine - A young elf warrior who is the son of Duke Galadrin Stranglevine. Like his father, Beoudrien is incredibly arrogant and snobbish, viewing all non elves as beneath him. He is also in love with Princess Julia, believing that he would make a better husband for her than James, whom Beoudrien states would one day wither and die whilst Julia will live on.
  • Gobner - A goblin who is Galadrin's second in command of the Night Goblins. He is sly and sinister goblin, despite his seemingly locality to Duke Galadrin
  • Boomer - A large and hulking goblin who serves Galadrin as his muscle.
  • Fjalar and Galar - A dwarf of sinister dwarf brothers who are aligned with Galadrin and the Night Goblins.

Other Magical Villains[]

  • Erlking - A sinister elf who lives in the Black Forest in Germany. He lives in a castle built from black stone and covered by poisonous thorns,
  • Asmodeus Poisonbreath - A black dragon who is known for his hypnotic powers. When encountering a victim, Asmodeus would lull them into a false sense of security by having them stare into his eyes, he would then make his victim strip naked before devouring them.
  • Jarba the Glutt - A glutt crime boss who is the most powerful crime lord in the magical world. He lives in an old abandoned prison located near Hollows Grove,
  • The Painted Ones - A tribe of cannibalistic tree dwelling goblins who live in the Dark Forest. They live in hidden treetop villages, they cover themselves in black and dark green paint which they use to camouflage themselves from sight, silently stalking their victims before launching their brutal attack and then eating their victims.
  • The Dragon of Death - A large and extremely dangerous dragon with seven heads. It is said to be as old as the Earth, has armored scales, teeth sharper any elven dagger and can tear even the hardest dwarf metal to shreds. Because of this, the Dragon of Death is said to be the most dangerous creature in the magical world.

Mortal Villains[]

  • King Erik - A cruel mortal king from the 10th century who committed the Great Purge against the magical world. He was the son of King Harold, a good and just mortal king who was a great friend to the magical world and the younger brother of Princess Katherine. Tragically Harold was mysteriously murdered during the Great War and Erik, who had always hated the magical world, stole the throne from Katherine and began the Great Purge.
  • Carl Swaddle - A detective in the Hollows Grove Police Department who is the fiancée of Charlotte. He is a draconic cop who is known for his extremely harsh attitude towards criminals and bad temper, he is shown to have a huge dislike for the Fellowship, believing them to be the cause of all of Hollows Grove's problems. He is also has a hatred for Robert, believing to be nothing more than a scumbag and an unfit father to Thomas.
  • Agent John Pendragon - A government agent who is determined to see if the Fellowship is a threat to the United States or not. Despite being mostly a member of their rogue gallery, Agent John is more of an anti-hero, being extremely patriotic to his country and does genuinely respect the Fellowship for fighting against threats like Arawn and even the Soviet Union.
  • General Vladimir - A Soviet army general who seeks to use the Fellowship in his goal of spreading the USSR's grasp throughout the world.

Guest DC Heroes and Villains[]

  • Justice League - A group of superheroes founded by Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman to protect the world from threats and to spread peace and justice to all mankind.
    • Batman/Bruce Wayne - The costumed vigilante protector of Gotham City. After witnessing his parents murder when he was 10 years old, he swore that he would avenge their deaths by striking back against Gotham's criminals. When he grew up, he travelled the world, homing his body and mind to the peak of human perfection, when he returned to Gotham, he donned a bat-like costume with the name of Batman. Despite his distrust of magic, he is nevertheless a strong ally to the Fellowship, sometimes adding them against Arawn and Salem's Chosen.
    • Superman/Kal-El/Clark Kent - The protector of Metropolis and the last of the Kryptonian race. He was launched into space as an infant by his parents shortly before their planet, Krypton was destroyed, after arriving on Earth, landed in Smallville Kansas where he was adopted by a kind farming couple named Jonathan and Martha Kent. When he grew up, he learned of his abilities and where he came from. He then moved to the city of Metropolis where he got a job as a reporter for the Daily Planet, whilst at the same time, protecting the city as Superman.
    • Wonder Woman/Diana Prince - The demigod princess of the Amazons of Themyscira and the daughter of their Queen Hippolyta. During the Second World War, an American named Steve Trevor crashed onto Themyscira who informed the Amazons of the war. Diana then decided to leave with Trevor and help the allies to defeat the Axis, even falling in love with Steve. After the war, she remained in the outside world and continued to help people. Years later, she began to work alongside other heroes like Batman, Superman and the Fellowship.
    • Martian Manhunter/J'onn J'onzz - The last survivor of the Green Martians from Mars and an occasional ally of the Fellowship. He was brought to Earth in the 1950s via experimental teleportation, stranded on Earth following the death of the scientist who conducted the experiment, J'onn decided to take human form and get a job as a detective whilst waiting for the chance to return to Mars.
    • Green Arrow/Oliver Queen - A wealthy businessman from Star City who also operates as the vigilante Green Arrow and an occasional ally of the Fellowship. Inspired by the stories of Robin Hood that he read as a child, Oliver became a superhero to both protect Star City and to punish wrongdoers.
    • Green Lantern/Hal Jordan - A former test pilot who became a member of the Green Lantern Corps and an occasional ally of the Fellowship. He was originally a test pilot for his fiancée Carol Ferris' families company, Ferris Aircraft, until one day when he meet an injured alien named Abin Sur who gave Hal his power ring. Afterwards, Hal became a member of the Green Lantern Corps, an intergalactic police force charged with protecting and maintaining order in the universe.
    • Flash/Barry Allen - A superhero with lighting fast speed who is a member of the Justice League an an occasional ally of the Fellowship. Barry received his powers in a freak accident whilst working at his job as a forensic chemist after it was struck by lighting. Upon discovering his powers, Barry decided to use them for good, by helping people and fighting villains. As well as being the protector of Central City, he is also a member of the Justice League and an ally of the Fellowship.
    • Captain Marvel/Billy Baston - A teenaged boy who can transform into the superhero Captain Marvel whenever he says the word "Shazam" and an occasional ally of the Fellowship. Originally an orphan from New York City, he one day followed a mysterious man into an abandoned subway car. The old man then revealed himself to be the powerful wizard, Shazam, he then gave Billy the power to transform into the adult superhero whenever he utters his name.
  • Robin/Jason Todd - A protégé of Batman who became the second and current Robin after Dick Grayson stepped down from the role to become Nightwing. Like Dick, Jason was the son of a pair of circus performers until they were killed by Batman's enemy, Killer Croc. After being adopted by Bruce, Jason stumbled upon the Batcave and then convinced Bruce to let him become his sidekick. After Bruce allowed him to join him in his crusade, Jason then donned a Robin costume that was similar to Dick Grayson's old suit.
  • Nightwing/Dick Grayson - The former protégé and sidekick of Batman who was also the first person to hold the title as Robin. After the death of his circus performer parents, Dick was taken in and adopted by Bruce who allowed him to become his protégé and the first Robin the Boy Wonder. After fighting alongside Bruce for a number of years, Dick decided to step down as Robin and strike out on his own, he then became the superhero Nightwing and moved to Blüdhaven. However he still helps out Batman from time to time and even helps out the Fellowship on occasion.
  • Batgirl/Barbara Gordon - A sidekick of Batman who is the daughter of his ally Commissioner James Gordon and the partner of Dick Grayson. She so intrigued by the heroics of Batman and Robin, that she decided to become a superhero herself, she then donned a cowl and costume that was similar to the Batsuit. After revealing herself to Batman and Robin, she joined the two on several missions, even falling in love with Robin. After Dick stepped down as Robin and became Nightwing, Barbara decided to leave along with him.
  • Alfred Pennyworth - Bruce's loyal and faithful butler who has been his legal guardian and father figure ever since his parents murder when he was a young child. Although Alfred worries about Bruce's exploits as Batman, believing that he could get hurt, he nevertheless supports him fully, as it is both the only way the channel the trauma from his parents death and to keep Gotham safe.
  • Commissioner James Gordon - The commissioner of the Gotham City Police Department who is Batman's strongest allies in his crusade on crime. He has his full trust Batman, believing him to be the only person capable of keeping Gotham safe and protecting its citizens from supervillains like Joker and Two-Face. Although somewhat skeptical of the Fellowship whenever they come to Gotham, he nevertheless supports them due to Chief Ryan Carter being his cousin. He is also the father of Barbara, although she keeps her life as Batgirl a secret from her father, there are several indications that he actually is aware but pretends not to know.
  • Swamp Thins/Alec Holland - A scientist who was turned into a humanoid plant being. He was working on a formula to try and eliminate world hunger when two thugs attacked him in his lab and set it on fire, during the struggle, he was dowsed in bio-restorative formula which also leaked into the swamp. A batch of vegetation in the swamp was then imbued with Alec's consciousness and memories, the vegetation then gained humanoid form and became Swamp Thing, the guardian of the Green and protector of the Earth.
  • Joker - A clown based supervillain with a warped sense of humor who is the archenemy of Batman and an occasional enemy of the Fellowship. He is a murderous psychopath who both kills for pleasure and whose biggest goal in life however is to drive Batman insane and will do anything to achieve it, even by trying to harm the people he loves. During a glass with the Fellowship, Joker attempted to form alliance with Arawn, however it fell apart due to his unpredictable nature.
  • Two-Face - A enemy of Batman and an occasional enemy of the Fellowship. He was once the kindhearted district attorney of Gotham City and one of Batman's strongest allies, however it tragically ended when a mafia boss who Dent was prosecuting threw a vial of acid in his face which left the left side of his face brutally disfigured and his mind damaged. He then became obsessed with chance, using a double headed coin to decide whether his victims should live or die.
  • Catwoman - A highly skilled cat burglar who is an enemy of Batman and an occasional enemy of the Fellowship. Unlike many of Batman's enemies, she is neither evil or particularly violent, rather she is more on an anti-hero who'd join forces with Batman and the Fellowship whenever necessary. She is also Batman's on and off love interest and would even like to marry him, however it isn’t possible due to them being on different sides of the law.
  • Killer Croc - An enemy of Batman who is also an occasional enemy of the Fellowship. He was born with a rare form of atavism which gave him the appearance of a crocodile and lead him to be shunned his whole life, even by his own family. Eventually after their abusive caused him to snap and kill them, Croc then headed to Gotham where he would have several clashes with Batman, even killing Jason Todd's parents.
  • Poison Ivy - A misanthropic botanist with the ability to control plants who is an enemy of Batman and an occasional enemy of the Fellowship. Following a botched attempt on her life by a crooked colleague, she was dosed in chemicals that somehow granted her the ability to control plants. After discovering her powers, she set out to make plants the supreme ruler of Earth.
  • Lex Luthor - The power hungry CEO of LexCorp in Metropolis who is the archenemy of Superman and an occasional enemy of the Fellowship. He seeks to rid the world of Superman, claiming that he views Superman as a threat to the human race and is only trying to protect humanity's future. But in truth, Lex is actually jealous of the popularity and influence he generates, the same jealously also extends to the Fellowship.
  • Darkseid - An all-powerful New God who is the tyrannical and absolute ruler of the hellish planet of Apokolips and an occasional enemy of the Fellowship. He seeks the Anti-Life Equation, a formula that would grant whoever possesses it the ability to eradicate free will and hope, thus allowing its wielder to conquer the universe.

Magical beings and creatures[]

The 14 Races[]

  • Sorcerers/Sorceresses - A group of human men and women who are born with the ability to perform magical spells and incantations. A sorcerer/sorceresses magical abilities first begin to show themselves on their 10th birthday, where upon they undergo their magical training which lasts for a whole decade, concluding on their 20th birthday, after which they are a fully fledged sorcerer/sorceress. Due to their magical heritage, a sorcerers/sorceresses age slowly and can live to be 400 years old.
    • Wizards - A group of mortal men and women who gain the magical arts from either a spellbook, a mentor or being the seventh or daughter of a seventh son or daughter. Wizards are held in high regard by the magical community as centuries ago, they were vital for building good relationships between the magical and mortal communities. Its because of this, wizards can command a lot of respect and influence.
    • Witches - A group of female individuals who practice witchcraft, which is considered to be one of the darkest forms of black magic. Witches are treated as pariahs by the magical community as its because of them that many mortals considered sorcerers/sorceresses to be evil and magic the "tool of Satan" and because many witches have the horrific reputation of eating children.
  • Elves - A race of magical humanoids who identical to humans in every why except for their pale skin, perpetual youth, immortality and their trademark pointed ears. An elf's perpetual youth comes from the "Ceasing", a mysterious process in which an elf completely ceases to age. An elf's "Ceasing" can happen anywhere from their early twenties at the earliest to their mid forties at the latest, elves are also capable of marrying and having children with humans known as half-elves.
    • Half-Elves - A magical humanoid who is born from the union of a human father and an elf mother. Half-Elves are distinguished from their elven kin by having shorter pointed ears and with the men being able to grow beards. Because they are a hybrid race, half-elves are counted as members of the 14.
  • Dwarves - A race of short and stocky magical humanoids who are considered to be the working class of the magical community. Dwarves live underground in mighty fortress cities located beneath the mountains of the Earth ruled by either a Dwarf Lord or Lady. Dwarves are known for their legendary skills in metallurgy, being able to forges swords and axes that never lose their sharp and are practically indestructible
  • Orcs - A race of intelligent but brutish magical humanoids who are fearsome warriors. Orcs have long been known for serving evil kings and sorcerers as foot soldiers in their armies but despite this bad reputation, orcs aren't truly evil. Despite their bad reputation, orcs have a strong sense of honor as they refuse to kill children, pregnant women, sick people and commit rape. Orcs are known for having strong social bonds, being devoted to their clans and families.
  • Goblins - A race of lanky and nimble magical humanoids. Goblins have either green or red skin, pointed teeth, flat noses and large batlike ears. Goblins have long been known for being highly skilled thieves and assassin's, being able to slip in and out before anybody even knows that they're in the vicinity. Goblins are also known for been highly mischievous and play a lot of tricks, ranging from distasteful to depraved.
  • Trolls - A race of large and hulking magical humanoids who are the largest of the 14. Trolls have grayish blue skin, long pointed ears, two canines protruding from their bottom jaws, a horn on their heads and two toes on their feet. Trolls are known for their great strength but low intelligence, being relatively easy to fool. Trolls are also known for their incredible regenerative abilities, being able to regrow a severed limb in a few hours to a full body if beheaded in two weeks.
  • Faeries - A race of magical humanoids who are identical to humans except with glittery skin and their trademark insect like wings. Faeries like in villages located at the top of the strongest trees in the forests of the world and while most faeries are kind and help beings, some are mischievous and can tricks on unsuspecting travelers who pass through their forests.
  • Dark Elves - A race of magical humanoids who are the sinister and ruthless cousins of the elves. Dark Elves are identical to normal elves except with violet skin and white hair, they are also known for coating their swords, daggers and arrows in a variety of poisons that can kill their victims in either a matter of minutes or over the course of several days. Dark Elves are also known for being strong allies with orcs and goblins, with some even forming tribes with, marrying and having children with the later.
  • Satyrs - A race of magical humanoids who resemble humans except with the horns, legs, tail and ears of a goat. Satyrs live mostly in forests where they are known for their love of music and dancing. But unlike their portrayal in myths and legends, satyrs are sex crazed maniacs who chase after women, rather satyrs are a deeply spiritual people with many serving as druids for Earthlanity.
  • Leprechauns - A race magical humanoids who are shorter than dwarves but taller than halflings. Leprechauns are known for their association with good luck, which has given birth to the phrase, "as lucky as a leprechaun", and for being the best cobblers in the magical community. Leprechauns used to be known for hiding pots of gold at the end of rainbows but had to give up the practice after mortals kept stealing their gold.
  • Halflings - A race of diminutive magical humanoids who are the shortest of the 14. Halflings are known for their peace loving and pastoral lifestyles, being labeled by some as the "Amish of the magical world". Halflings are also known for preferring the comforts of home than going on adventures, believing that such things would "make one late for dinner".
  • Centaurs - A race of magical humanoids who have the torso of a human and the lower body of a horse. Centaurs are a mostly nomadic race, often travelling and never staying in one place long enough, however some have managed to find a place in which they can put down permanent roots. Centaurs are known for their skills in astrology and divination, being able to read the stars and foresee the future.
  • Drakes - A race of magical humanoids who resemble anthropomorphic dragons. Despite similar appearance to and having the ability to breathe fire, drakes aren't even closely related to dragons. Drakes are known for being master craftsmen, being the only one of the 14 whose skill can rival that of the dwarves. This has lead both the drakes and the dwarves to have an uneasy relationship.
  • Glutts - A race of magical slug-like humanoids who resemble the Hutts from Star Wars. Glutts are known for being the most disgusting race in the magical world, being able to eat a variety of things from homecooked meals, to live rats and mice, rotten fruit to even excrement. Glutts are also known for being heavily involved in the criminal underworld with many serving as crime lords.

Other beings[]

  • Vampires - A feared and powerful type of undead that feeds on blood. They were accidently created centuries ago by an alchemist who was trying to find a cure for a rare blood illness, however something went wrong and he was left with an intense craving for blood. Eventually he ended up spreading his affection to others, thus creating the race of vampires.
  • Unknown beings - Throughout the comic, several different magical beings and creatures have been seen. However, it is unknown what race they belong to or what their classification is. John Strange and the Loch Ness Monster are such creatures.

Magical creatures[]

  • Dragons - A group of large and very powerful magical reptilian beasts with scales, horns, claws, wings and their trademark ability to breathe fire. Dragons are the most powerful of all magical creatures, as a result they are given a lot of respect by the magical community and were even considered symbols of power by many ancient mortal societies. Most dragons are wise and benevolent creatures, whilst some are evil and very destructive.
  • Unicorns - Magical horned horse-like creatures who are considered to be the most beautiful of all magical creatures. Unicorns are white horses with manes of silver hair, golden hooves and their trademark horn protruding from their forehead. The horn of a unicorn, also known as the alicorn has been known for centuries to heal a variety of illnesses, even render poison harmless. Tragically it was because of this that unicorns were hunted to the point of extinction with only a single herd being spared.
  • Sea Serpents - Large sea dwelling serpentine reptiles who as their name implies, inhabit the oceans of the world. Sea Serpents are considered to be "the scourge of the 7 seas and 5 oceans" as when they encounter a ship, the sea serpent will coil itself around the vessel before constricting and crushing it to splinters. The sea serpent will then devour the floundering sailors in the water.


  • Hollows Grove - A (fictitious) town located in Salem Massachusetts with a long history of magic.
    • O'Clery House - The home of James, Matt, Simon, Margaret and Trevor. A normal two story house with a kitchen, dining room, a sitting room, two bathrooms and four bedrooms.
    • The Elf Royal Palace - An elven palace located in the forest near Hollows Grove that is the home of Princess Julia, Prince Aldrin and King Alrich Greenleaf.
      • Council Chambers - A council chamber located in the Royal Elf Palace that is the meeting place for the Council of Sorcerers and Magical Beings.
    • Hollows Grove Police Department - The police force of Hollows Grove that is headed by Chief Ryan Carter.
    • Hollows Grove High School - A high school located in Hollows Grove where James, Julia, Aldrin, Ciarda and later Matt go for their non-magical education.
  • Dwelfheim - A kingdom of dwarves located under the Rocky Mountains that is ruled by Lord Stonebeard and the home of Fellowship members Durin and Dain. As well as being a fortress city, it also known for being a factory city.
  • Castle Black - A grim and forbidding castle that is the base and home of Arawn and his minions. Formerly located in a remote region of Scotland until it was moved over to the United States by a millionaire who had no idea of its history. When Arawn escaped from the Void, he tracked it down and reclaimed it, even killing the millionaire who took it.
  • Gotham City - A city located on the East coast of the United States in the state of New Jersey that is the home of Batman and many of his allies and enemies.
    • Arkham Asylum - An insane asylum where most of Batman's enemies are located up when they are captured by him.
    • Gotham City Police Department - The police department of Gotham City that is headed by Batman's strongest ally, Commissioner James Gordon.
    • Wayne Manor - The home of millionaire playboy Bruce Wayne and his loyal butler Alfred Pennyworth.
  • Metropolis - A city located on the Eastern coast of the United States in the state of New Delaware that is the home of Superman and Lex Luthor.
    • Daily Planet - A newspaper company where Superman works in his civilian identity, Clark Kent.
    • LexCorp - A multinational company that is owned and run by Superman's arch enemy Lex Luthor.
  • The Dark Forest - A dark forest located in a part of North Europe that is the home to the cannibalistic goblin tribe known as the Painted Ones and to the Dragon of Death.
  • Cemetery of the Dragons - A hidden valley that according to legend is where dragons go to die. It’s location has never been revealed,

Magical Society[]


The religion of the magical community is known as Earthlanity. Earthlanity is a combination of both Christianity and Celtic paganism. Unlike many ancient mortal societies, the religion of the magical community has always been monogamous, the belief that there is only one true god. The symbol of Earthlanity is the Celtic Cross.

Religious Figures[]

  • The Allfather/God - The eternal, omnipresent, omniscient and omnibenevolent creator and ruler of the universe.
  • The Son/Jesus Christ - The son of the Allfather who was born to a virgin mother. When he grew to a certain age, he was betrayed by one of his followers and was executed by crucifixion. However he rose from the dead three days later,
  • The Virgin Mother/Virgin Mary - The mother of the Son who was chosen by the Allfather to give birth to him.
  • The Heavenly Host/Angels -
  • The Enemy/Satan -

Tír na nÓg[]

Tír na nÓg is the heavenly afterlife of the magical community and the resting place for sorcerers and magical beings who have either been faithful or just good their whole lives. It is described as being a beautiful and pastoral version of Earth where there are no lies, pain, hunger, sickness, death of sadness. Instead everyone who arrives there lives in eternal bliss with the Allfather until the "Great Renewal". In contrast to belief, humans, elves, dwarves, faeries, satyrs, leprechauns, halflings, centaurs and drakes aren't the only races who are allowed to enter Tír na nÓg, orcs, goblins, trolls, dark elves and glutts are also granted access. Despite the fact that it is mostly sorcerers and magical beings who go to Tír na nÓg, mortals who have either done a great service or been a good friend to the magical community like the Order of Druids, are also granted access.

Seven days of creation[]

Earthlanity has a story of creation similar to that of the Genesis in the bible, the world being created in seven days. However unlike mortal creations who believe that God created the world 4'000 years ago, magical creationists believe that the Allfather created the world 100'000 years ago.

  1. Day 1 - The Allfather created the world, sun, moon, stars, night and day.
  2. Day 2 - The Allfather created the the land, sea, sky, vegetation and animals of all kinds.
  3. Day 3 - The Allfather reached into the clay for the first time and created the elves and dragons.
  4. Day 4 - The Allfather reached into the clay for the second time and created the orcs, goblins, trolls, dark elves, drakes and glutts.
  5. Day 5 - The Allfather reached into the clay for the third time and created the faeries, satyrs, leprechauns, halflings and centaurs.
  6. Day 6 - The Allfather reached into the clay for the fourth and final time and created the human race along with the unicorns and sea serpents. The Allfather then called all the races together and gave unto all the 13 races and half the humans some of his powers, which is then forth called magic. He tells to use their powers for wisdom and justice, the humans with magic are then called sorcerers and the non magical humans are called mortals, however the Allfather grants the mortals the ability to learn magic and one day become sorcerers themselves.
  7. Day 7 - The Allfather rested to enjoy what he had made.


Magic is a mysterious and powerful supernatural force that allows its wielder to bend and manipulate reality to their will.

  • Spells -
    • Billocation -
    • Cloaking spell -
    • Duplicity spell -
    • Healing spell -
    • Multiplying spell -
    • Necromancy -
    • Protection spell -
    • Revealing spell -
    • Sleep spell -



In 1997, Sorcerers: The Animated Series premiered on Kids' WB, created by both writer Mike Grell and Batman: The Animated Series creator, Bruce Timm.
