Empowered as the chosen champion of the African god Kwaku Anansi, the hero has the power of every spider. Prime enemy is Marabunta (New Timeline 2012).
Peter Parkman was a man of science, who was an arachnologist, a scientist who studies spiders. Peter never believe in magic or mysticism, even went out his way to proof them fake. One day on a trip through Ghana, in western Africa, he learns of the African god Kwaku Anansi. Of course he tries to proof that it's all fake and that Anansi never existed. Which got he turn into a large man spider monster by Anansi but when Peter used his curse to save a poor village from an group of mercenaries invaders. Anansi change him back to human but also decided to empower him, as a gift. He would became a new chosen champion with the power and skills of every spider.
After the Zod Clone wars, Spider was contacted by Batman Beyond (Beyond-verse) and The Trickster. He was choose to join OutLawedClan. When OutlawedClaw was disbanded because of the death of it's founding member The Trickster, He was then later recruited by A.S.H.E.S. and Peter was hired by Terry McGinnis has a manager at Ashes Enterprises.
Powers and Abilities
Anansi's Gift He as all the powers/abilities of spiders, including orb-web spiders, wolf spiders, and jumping spiders, tarantulas, trapdoor spiders, funnel-web spiders, etc..
- Arachnid Mimicry
- Decelerated Aging: Like Mygalomorphae, His age has been slowed down.
- Arachnid Control
- Web Link He can see whatever a spider see if they are in range
- Arachnid Agility
- Jumping Spider Leaping
- Arachnid Reflexes
- Gasteracantha Durability Like Gasteracantha, he is very Durable.
- Superhuman Stamina
- Superhuman Speed
- Hibernation
- Wallclawing
- Web Generation: can produce organic webbing.
- Poison Webbing
- Acid Webbing to make materials, usually metals, to corrode.
- Necrosis Touch If he will it, like Sicariidae he can induce necrosis in living organisms.
- Needle Projection Like Theraphosidae, He can projection quills from his wrists.
- Accelerated Healing
- Enhanced Senses
- Enhanced Touch
- Venom Strike: He can uses bio-electricity to temporarily paralyze his opponents.
- Enhanced Vision
- Night Vision
- Danger Sense
- Echolocation
- Enhanced Touch
- Illusion Awareness He can see through holograms and illusions and lies.
- Gliding spider Like Maratus Volans, He has enhanced gliding or limited flight.
- Water Walking: Like Dolomedes, he can walk on water.
- Aquatic Respiration: Like Argyroneta Aquatica, he can breathe in both water and air.
- Pheromone Control He can make his scent disappear or change it completely to fool tracking animals.
- Arachnology: the scientific study of spiders and related animals such as ... collectively called arachnids.
Skills gained after he was changed
- Advanced Chemistry: He can see and understand the chemical bonds that hold compounds together and he can create new ones.
- Weak Point Detection
- Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)
- Marksmanship
- Espionage
- Escapology
- Acrobatics
- Gymnastics
- Trapping He has gain the skill of trapdoor spiders He very good at making traps.
- Make a path
- Mimicry
- Disguise Mastery
- Indomitable Will
- Persuasion
- Unpredictability:He possesses a completely unpredictable nature, rendering them immune to users of Combat Perception, Body Language Analysis, and Adoptive Muscle Memory. They can also evade Objective Precognition, which requires the target to have a direction in mind to be able to predict the outcome.
- Luck
Strength level
Vulnerability to Spider Pesticides: They can make him dizzy or put him to sleep, if he isn't careful.
Equipment: The Spider Suit it is Biotechnology
Transportation: Web Swing
Weapons: Organic Adaptable webbing and quills.
The character is almost like Marvel's Spiderman but with many differences and different backstory.
- No trivia.
See Also
- Appearances of Spider (Chronological)
- Appearances of Spider (Unordered)
- Character Gallery: Spider
- Fan-Art Gallery: Spider
- Quotations by Spider
Discover and Discuss
- Search News for: The Spider&searchx=Search The Spider · Peter Parkman&searchx=Search Peter Parkman · Spider
Links and References
- None.