This article, Terrence McGinnis (Earth-41497.8), is property of MarvelousMarty. |

Bruce Wayne (mentor and father figure, deceased); formerly Jokerz (situational allies; ex-undercover)
Mary McGinnis (mother),
Matt McGinnis (brother);
Dana Tan (girlfriend);
Bean Boonma (ex-lover),
Melanie Walker (ex-girlfriend)
Vol 1 1
Gotham doesn't need another force of terror and dominance to intimidate its people into submission. For a long time, it needs a symbol of hope. A reminder that they matter. An embodiment of justice they can look up to, beyond the darkness. I don't know if I'm even the best person to take on this role, but I'm more than willing to carry this responsibility.
- --Batman
Terrence "Terry" McGinnis (born August 18, 2033) was the oldest son of Warren and Mary McGinnis and the older brother of Matt. Having grown up within the lower middle echelons of Neo-Gotham, Terry was an ordinary kid with a little more privilege than most Gothamites to the point that he would get into trouble in his teens by going with his friends who committed petty crimes, though it seldom got him into juvie or deservingly disciplined by his parents, thinking Terry would set up as a bad influence for Matt growing up.
That was until he and his family would experience a tragedy being the untimely demise of his father. Terry was sixteen when Warren perished from a vehicular accident, implied to have been set up under the orders of his employer, Derek Powers, when McGinnis was more than determined to expose the corruption of his company, Powers International, who grew in technological power and financial influence especially after it acquired Wayne Technologies from the retired billionaire philanthropist Bruce Wayne. A year has passed, Terry remained bitter against the authorities for not being able to rescue his father in time or even prevent the collision that killed him, finding it suspicious that the individual who was indirectly responsible for the crash was bailed after a few days, while most of the witnesses during the scene had mysteriously disappeared.
The tragic passing of his father made Terry become even more distant with his mother and younger brother just as his grief, or attempt to suppress it that is, would affect his behavior in high school as he showed his reckless and impulsive side more often by getting into fights with bullies who would pick on students with who were less wealthy or privileged to fend for themselves or live a "more normal" life but couldn't. Yet despite his defiant and rebellious behavior, it was Terry's selfless heart and noble intentions that made his closest friends remain supportive to him, including his caring girlfriend, Dana Tan. But during a night out, Terry and Dana were almost assaulted by the Jokerz Gang, and Terry did his best to give Dana enough time to flee into safety by distracting the gangsters into following him in a motorcycle chase through the outskirts of Gotham. The chase led him into a dark and seemingly abandoned mansion that turned out to be the main residence of Bruce Wayne.
Believing himself to be outmanned, Terry hid inside the manor, long enough to find a way to escape the Jokerz when he ended up finding a secret passage through the Batcave. He discovered the Batsuit and wore it minutes before the now armed gangsters could've followed him, although the latter exited the cave and fought the weakened Jokerz until they fled the scene when the GCPD Enforcers stepped in due to neighbors' concern. After escaping the police, the brief and momentous fight made Terry realize the power he had gained and exerted against his attackers, believing that he could do so much more in this suit and be free from the burdens of his personal life and protect the innocent from street criminals like the Jokerz or even the untouchable ones whose wealth, influence, and connections with authorities allowed them to commit crimes and get away with it, including the one who caused his father's death. Upon meeting the owner of the suit, Wayne, who hacked into it so he could talk Terry in person about the history of the suit.
The elder explained that back in his prime as a vigilante, the Batsuit was more than a suit or an outlet of his strong emotions. Rather, it served as a symbol of both fear and hope for the evil he had fought against and for the innocent that he had fought for, respectively. Terry sought guidance and mentorship from Wayne in spite of the latter's hesitation to train him at first, although the slow rise of crime and corruption in Gotham, most notably Derek Powers' cruel discreet experiments on innocent civilians and the militarization of the police, pushed him to begin Terry's training. In the span of a few weeks, Terry donned the suit with Bruce's approval, officially becoming the latter's successor as the Batman. In his next couple of years in crimefighting, Terry's reputation as Batman began to strike through the hearts of lowlife criminals and intimidated shady yet influential corporations that factions of allowed organized crime to thrive as their legal enforcers or distributors.
In the end of his first year as Batman, he lead the mission in bringing down Powers' pharmaceutical empire and exposing his crimes to the public in a battle that ended up disfiguring his appearance and irradiating his body before getting imprisoned. Their confrontation also unveiled a disheartening revelation from Powers that Terry's father was "not special" when it came to the list of individuals who attempted to expose the corruption within Powers International, saying that he could've walked away with a tremendous severance pay if he kept his mouth shut. Still, Powers' confession brought the first major crack in the oligarchies and oligopolies that practically ruled Neo-Gotham since the last two decades. While Powers' illicit activities were exposed to the public, his downfall only allowed for others to try and fill the power vacuum, prompting Batman to gain more allies within or outside the Batman Family who resonated with the hero's intentions and motivations, and it lasted until they would face their greatest threat yet: the Magistrate and their A.I. surveillance, Brother Eye.
Powers and Abilities
None known.
- Peak Human Condition
- Gadgetry
- Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)
- Throwing
- Computer Operation
- Genius Level Intellect
- Acrobatics
- Thievery
Strength level
Class 15+
- Dependence on Technology
- Time Band
- A.L.F.R.E.D.
- Batsuits
- Enhanced Strength
- Forearm Spikes
- Enhanced Durability
- Enhanced Ballistic Protection
- Environmental Adaptation
- Heat Resistance
- Electricity Resistance
- Water Resistance
- Vibration Resistance
- Radiation Resistance
- Rebreather
- Electro-Blast
- Geiger Counter
- Bolas
- Energy Projection
- Grappling Guns
- Tranquilizer Darts
- Scanner
- Communicator
- Flashbang Grenades
- Smoke Pellets
- Flexicuffs
- Lock Decipher
- Launchable Tracers
- Flight
- Retractable Wings
- Rocket Boots
- Adhesion Electromagnetic Pads
- Sensitive Touch Microphone
- Multiple Sensors
- Drug Identifier
- Invisibility
- Claws
- X-7 Batsuit
- Hellbat Armor
- Batcycle
- Batwing
- Batarangs
- Terry first took on the mantle of Batman in the year 2050, at the age of seventeen.
- No trivia.
See Also
- Appearances of Terrence McGinnis (Earth-41497.8) (Chronological)
- Appearances of Terrence McGinnis (Earth-41497.8) (Unordered)
- Character Gallery: Terrence McGinnis (Earth-41497.8)
- Fan-Art Gallery: Terrence McGinnis (Earth-41497.8)
- Quotations by Terrence McGinnis (Earth-41497.8)
Discover and Discuss
- Search News for: Batman · "Terry"%20McGinnis&searchx=Search Terrence Paul "Terry" McGinnis · Terrence McGinnis (Earth-41497.8)
Links and References
- None.