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Batman, otherwise known as Bruce Wayne, is a Gotham City vigilante who rose up to fight gangsters, insane criminals, and even other worldly threats.

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Real Name
Matches Malone, Gaff Morgan,



Justice League, The Bat Family, Gotham

Thomas Wayne (father, deceased); Martha Wayne (mother, deceased); Selina Kyle (fiance); Dick Grayson (Adopted Son), Jason Todd (Adopted Son, Deceased), Cassandra Cain (Adopted Daughter), Damian Wayne (biological son)


Base Of Operations
The Batcave, Gotham City






Marital Status

Businessman, Vigilante

Both from experience, from universities, and from mentors

February 19, 1983

Place of Birth


First appearance


The Secret Origins

Quote1 You ever dance with the Devil in the pale moonlight? Quote2
-- Batman to Dr Death

Bruce Wayne was born to a wealthy family, the son of Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne. Young Bruce would often hear stories from his father about various heroes that existed before, mainly zorro, and The Shadow. Bruce wayne from an early age was an emotionally troubled child, often being homeschooled, but soon when sent to boarding school he’s treated severely as his friend disappears. When his parents find out about this they agree to make it up to bruce, so that night they see a movie.

After the movie they make a shortcut through an alley where they come across a mugger. He threatens them if they don’t give him their valuables but thomas, bruce’s father tries to overpower him but is shot, when martha, martha’s mother, reacts she is shot. The mugger then runs away leaving bruce horrified. Soon a visiting couple from chicago, the gordons find bruce and call the cops with james gordon, already a cop, comforting the boy. Soon alfred pennyworth, the wayne’s butler, and Leslie thompkins, Bruce’s Godmother, agree to take custody of the boy.

One night Leslie talks to bruce and tells him about a night thomas and leslie were on double dates, at the restaurant armed robbers were holding people hostage when suddenly they were defeated, or killed, by the mysterious vigilante known as the shadow. Inspired by the story he makes a vow to spend the rest of his life waging war on crime and evil. From then on he mastered knot tying, acrobatics, acting, various languages, mathematics, sciences etc. he streamlined his education via speed reading, lip reading, total recall etc. he trained to be ambidextrous. He intensely trained to gain synesthesia. He used it all to graduate at the age of fourteen.

Using his family wealth he traveled to various colleges all over the world and passed with flying colors in all of them for a brief time, at least the ones that were relevant to crime fighting. In his spare time he studied the criminal world and the detective and police world. He trained under detectives dan mallory, he trained boxing from the former superhero wildcat. When he was 20, he anonymously tested for the F.B.I. and passed them all. But after 6 months he quit.

He then decided to travel east to become the best from the best. His first stop was a Temple where he studied ninjutsu, and various other forms from trainer named kirigi who trained for nearly a year. He went to France next and trained under Henri ducard but was turned down, instead he went to Willie doggett, to study investigation and detection. He traveled to china and trained under chu Chin li to study kung fu, and a mysterious monk who taught him tummo meditation, allowing to survive on less oxygen, gain control over his mind, slip into a coma at will And control his own body temperature. Martial artist David Cain taught Bruce additional Martial arts and studied Escapology under Giovanni zatara, and befriending his young daughter zatanna. During his three-month training stint with Zatara, Bruce and his mentor's daughter Zatanna became very close.

Then after only five years Bruce returned to Gotham and tells Alfred of his plan and Alfred supports his choice. He soon meets an old friend from his boarding school, Andrea Beaumont. The two start a romance and he even proposes, she accepts. But is nervous due to the Gangsters that surround her father's business.

while Bruce was exploring the recently discovered bat-infested caverns below Wayne Manor, Alfred informed him that Andrea would be leaving both he and Gotham behind. A heartbroken Bruce dove headfirst onto the path of becoming Batman with renewed vigor. Donning a trenchcoat and fedora he roams the streets at night but is quickly arrested before escaping but not before getting brutalized.when wondering what he's doing wrong a bat burst from the window, Bruce set up an appropriate identity to strike fear into the hearts of "the superstitious, cowardly lot" criminals. He donned a suit made to look like a giant bat and built his secret headquarters, the Batcave, in the caverns below the Manor.

After crafting a costume Bruce becomes the batman, he starts out emulating the shadow even carrying a pair of guns but soon realizes that it’s not for him and gets rid of them after a battle with a man named Doctor Death.

Soon the batman begins to make a name of himself even so far as to impress the mayor. He makes a deal and forms a bond with James Gordon, who’s having marital troubles and decides to get a divorce. The two help each other and this allows James to become the commissioner, and batman to work with the police force. Soon Bruce when out on a date to the circus is shocked when the flying graysons are murdered due to the circus’s protection racket. Due to the similarities to his own past, Bruce takes in the orphaned son of the graysons, Dick Grayson. Soon Dick makes a discovery of him being the batman and Bruce's own trench coat and hat he follows the batman and actually helps the batman defeat the gangster who caused his parent’s murder. Impressed Bruce gives dick an identity, that of robin inspired by Dick’s fascination of Robin Hood. The two become almost like brothers and fight numerous evildoers Including Dr. Hugo strange, nearly figures out their identities, The Catwoman, a femme fatale who takes a liking to batman, The penguin, a rival to the waynes and crimelord, and most famously a gangster/Serial killer with green hair, White skin and red lips calling himself the Joker.

Soon things get better as it becomes more light hearted with the joker not killing and more bent on stealing. Then things get synthetic and a little fake when Batman remembers his past. Then things get WEIRD when due to all the chemicals they were subjected to they see graphics whenever they punch something, and things get more outlandish. This is stopped with help from another hero, Batgirl.

Eventually they find that batgirl’s really Commissioner gordon’s Daughter Barbara. Batman lets her join. Then Dick goes to college and bruce moves to the penthouse where he fights other villains like Poison Ivy, another femme fatale who has the power of Chlorokinesis, Man-bat a human who was turned into a bat monster, Killer croc, a deformed circus freak hiding in the sewers, and Ra’s al ghul a lord of a league of assassins. Batman has a love affair with his daughter Talia al ghul but rejects her due to her father’s offers of joining the league as ra’s’ successor which he declines.

Soon Batman Finds another Robin, Jason todd, and realigns with batgirl to straighten out. Then things go wrong when the joker escapes from arkham asylum and begins killing innocent people, eventually kidnapping Jason todd and beating him to death with a crowbar. Then he is incarcerated and batman wants to talk to him about their conflict but sees that the joker has escaped. The joker then shoots barbara through the spine and kidnaps her father. Soon Batman when he finds out begins to track the joker down ultimately finding the Joker’s lair. After fighting through he finds gordon Naked in a cage being tortured to madness but not insane. After chasing the joker he confronts him and begins to plead with him to be rehabilitated. The joker declines showing his humanity. Soon batman at the gordon’s residence and reveals his identity and announces his retirement due to the Joker showing batman a lack of hope he’ll win his war on crime, before leaving causing a depression in the residence.

Gotham has become full of crime corruption and decay. Many of the villains now rule the streets like the penguin, the riddler, Clayface, etc. One night, Andrea Beaumont after years of separation returns to gotham to see bruce. They talk about the old days and how things are now terrible. She flirts with him but she’s turned down and she leaves, later the only people who’ll even bother to talk to him are alfred and leslie thompkins. Elsewhere Dick grayson become a new superhero Nightwing with the Crippled Barbara Gordon as his aid, calling herself Oracle.

One night Bruce is alone watching television and catches Superman saving the white house live. This sticks with him for a week when Lois lane’s interview with the man of steel is released. Upon hearing Superman’s story and why he’s becoming a costumed adventurer, Bruce Realizes that there is still hope despite what the joker said.

That night a mother and her children are walking home from the Grocery store when they’re attacked by a psychopath with a knife when The batman subdues him and disappears. Later A pimp is beating up a prostitute for not paying him when The batman swings in and carries him off. Later a teenage girl, Carrie kelly, Her friend Stephanie Brown, and her friend’s boyfriend, Tim Drake are walking home through an abandoned arcade when members of a gang begins to surround them but one has his gun forced away by a small bat shaped throwing weapon. Later the Batman Strikes from the shadows before the teenagers momentarily get a glimpse of The Dark knight in his full glory before he Disappears.

The next day the media is flooded with sightings of batman sightings. This causes a debate on what to do among the GCPD but it’s ultimately decided to Join forces again. Elsewhere Bruce, has a conversation with alfred and Leslie thompkins about this and they say that in a world where things are changing there needs to be a better batman, but he can’t go alone.

Elsewhere Barbara is working at the gordon’s residence when The batman appears. He explains that he needs to speak with Nightwing and that he knows she’s more valuable more than ever. That night Barbara Summons nightwing and the gordons to the roof the GCPD station The Batman appears explaining about a series of Robberies that are done in a way done by Batman’s first Villain Doctor Death. A plan is formed: Barbara gets as much information on Doctor Death as she can while Jim Gordon Reopens the case. Later he appears in the hotel room of andrea, revealing his identity and knowing about her own vigilante activities with her father, and he asks her for Help, She accepts, taking on the identity of batwoman.

The Batman, Batwoman, and Nightwing prepare for stealth mission to into a Meeting held by the Criminals of Gotham. However batman then begins to use extreme force including Non-lethal Rubber bullets and Riot control gear but Doctor Death who Called together the Meeting has his man servants Fight him, and they proceed to Defeat Batman, Batwoman, and Nightwing, Oracle calls alfred who with leslie drive off to the warehouse where it takes place. They would have been killed except Carrie, Stephanie, and Tim, arrive and manage to defeat the Manservants. Andrea and dick manage to recover instantly but Bruce is injured, so with the aid of the teens they drag him into the car Alfred and leslie are driving, the old batmobile.

They drive to the cave where they manage to nurse Bruce’s wounds. Barbara feeling responsible begins to doubt herself, She finds out about an experimental surgery that could get paralyzed people to walk again, But gordon along with his wife Sarah are hesitant but When she confesses why she’s doing it anyway, Gordon then tells barbara that he’s proud of her so she goes and gets the surgery. With Andrea she’s looking among the old items from the past and Bruce has a conversation, where they admit they’re in a life of danger. Then Andrea kisses him, and the two have sex.

Later Bruce is gearing up for a second go, when questioned about the teens by dick he says they’ll be perfect. When leslie reminds bruce of Jason, he acknowledges that it is a likely scenario that his allies will be killed, “But the war goes on.” he sets up a task for Spoiler and Red Robin. They figure out why Doctor death is in gotham. Robin is at Batman’s side.

Soon Barbara fully able to walk heads to the batcave where she demands to help Bruce, He refuses but Barbara is still persistent and not flinching once. This causes Batman to smile as he agrees to let her become batgirl again. Spoiler and Red Robin come in and figure out that he’s trying his old scheme of poisoning the water supply with a mutagen that causes decay in its subjects.

At the warehouse the villains prepare for an all out war when they get picked off one by one, from the shadows. This coupled with the fact that Batgirl hacked into the tech. This allows them to open a path for the Police to arrest some of the criminals, but the villains escape and run into The Bat Family who proceed to go after a particular villain, Nightwing and batgirl go after the penguin, Batwoman and robin go after the riddler, and Spoiler and Red Robin go after clayface. They all manage to defeat them in various ways.

The batman manages to catch up to Doctor death where he’s about to poison the river but batman tackles him causing Doctor Death to stab him. But it’s a bloodpack, as the police swarm the scene batman and Doctor death are in a brawl, Ending with The batman breaking Doctor death’s arm and knocking him unconscious saying “This isn’t a warehouse, It’s an operating table. And I’m the Surgeon.”

Later things are in order, Gotham is how it was ten years ago, and a new era is approaching. Soon the team is fully working, and Andrea beaumont stays in gotham, she even restarts her relationship with Bruce. All over america and the rest of the world people are telling the same message, “The Dark Knight Returns!”

In Gotham things are the same, while crime is still high The Batfamily is working hard and affecting it.

One night however a break at wayne industries lab reveals a theft of several radioactive materials. Knowing something’s up The Batman finds something interesting, a bullet that’s designed to fire from an umbrella gun. Knowing the penguin’s involved, and that the penguin was sighted in metropolis Bruce arranges for a trip there alone, so the others can take care of Gotham.

In Metropolis, Bruce arrives at an important event, the daily planet’s 80th anniversary. While there they bump into Lois Lane and Clark, when questioned why he’s there wayne says that he’s looking to buy the planet and to bring it to new levels. Soon clark and bruce develop a suspicion about the other.

That night a bat-signal is shining, in metropolis. When investigating he comes across Superman and wonder woman. While they’re talking he reveals himself. Diana then explains herself, including her past and her dream. Batman’s skeptical but is interested when she mentions the “Bird” he mentions that the penguin is in metropolis. The three work out an idea. When superman says they should align. Batman rebuke, but he will help them till he catches the penguin and get the kryptonite.

They figure out their first stop is an abandoned warehouse. Where sure enough there are energy readings. Soon the penguin and luthor reveal themselves, and they meet the “benefactor” who turns out to be Ra’s al Ghul. learning this causes batman to become angry. Soon the three heroes split up, Batman taking out the goons, Superman taking energy sources, and wonder woman taking care of the surrounding area.

Soon Ra’s point them out and they are forced to reveal themselves. This causes the villains to escape except the penguin whom wonder woman uses the lasso of truth on. Using this they learn that Ra’s is using kryptonite to power a weapon that will help him take over the planet, and Penguin will be his “Governor” of america. They leave penguin for the police. And speed off with batman remaining, he states it’s because of Personal reasons.

Using superman’s flight they get to the boat they are on. They burst through the door where they are ready to throw down but however Ra’s poisons Superman, Knocks out batman, and binds wonder woman.

The boat turns out to be the weapon. When lex learns the truth he subtly frees wonder woman. Suddenly amazons arrive and attack, soon batman manages to free himself and rescues Superman. They three agree to team up to take care of Ra’s assassins. The battle causes the ship to self destruct. When ashore, the three agree that they will need to stay in contact. Suddenly two men in the shadows begin to snark. One reveals himself and Nick Fury and the other as a martian. They need their help.



None known.


Peak Human Condition

Strength level

His Intellect His Combat skills His arsenal and His Stealth and intimidation skills


He's human and can be killed easily. The suit can also be worn down and made weaker if not mended and repaired.


Equipment: Grappling Hook

Bat rope

Smoke Bombs

Hidden Flashlight

Spy Camera


Bat call

Acetylene torch


Bat Tracer

first aid kit
Transportation: The Batmobile

The Bat-wing

The Bat-boat

The Batcycle
Weapons: Batarangs

The bat talons

Shock Gloves

Bat darts

Bat bolas

Stun guns

Tear Gas pellats

Emp Grenade

Flash-bang Grenade

(formerly) .45 Hand guns


  • No special notes.


Bruce's favorite food is Mulligatawny Soup. It warms his heart and makes him almost seem... human.

Bruce eats hamburgers with a knife and fork.

Bruce is a big-time movie buff but prefers to only watch movies made before 1983.

Once upon a time, Bruce abstained from alcohol, even to the point where he would drink ginger ale instead of champagne at galas where drinking was expected. However, after the death of Jason, Bruce has picked up drinking actual alcohol. Ever since restarting his career as batman he stopped and started drinking ginger ale instead of champagne again.

Bruce's favorite film of all time is the mark of Zorro AND vertigo.

See Also

  • Appearances of The Batman (Earth-38) (Chronological)
  • Appearances of The Batman (Earth-38) (Unordered)
  • Character Gallery: The Batman (Earth-38)
  • Fan-Art Gallery: The Batman (Earth-38)
  • Quotations by The Batman (Earth-38)

Discover and Discuss

Links and References

  • None.

Batman Family member

This character is or was an incarnation of or an ally of Batman, and a member of the Batman Family. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the "Batman Family members" category.

Justice League 0002
Justice League member

This character is or was a member of the Justice League of America, or the Justice League in any of its various incarnations, sworn by a duty to act as guardians of America and the world by using their skills and/or superpowers to protect Earth from both interstellar and domestic threats.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Justice League of America members" category.
