Hey there DC fans (if you aren't a DC fan, why are you even here),
As we all know, Superhero comics have a tendency to complicate things by inventing zillions of different universes for everything. Although marvel has a multiverse numbering about a few thousand universes, DC has literally reinvented its Multiverse at least twice. As such, it can be hard to keep track of all the different universes and stuff like that, this right here is my personal listing of it all.
Everything here is officially numbered, nothing is fanfiction although I've made a couple guesses as to the nature of the shifts in reinvention.
Note: This is going to be incomplete and most likely a work in progress. I will try to pin down first appearances as best I can.
Before the Crisis there were infinite worlds, then they got mashed up in to one. These are all the Pre-Crisis worlds.
Name | First Appearance | Description |
Earth-One | More Fun Comics Vol 1 101 | This became the main reality starting at the introduction of the Flash (Barry Allen). |
Earth-Two | New Fun Comics Vol 1 1 | This was the main reality up until the introduction of Barry Allen. |
Earth-Three | Justice League of America Vol 1 29 | Characters with reversed alignments. |
Earth-Four | Space Adventures Vol 1 33 | Home of Charlton Comics characters. (I.e. Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, Question) |
Earth-Five | Detective Comics Vol 1 500 | No Super-Heroes in this reality, Batman travelled here to save his counterpart's parents. |
Earth-Six | Crisis on Infinite Earths Vol 1 4 | America lost Revolutionary War, ruled by super-powered monarchy of Lord Volt and Lady Quark. |
Earth-72 | Prez Vol 1 1 | Home to Prez Rickard |
Earth-85 | Shazam: The New Beginning Vol 1 1 | Brotherhood of the Bat takes place here. Also home to non-canon stories and retconned out of conitinuity stories. |
Earth-96 | Kingdom Come Vol 1 1 | Kingdom Come. |
And thats it for now, more will be added later.