DC Fanon Wiki
DC Fanon Wiki

Darkseid has collected all 6 Infinity Stones, and uses them to wipe out the "irrelivant" beings of the universe's population, leaving only the "essentials". Here is what Earth's population would be like following their "Blip":


  • Batman (Bruce Wayne)
  • Flash (Wally West) (formerly Kid Flash)
  • Green Lantern (Alan Scott)
  • Impulse (Bart Allen)
  • Nightwing (Dick Grayson) (formerly Robin)
  • Superman (Kal-El/Clark Kent) (formerly Superboy)
  • Wonder Woman (Diana of Themyscira/Diana Prince)


  • Flash (Barry Allen) (currently Flash #2)
  • Red Hood (Jason Todd) (formerly Robin #2)
  • Red Robin (Tim Drake) (formerly Robin #3)
  • Robin (Damian Wayne) (currently Robin #5)
  • Superboy (Kon-El/Conner Kent) (currently Superboy #2)
  • Superboy (Jon Kent) (currently Superboy #3)
  • Wonder Girl (Cassie Sandsmark) (currently Wonder Girl #2)