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Quote1 Every snake has fangs. Whether you like it, or not. Quote2

Nadira Wayne is the daughter of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul, and the twin sister of Damian Wayne. She is otherwise known as Viper, having a network of spies in Gotham she refers to as her fangs, and is commonly seen alongside Batwoman.


Early Life[]

Nadira was born a mere few seconds after her brother, being an incredibly strong infant. Her screams and cries could be heard for hours on end, the sounds sharp and powerful. She never stayed still and was always curious, waddling around and almost impaling herself with weapons multiple times throughout her childhood.

Her mother was both intruiged and annoyed by it, mainly using it to her advantage as most of the training and pain tolerance tests would be much easier with a curious individual.

Along with her twin, her aging process was inorganically sped up to the point where she had the physiology of a ten year-old in less than five years.

One of her more fond childhood memories was getting taught mehndi, or more commonly known as henna, by her mother. She often practised on both her and her mother, the practise eventually moving onto her brother as well. Stencils were something she despised, vowing to never use them as they restricted her creative process.


Nadira was trained by the League of Assassins, becoming an extemely skilled assassin at an early age alongside her brother. She often dabbled in her own interests of martial arts, learning a variety of them while training and gaining a slightly different skill set from Damian as a result.

Moving to Gotham[]

When her mother deemed her and Damian ready, she let them go to Gotham and visit their father. After a little while, her brother took up the mantle of Robin and they both moved into the Wayne Manor, their rooms beside one another.

Settling in[]

Nadira didn't connect with her father or the rest of her family members from the get-go, the drastic change not helping with the expecting relationships. She mainly stayed around her twin and didn't speak much, spending most of her time exploring each crevice of Gotham until she was familiar with the city. During her explorations, she took note of other vigilantes and criminals operating in Gotham such as Catwoman, Red Hood, Penguin, Batwoman, Killer Croc, and a few others, analysing their combat patterns to calculate how to match them in a fight.

She treated the process like a hobby, an interest to busy her. Nadira never wrote down the information that she collected, simply keeping it stored in her mind due to chances of it getting in the wrong hands.

While on the streets, she found many homeless and struggling individuals who truly showed how cruel Gotham was. These people would later become her fangs.

The Change[]

When her father was seeminlgy killed during a Darkseid invasion, Nadira was hesitant to accept Grayson as the new Batman, but relented due to her brother and simply continued her work on the streets of Gotham, not interested in forming a familial relationship with the male.

While the two became closer, she remained on the sidelines and kept to herself. Eventually, she found herself becoming disconnected with Damian due to his increasing closeness with Grayson and didn't know what to make of it. Nadira began to silently resent him as she practically drowned herself in anything else to take her mind off it.

After a few weeks - with the word of her brother - Nadira slowly let herself be seen more around the house and interact the rest of them in a more domestic and calm environment.

This lead to an, albeit begrudging, connection with Grayson. The girl expressed an interest, feigned as a slight one, in aerial silks when the male mentioned it. He offered to teach her on the side when he wasn't busy with the Batman mantle and she accepted, the relationship slowly starting to bloom

Back to Normal[]

When her father returned, having been travelling through time, he returned to his Batman mantle. Nadira, being encouraged by Grayson, she spent more time at the manor, developing a relationship with Alfred and beginning to experiment with cooking alongisde him.

During this time, she adopted a three year-old female California Kingsnake and named her Coros.


Becoming Viper[]

After abiding to her father's rule of leaving killing behind, Nadira searched for an official alias for herself on the streets. Over a couple weeks, she settled on Viper and began to style a suit alongside it.


The first prototype was a dark green suit with a fabric that mimicked scales, keeping her hair in a braid along with a black domino mask. After a few months, Nadira found a flaw in the costume due to its lack of armor, support, and the use of a utility belt, which she deemed impractical. She had often fell on her side and gained bruises from the positioning of the belt, leaving it in the past and searching for a more useful factor.

The second version of her suit had many pockets and slits in the suit for small weapons, along with more padded and armored materials beneath her suit. A few golden accents were added to the dark green, mainly on her collarbone and wrists. The suit had a total of 18 compartments, five of them being specifically designed for 3" daggers.

The third and present version of her suit had a few modifications, keeping the scale-like fabric but adding a factor of a paralytic venom that would activate with a button and affect anyone who touches it. The domino mask shifted into a cowl and mask covering the bottom half of her face, only showing her eyes. Her hair is kept inside the cowl and her longsword is kept on her back.

Creating the Fangs[]

When she returned to the streets, she experienced a few mishaps due to her disadvantage on the knowledge of Gotham's underbelly. As she was against the idea of asking her family members on pointers, Nadira sought out secific individuals in the city and recruited them as her spies.

The Fangs were mainly composed of vulnerable people on the streets of the city, such as homeless children and exploited sex workers of various clubs. Some of the first candidates she went to were exotic dancers of Penguin's many clubs in order to gain inside information. The primary sources in the midst of those clubs were Eleni, Jenna, and Cariana. A few other prominent members were Max and Sadie, a pair of siblings on the streets of Gotham.

In exchange for the information, Nadira gave them a monthly pay through cash and protection.

There are dozens of unknown Fangs all around Gotham, even Batman himself not knowing the specific amount.

Making a name for herself[]

Wayne Enterprises[]

Abilities and Powers[]


  • Archery: Nadira is a very skilled markswoman, often incorporating it into southeastern fighting styles.
  • Aviation
  • Business Management: Being educated on how to control and dictate a company, Nadira is extremely knowledgeable on how to run an organisation and is involved with Lucius Fox and the board of directors in Wayne Enterprises, potentially planning to take over the incorporation in the upcoming future. When conducting a 'trial' acting as CFO (Chief Financial Officer) with Fox, she managed to idenitfy ways and processes that optimised WE's tax structure, leading to substantial savings.
  • Climbing
  • Cooking: Nadira finds cooking to be a meditational experience, finding enjoyment in experimenting with different flavours and cultures.
  • Computer Hacking
  • Chemistry: Nadira has chemically altered many factors of her suit and equipment.
  • Dance
    • Aerial Silks
    • Raqs Sharqi'
  • Deception
  • Disguise
  • Driving: Nadira learned how to drive at 5.
  • Escapology
  • Espionage
  • Ice Skating
    • Figure Skating
    • Hockey
    • Ice Dancing
  • Firearms
  • Flintknapping
  • Genius Level Intellect: Nadira inherited a genius IQ from her father.
  • Indomitable Will
  • Intimidation
  • Investigation: Nadira has experience in assessing crime scenes with both her father and Kate as Batwoman, eventually gaining a very thorough understanding of the skill, although she has stated she has a long way to go.
  • Leadership: She has experience of leadership via the Fangs.
  • Martial Arts: Nadira is an extremely skilled fighter, having a very unique fighting style that combines the hitting of pressure points, speed, fluidity, being in constant movement, grace and smooth movements mimicking a snake's, even adding jumps into the mix. This style adapts to the combat style of her opponent while retaining its vital factors. She knows a variety of martial arts from East and Southeast asia to the Middle East.
    • Aikido: The self-defense style of Aikido is a very common staple in Nadira's combat style when she's fighting against opponents that are being mind controlled or are generally not in control of their actions.
    • Baguazhang: Nadira incorporates the circular movement of Baguazhang into her fighting style to handle herself against multiple attackers.
    • Emei Kung Fu
    • Eskrima
    • Kalaripayattu: Nadira is extremely skilled in Kalaripayattu, being able to fight with various weapons and barehanded, which would take years for the average human. A lot of the strikes, joint-locks, and throws are used in her day-to-day patrol.
      • Vadakkan Kalari: The majority of her affinity is in the Northern style, a martial art that is based off of elegant and flexible movements, evasions, jumps, and weapons training.
    • Lerdrit: While on one of her travels, she trained with a former Thai Army Palace Guard and learned Lerdrit, a style within martials arts such as Muay Thai and Muay Boran that incorporates the use of hard body parts, such as the heel and outside of the hands, the legs (heel and shin), the knees, the elbows, and the skull, into quick and close-ranged strikes and hits.
    • Mushin
    • Ninjutsu
    • Pencak Silat
    • Shaolin Kung Fu
    • Snake Kung Fu: Nadira is very skilled in Shaolin boxing styles, especially snake fung fu, where she mimics the fluidity of a snake to entwine with an opponent, landing strikes they wouldn't expect in an offense. She often incorporates the Chinese long sword into it. She is knowledgeable on both the Northern (Shequan Beipai) and the Southern (Shequan Nanpai) styles, which are unrelated,
      • Shequan Beipai: The Northern style focuses on whipping or rattling power from the spine to the fingertips, sinouous movements by compressing one's abdominable/stomach muscles, and grounded footing. The stye mainly aims for the weak parts of the body, such as the eyes, groin, and joints
      • Shequan Nanpai (Choy-fut): The Southern style includes a softer technique than traditional ones, incorporating straight punches, flaming eye gouges, strikes with mill butterfly-buddha palms, hooks, uppercuts, and biu tze (thrusting fingers) techniques that resemable snake attacks.
    • Tai Chi
    • Tessenjutsu
    • Varma Kalai: Nadira is skilled in the traditional art of Varma Kalai, having learned it from a monk on one of her journeys.
      • Adimurai: The combative factor of this practise includes empty-hand techniques referred to as Adithada and the application of vital points is called Varma Adi. The majority of her skill is based off the vital points, otherwise known as pressure-point striking. This is one of her most used techniques in combat.
      • Vaidhyia Murai: The healing factor of this art encompasses the manipulation of pressure and vital points in order to heal.
    • Varzesh-e Bāstāni
  • Medical Science
  • Mendhi
  • Music
  • Peak Human Condition
  • Stealth: Nadira can sneak into highly secured facilities, having infiltrated multiple military bases without making herself known at any point in her missions. She often breaks into the houses of her siblings, the victims mainly being Dick and Jason, although occasionally Tim.
  • Weaponry: Her choice of weapon can be incredibly unpredictable, which she often uses to her advantage. Little to none of her potential opponents have knowledge on how to combat weapons like the chakram and tessen

Other Characteristics[]



  • Viper Suit: The Viper suit is specifically designed for Nadira's combat style, weaponry preferences, and figure. It's made of a sturdy but flexible material that both allows and enhances the swift, elegant movements in fights while being durable enough to resist gunfire and falls from soaring heights. It has 25 compartments completely hidden from the human eye which hold various weapons and blades, the locations varying from anywhere on her body. Nadira always changes the different weapons weekly to avoid anyone analysing the patterns, which would prove useless as a result. The boots are made from a chemically modified version of synthetic polymer that both offers protection and support while being thin enough to identify and slip into small cracks, which Nadira uses to climb almost any surface.
    • Eye contacts: Her eye contacts allows her to use thermal and night vision, analyse fight scenes, zoom in, and microscopic vision. The contacts also instantly adjust to different light intensities, avoiding any disorientation.
    • Ear buds: Nadira has small earbuds that she uses for comms, detecting radio waves and occasinally music.
    • Mask: Her mask covers the bottom of her face, including her nose and mouth. It completely prevents any kind of gaseous toxin to enter her system while distorting her voice to keep her identity secret due to the commonly known tone on media. There is also a built in EMP system, giving her the abilty to use a holographic disguise to morph her face.
    • Venom: With the click of a button, the suit can gain a thin coat of paralytic venom across the 'scales' and affect anyone that touches it physically. If the intensity is increased, it can deploy acidic properties that could burn through an oppponents suit/clothes to make contact.



  • Chakrams
  • Emei Piercers
  • Eskrima Sticks
  • Knives
  • Python: Nadira owns a Chinese longsword that she named Python made of chemically hardened obsidian.
  • Rope dart
  • Throwing Daggers: She owns dozens of obsidian throwing daggers she created herself.
  • Tessens


  • Nadira owns multiple snakes, often using a diluted version of their venoms in her weapons and suit.