Bennett Wayne (brother)
Tom Waybe (cousin)
Megumi (girlfriend)
I am more than willing to get dirty and drag through the depths of literal hell if that means bringing down my target and keeping Gotham safer, one bozo at a time
- -- Batman
Warren Wayne is the great-grandson of the legendary Bruce Wayne who was born and spent a majority of his childhood in London along with his younger brother, Bennett. Warren's father was apparently very close with the Pennyworths as in tradition, and at some point, Warren's father decided to permanently relocate to London, England.
Powers and Abilities
- Enhanced Condition: Due to his Posthuman Physiology, which is a human who has broken the physical and mental limits of most regular humans, is nowhere to be seen.
Strength level
None known.
Equipment: None known.
Transportation: None known.
Weapons: None known.
- No special notes.
- No trivia.
See Also
- Appearances of Warren Wayne (Chronological)
- Appearances of Warren Wayne (Unordered)
- Character Gallery: Warren Wayne
- Fan-Art Gallery: Warren Wayne
- Quotations by Warren Wayne
Discover and Discuss
- Search News for: Batman · Warren Peter Wayne · Warren Wayne
Links and References
- None.

Warren Wayne is the direct descendant of Bruce Wayne, the original Batman. In the far future of the 4th millennium, Gotham City had been plunged into a war zone between gangs and others associated with crime and the police who were brutally outmatched. The stability of Gotham City had greatly deteriorated to the point of becoming the most dangerous city in the world. The police eventually lost hope for the possible future of Gotham.
Warren Wayne did not give up on Gotham's possible future. Despite having to fight the crime-infested city, Warren knew he could not quit. Warren once got to a point where he questioned himself with the same question that had been on his mind; Was Gotham City's stability even possible? Soon, Warren had to once again find himself in which he did by realizing why his ancestor defended Gotham.
soon, Warren forms a new team of heroes known as Gotham's Shadows. While the rest of Gotham's Shadows fought the gangs of Gotham, Warren was confronted by Hell-hound, a ruthless mercenary who claims to originate from Hell itself. Hell-hound stated that he was hired by the higher-ups of the Gotham street gangs and was given the job to annihilate Batman and anyone associated with him.
Batman and Hell-hound fought for a lengthy amount of time until Hell-hound was unexpectedly called to temporarily return to Hell.
The Reformed Red Hood Gang
Warren had heard reports of gang assaults from a group of individuals who all wore matching red head gear. Warren went through his crime database to see if any gangs or mob families in Gotham City matched this description and M.O and the only similar result that came up was the currently defunct Red Hood Gang that had been inactive for decades. After connecting the dots and doing a thorough investigation, it turns out the Red Hood Gang have in fact been revived. As to how different this iteration of the group is from the original, that currently remains to be seen.
Warren decides to tread lightly and continue to gather more info on the group before bringing them down. Warren discovers The new gang has two hideouts at bars in the Chinatown district of Gotham and members require an initiation. The Red Hood Gang's new M.O seems to be to run off any other gang in their way with violence and to expand their movement.
The Phantoms Reign
Batman has been looking into the disappearances of many low level goons in Gotham. As Batman attempts to start a crime investigation, Hell-Hound reappears and attacks Batman with a swift slash from his blade. "You didn't really that was the last you'd see of me did ya", Hell-Hound shouted at Batman with confidence. Warren used his rocket boots and lunged at the Hell-Hound and the two engaged in battle. Hell-Hound managed to get a few slashes on Batman and due to the supernatural origin of his sword, he managed to get a few cuts through Warren's Batsuit. Batman shot an electrified net at Hell-Hound to temporarily stun him and blindsided him with a smoke pellet. Batman emerged from above Hell-Hound with a powerful kick sending him flying. The two continued their fight, Batman utilizes submission holds to take down Hell-Hound and prevent him from using any of his weapons only for Hell-Hound to have some sort of fail safe in his helmet that could stun Batman and give him the window of opportunity to escape.
"For a guy who claims he loves a good fight, he sure does have a lot of tricks up his sleeve", Warren said to himself slightly disappointed Hell-Hound didn't hold his end of the fight and escaped.
After the quick fight, Batman redirected his focus back on the sudden disappearances
Powers and Abilities
Enhanced Senses - After realizing how opportunistic crooks can be (Ex. crooks tend to catch Warren off his guard) Warren did some testing in his labs to enhance both his senses and instincts.
- Pain Suppression: Warren has trained himself into having incredible willpower and pain tolerance and is able and willing to push his body as far as he possibly can despite the risks.
- Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)
- Martial Arts
- Throwing
- Multilingualism
- Escapology
- Espionage
- Leadership
- Tactical Analysis
- Enhanced Combat
Strength level
Posthuman - Even though Warren Wayne may not possess any superpowers, Warren has been classified as a "Posthuman", the evolved human. Posthumans are not classified as "normal humans" and possess such traits like evolved intelligence and physical traits.
'Chronic Stress' - Due to all the fighting he has to do against the crime-infested Gotham, Warren has continuously faced both physical and mental stress which has began to take a toll on his already damaged body.
Equipment: None known.
Transportation: None known.
Weapons: None known.
- No special notes.
- Warren wears a suit nearly identical to Terry McGinnis, his predecessor. Warren even has Bruce and Terry's original suits in his Batcave display.
- Warren is a member of a book club and is also passionate about art and literature and has classic art pieces displayed in his Batcave.
See Also
- Appearances of Warren Wayne (Chronological)
- Appearances of Warren Wayne (Unordered)
- Character Gallery: Warren Wayne
- Fan-Art Gallery: Warren Wayne
- Quotations by Warren Wayne
Discover and Discuss
- Search News for: Batman · Warren%20Peter%20Wayne&searchx=Search Warren Peter Wayne · Warren Wayne
Links and References
- None.
| Quotation =W | Speaker =Warren Wayne | QuoteSource =
Batman Family member ![]() This character is or was an incarnation of or an ally of Batman, and a member of the Batman Family. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the "Batman Family members" category. |
align=Gotham's Shadows member![]() This character is or was a member of the Gotham's Shadows, sworn by a duty to act as guardians of Gotham City and the world by using their skills and/or superpowers to protect Earth from both interstellar and domestic threats. |