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Quote1 Teamwork is essential; it gives them someone else to shoot at. Quote2

Zabah, or Tahira al Ghul, is the daughter of Ghost-Maker, Minhkhoa Khan, and the eldest child of Talia al Ghul. She is a master manipulater and often switches between working as an assassin and vigilante, also having dozens of different identities throughout various continets and countries.


Early Life & Training[]

She grew up with her father, having trained under him and his past mentors, the same that trained him and Batman, including Oblonsky, Koyta, Miguel, Skyspider and others. A specific part of her training included an idea that was inspired by Khoa’s eye coverings, a concept where she could fight without one of her senses, being able to continue in combat without a problem if she temporarily lost her vision or hearing.

A factor of this was to fight without/with an injured or broken limb and continue, not letting it hinder her skills, the skill becoming one of her most useful methods in her combat.

All of this training was done between her terms at the program later mentioned, the range being from 4 to 9 years old.


As part of an experiment crafted by her mother and grandfather, she started in a brutal, all-girls training program deep in the Mongolian mountain ranges. The mentors were a collection of retired assassins, military figures, and monks.

Tahira stayed in the program for five years during each winter and summer, having autumn and spring to train with her father. She began when she was 4, the other girls being of a similar age. As the weeks went on, it was obvious that she was one of the most skilled pupils they had enrolled in decades, easily beating out dozens of other candidates.

In spite of this, she became incredibly close with the girls training beside her and even considered it platonic love at one point. This was the exact plan of her maternal family.

Survival Training[]

As the terms passed, one girl per term disappeared out of thin air because of her worsening performances, the rest of the girls not having a clue as to why. When the last year came, they were told that there would only be one single winner of the program, earning the title of Lady of Death from their ranks.

After that, the girls were sent out into the Mongolian wilds with two days worth of food and water and the clothes on their back, hundreds of kilometres away from the mountain ranges they trained in.

Only five girls out of almost two dozen returned, Tahira being one of them. The girls were devastated by the death of their friends but were forced to forget of them in the next week.

Final Challenge[]

In each of their challenges, the girls ranked equal, so the mentors turned to another method.

They forced the girls to kill each other in order to gain a place in their ranks, dubbing the phrase; "kill or be killed." All five of the girls hesitated but Tahira knew what expectations were enforced on her and the reputation of her family, making a decision which would haunt her for the rest of her life.

She murdered all of them with her bare hands, forcing her emotions to stay hidden until the process of the title would be complete. By the end, it was a week before her ninth birthday, which she spent crying herself to sleep because of the unbearable guilt. Eventually, she learned how to push her emotions away. utlising them for a more useful practise, such as training. Her efforts made the hurt and grief dissipate in mere weeks, marking her transition from T to Tahira.

Life in the League of Assassins[]

When she was 10, she returned to her mother for further training in the League of Assassins, having gained a few psychotic traits from her father as she held a lack of empathy for others and feared little to nothing, giving her a massive advantage in the mercenary business. She was extremely manipulative and charismatic, adopting the same hedonistic lifestyle as her father.

During her time in the League, she gained the name Zhabah, a play on two words; Shabah, the arabic word for ghost for her stealth, and Zabah, the hindi word for slaughter due to her ruthlessness. She eventually adopted Zabah as her main alias, keeping Zhabah as the one she was known for in the League.

Her identity was under tight lock, only going by Zabah and saying that Zara was her real name, although she used various other names throughout her life, her name buried under multiple aliases, often making a game of choosing which ones to give in introductions.

Training Damian[]

At Damian’s birth, she was 17, already having the assassins of the League wrapped around her pinkie finger through something as simple as charm. Because of this, her mother and grandfather deemed her competent enough to train her brother, letting her take the lead on the task, trusting her to mold the perfect heir.

She taught him everything he knew from an incredibly young age, being the ruthless and rigid trainer her mother wanted while treating Damian with the tenderness of an older sibling behind closed doors, seeing herself in him. One of the things she taught him was Mehndi, a henna artistry to connect them with their Egyptian culture, sometimes even letting him practise on her hands.

At the age of eight, Damian was almost a carbon copy of her, excluding the unmistakeable traits of his father. To him, she wasn't Tahira or Zabah, only T, the girl buried deep beneath every alias and identities she adopted over the years. To her, he was a way to ground herself, a reminder of her true soul rather than the illusions she covered herself with.

World Travel[]

While in the League, she decided to travel around the world under different identities and aliases, being able to hide her true self under dozens of name and transfer common knowledge into a way of furthering her skills as an assassin. She also gained numerous degrees to further her intelligence and capabilities.


The first country she moved to was Canada, staying in Toronto for the majority of the time. She gave herself the name Zara Monroe, creating both a birth certificate and passport along with an elaborate backstory, viewing it as an amusement. Tahira started a career as a hair stylist, learning the different effects chemicals had on the hair and scalp. She was 15 years old, although posing as an 18 year old.

While she worked as a hair dresser, she started experimenting with her own hair, dying it various colours and trying new hairsyles, finding out which suited her the best.

With her knowledge on chemicals, she created a few pieces of equipment where they would use them, dealing devistating affects when in contact to anyone's hair or scalp. She often used them in different projects, deeming it a very straightforward and simple way to dispose of someone.

During her stay, she enrolled in the University of Toronto in a bachelor's-to-master's program, gaining a degree in both medicine (bachelor's) and psychology (master's).

She stayed in Canada for a few years before moving to another country, disappearing and leaving little to no trace, only a couple individuals knowing of her.


In Greece, she stayed there under the name of Kiera Zennor, an Australian painter who was trying to find her place in the world. She worked as a masseuse, learning the points of tension and weakness on the human body and later using the information in her skillset.

While she stayed in Thessaloniki, she met a sorcerer and trained under them for a few months. She found out the source that they drew power from; a gold and jade talisman with unkown origins and limits, sometimes being able to practise with it under close watch by the sorcerer. Eventually, she set up the death of the sorcerer and managed to get the talisman for her own gain, disposing of their body through disentigration and wiping their identity out of existence.

She explored the ruins and temples of Athens for a few months before enrolling in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, gaining a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering before leaving the country.


While she was in Mongolia, she travelled throughout Mongolia and found the past program, returning to it under the guise of joining it once more while planning to destroy it from the inside out, harboring deep trauma and grudges toward them.

When she gained their trust, she found out that there were five other programs after hers and five other Ladies of Death. She was remarked to be the most skilled out of all of them and continued it in hopes of training someone like her again. Unfortunately, no one met her standards but they were still competent enough to be considered winners and a Lady of Death.

Eventually, she killed all of the mentors one by one and recruited the girls to a reformed Ladies of Death team.

Reforming the Ladies of Death[]
Training them[]

When she was accepted as their leader, she understood that they, while being incredibly skilled and intelligent, still needed training. She gave them the name Zabah in the beginning, eventually transitioning to Tahira later in the process.

Many of them were inexperienced in stealth and not particularly knowledgeable of how the assassin and villain network worked. Tahira trained them in the act of manipulation, how to steer various situations in both high society and lower class spaces. Another factor was how to infiltrate communities and places without tipping anyone off, being able to cover their tracks just as fast as they made them.

Leading them[]

Tahira lead them on dozens of international missions, being able to create an infamous reputation of ruthless and skilled assassins. After this, through using the money from missions involving robberies and thievery, she built a base for them in New Jersey.


In Sweden, she used the alias Maeve Belvedere and started a career as an actress and model, creating an incredibly kind and charismatic facade. This made people flock to her in large numbers, her fame rising almost overnight.

She starred in various films, travelling to other countries for shooting and whatnot, even appearing at high-end fashion shows in cities like Milan and Paris. Her hair was a rich honey blonde, using oils to keep it smooth and healthy, creating an elegant and almost ethereal presence to completely seperate her from her past identities, utilising a specific style of makeup to further enhance it.

While in Stockholm, she enrolled in the KTH Royal Institute of Technology and gained a master's degree in both mechanical and aerospace engineering.

Eventually, she completely disappeared from the spotlight, almost evaporating out of thin air. This baffled the media, hundreds of news stations reaching out to her PR team to find out she never had one, making her presence alike to a ghost. One second she was the talk of the town, one of the most known faces in the world, the next she disappeared.

She became the 'Ghost of Hollywood,' sometimes even being dubbed as a wraith and is considered one of the greatest figures in fame and the most mysterious.

USA (New York)[]

Teen Titans[]


Between her visit to Greece and Mongolia, she briefly posed as a vigilante under the alias of Lumina, a name based off the word luminous and kept the name Kiera Zennor. She moved through different states and cities, staying in a specific city for a few months before moving onto the next one. In one of her nights of research, she found that there was a new team of heroes her age, deciding to take it in stride.

After finding out more about the members, she started operating in Gotham, leaving just enough information to bait Robin into her trap. When he appeared in her apartment, she constructed a brand new personality on the fly to exploit any sort of empathy from him, using his natural kindness to her advantage.

Joining the team[]

The attempt was successful, gaining an invite in training with him and the Teen Titans to see if she would be suitable for the job. In the Titans Tower, she continued with the character she crafted, a calm and kind presence, always open and welcoming. Too open and welcoming. Just how she liked it. While she was in training, she socialised with numerous of them, not giving a single hint of annoyance and tire in the whole interaction.

Kiera balanced out Beast Boy and managed to become friendly with the majority of the team, the only odd one out being Raven, the girl having suspicions of her amulet. Tahira carefully shifted parts of her personality to perfectly slide into the team dynamics, quickly gaining a spot in the team.

Last Mission[]

Due to Mister Twister, a powerful foe that would unleash evil and destruction onto the world, the entire team's memory was wiped of their Teen Titan days in order to stop it, done by Omen. This remained as that until Twiste grew in power, repeating the situation once more and returning the once taken memories.


Adopting Mckenna[]

Adapting to a new life[]

Raising her[]

Creating Zabah[]

During a break from the Titans due to the reveal of her identity, she decided to go down another path to amass wealth in order to support both her and her adoptive daughter, McKenna.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Magic: After briefly training under a sorcerer in Greece, who she later killed, she gained a talisman which gave her magical abilities. The extent of it is unkown and currently is measured by her will and creativity as the origin of the talisman itself is obscure and has been debated over the centuries, the only truly set in stone fact of its past is that it once belonged to a Lord of Chaos.
    • Incineration: Tahira disentgrated the body of her past mentor, a sorcerer.
    • Lazarus Enhancement: Due to being immersed in the Lazarus Pits, Tahira possesses some magical abilities.
      • Magic Negation: She was taught a powerful, arcane martial arts strike by her mother, that only a force of true good is capable of delivering. This technique was created by Ducra, as a way to strip away the powers of the Untitled.
      • Summoning: She possesses the unique ability to summon the All-Blades - mystical blades manifested from her own soul, designed to kill magic-based threats. The blades can only be summoned in the presence of true evil. Tahira has shown the ability to summon dozens of All-Blades at once.
    • Reality Manipulation
      • Erasure: Tahira was able to erase any traces of her mentor's identity from existence, covering her tracks.
    • Teleportation: Tahira can to a variety of places and only has to know how it looks like in order to teleport there. She can bring as many people as she can touch although over a dozen can have consequences to her health.
    • Precognition: She can see into the immediate future which helps her immensely in fights and is her main use of the ability, she can also hold her own against speedsters.
    • X-ray Vision


  • Acrobatics
    • Aerial Silks
  • Adaptive Combat: Tahira can easily continue fighting without specific limbs, being able to stay in combat with broken/dislocated arms or legs.
  • Archery
  • Aviation
    • Aerospace Engineering
  • Computer Hacking: Tahira has been hacking throughout her life, having a system in her tech where she only needs to simply press a button and infiltrate various networks simultaneously. She managed to cut off Nightwing's connection to Oracle and his tech in mere seconds.
  • Dancing
    • Ballet: Tahira briefly posed as a ballet dancer in New York.
  • Demolitions: She can collapse various buildings with expertly placed explosives and more detailed methods as well, knowing how to use detcord.
  • Equestrianism
  • Espionage
  • Firearms
  • Genius Level Intellect
    • Biology
    • Eidetic Memory: Tahira knows the "Memory Palace Technique", a strategy of memory enhancement that allows her to treat and store memories like a museum. She was taught this technique by her grandfather. With this technique, Tahira has developed a memory palace which allows her to store information for easier recall through a series of mnemonic devices and images.
    • Gadgetry
    • Chemistry
      • Chemical Knowledge: She has knowledge on chemicals that have dire effects on hair and the scalp.
      • Chemical Engineering: Tahira has a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering.
    • Interrogation
    • Intimidation
    • Law: She has a degree in law and various other studies from her time undercover.
    • Leadership: Tahira has had many high status positions in the League of Assassins, even leading them in a time where her grandfather was unable to. She is a natural leader and uses charisma to further it, but turns to fear and manipulation with ruthless members. She is also the leader of the Ladies of Death.
    • Medical Science: Tahira has often stitched herself and others up, being able to use anaesthetics and various complex medical tools.
    • Manipulation Mastery
    • Medicine: Tahira has a bachelor's degree in medicine.
    • Tactical Analysis
    • Deception
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Multilingualism: Tahira can speak various languages, having dug deep into her cultures and history as a part of her education under her father. She’s fluent in English, Chechen, Russian, Mandarin, Arabic (various dialects), Greek, Shanghainese, and Mongolian, along with 15 other languages.
    • Multiple Personalities: Tahira has crafted dozens of personalities over the years and flawlessly transitions to another, capable of transforming into a completely different person without changing her appearance in any way.
    • Psychology: Tahira has a master's degree in psychology.
  • Gymnastics
  • Hair styling
  • Indomitable Will: She has fought with crippling or even lethal injuries against skilled martial artists, such as Deathstroke, through pure force of will and practise, also being able to resist psychic attacks.
  • Martial Arts: Tahira is an extremely skilled martial artist, being able to take out almost two dozen opponents with impaired vision and a disadvantage in practicality, wearing heels and a dress. She trained under her father, his mentors and various assassins in the League, being considered skilled enough to mentor Damian.
  • Meditation
  • Mehndi
  • Modelling
  • Music: She is skilled in playing various instruments, including the clarinet, oboe, cello, piano, yangqin, and harp.
  • Massage
  • Occultism: Tahira is skilled and knowledagble enough to manage to incinerate someone and rewrite a fraction of reality after only a few months of magical training.
  • Peak Human Condition: She has sustained in multiple fights against her father, sometimes even gaining the upper hand.
    • Peak Human Agility
    • Peak Human Durability
    • Peak Human Reflexes
    • Peak Human Speed
    • Peak Human Stamina
    • Peak Human Senses: Tahira can fight without the need of all of her senses, being skilled enough to continue in combat without various senses, such as her sight and hearing, having the ability to focus on the change in the atmosphere to get the location of an opponent and their future moves.
    • Toxic Immunity
  • Stealth: She gained the name Shabah for her stealth, the word meaning ‘ghost’ in Arabic.
  • Scientific Knowledge
  • Survival: Tahira has been able to survive trips through desers, the rural areas of Mongolia and even the Arctic with barely any supplies.
  • Seduction
  • Swimming
  • Pedagogy: She taught and trained Damian, Jason, and the Ladies of Death while also being a mentor for various rookie assassins in the League due to her status and combat proficiency.
  • Driving: Like her father and Batman, she trained under Don Miguel in stunt car driving.
  • Escapology
  • Disguise
  • Ventriloquism
  • Weaponry
    • Swordsmanship: Tahira is an incredibly skilled swordswoman, being close to matching her won father in fights.
    • Escrima
    • Knifemanship

Other Characteristics[]

  • Partial Psychopathy: While growing up, she gained some psychopathic traits from her father, having a lack in empathy and fear, but to a smaller amount than her him.



  • Zabah Suit
  • Hacking Tools
  • Jade Talisman


  • Motorcycles: She has a few sport bikes and they are her main method of transportation.
  • Jet fighter: She owns a radar-invisible jet similar to her father’s’ own.


  • All-Blades
  • Combat knives/daggers
  • Escrima sticks
  • Katana
  • Shruikens


  • Her alias, Zabah, is the word for ‘slaughter’ in Hindi integrated into the English alphabet.
  • She had a brief romantic relationship with Jason Todd after he was brought back through the Lazarus Pit, helping training him alongside her mother.
  • She is extremely charismatic and manipulative, creating a social image seperate from her identity in the League and becoming a well-known socialite and model.
  • Tahira has a total of 5 degrees, two master's and three bachelor's.
  • Picture is from pinterest.com